Adano Ley (Swami Nitty-Gritty) said …
“How can an atom get tired? We are surrounded by a sea of energy.”
“The nuclear mantram is Atom-Hum. To split or not to split?, that is the question. A particle divided against itself will fall out.”
“‘I need air to live’ is erroneous. God exists as atomic physics.”
“God is an atom inside you. Oxygen is put inside you to feel, not to analyze.”
“Flesh is atomic energy slowed down to look like tissue.”
“Tissue is the atom in a viable state. Nontissue is the atom in a petrified state.”
“Dust in the air is minerals. Pulverize a live crystal and blow it into the air and it doesn’t descend. Flesh is soil, or viable minerals. Dust in nonviable minerals, but they are still conscious but can’t move.”
“Enlightenment is atomic release. Enlightenment is the actual moment when the sperm bonds with the ovum. It’s SOIL MATING. There’s no soul mating. In the actual experience, you’re 144 elements.”
“The atomic mesh is the unified field. The physical realm is chemical. The astral realm is emotional and electrical. The mental realm is ideational. The causal realm is the Essential Principle.”
“Atman is the atom – resonance in mass.”
“In Hindu writings we see the word Om, and in the Jewish writings we see the word Shalom – no difference, all meaning the same thing. We see the word Amen, yet we see the word At-OM, atom. I AM that vibratory sound, you and I both, that audible life current Om.”
“Knowing is atomic integration. Idea and inspiration is brain activity from a diseased organ.”
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'Adano Ley On God As Atomic Physics' have 7 comments
October 19, 2012 @ 1:58 pm atomb
Mind is a Third Chakra step-down from God’s Atomic Nature in humans, animals, plants, and metals.
Fatigue and death occur in all of the above.
Yogananda’s friend Sir Chandra Bose (1858-1937) wrote …
“In the responses of animal, vegetable, and mineral alike we meet with a type where the responses are uniform.”
October 19, 2012 @ 3:12 pm atomb
All three authority traumas are 7th Chakra traumas.
That’s why 99% of humanity gets sucker-punched by the authority engram.
They’re too busy dealing with the Cheap Motels of the lower chakras – Freudian and Adlerian Sex, Death, Power, and Change.
(Power is not authority.)
October 20, 2012 @ 1:53 pm Vera
About engrams…
Can they really be changed?
I don’t know do you use astrology, but that bothers me for so long. If someone has difficult natal planetary aspects isn’t he/she going always to deal with those hard aspects? Person can use them constructively as much as one can, but difficult stuff is difficult stuff. How can change of engrams resolve those things? If engram can be changed.
And that hard question… free will. Do we have a free will or is it just a dream?
October 21, 2012 @ 2:46 pm atomb
To the best of my knowledge, Vera …
Both are true.
If a psychic changes our fate, the drama is part of a Bigger Picture.
It’s like in the 1990 movie Ghost.
Sam Wheat (Patrick Swayze) changes Molly Jensen’s (Demi Moore) fate, but no matter how many times we watch the movie, it always comes out the same.
In Autobiography of a Yogi, Yogananda mentions “remembering” something that happened in the future.
Then there’s “Last Thursdayism” and the “Five Minute Hypothesis” …
October 21, 2012 @ 3:16 pm atomb
“It’s the gas [oxygen] which is the tape that connects us all. We’re interconnected sonically, atomically by the respiratory rates between masses and their slots of interphasing. So there is no reading of the mind or future or past. It’s the exchange of the gas called oxygen that produces the phenomenon called consciousness in cells. It’s a strange phenomenon, but it’s God. So when you say you’re unified or one with God, you know everything, you really don’t know anything. Everything is really known FOR you to act it when it’s that moment for it to come out. So right away it flies out of your mouth, and you think you said it on the spur of the moment. You think you said it by inspiration, but it is because the time has merged for it to express, and you are the ACTOR.” – Swami Nitty-Gritty
October 23, 2012 @ 11:47 am Vera
Swami was right word by word. I thought about that Bertrand Russell theory few months ago and I watched film Ghost long time ago :)
Last year I went to past life therapy and yes, I had some sort of experience, but… Until that moment I was sure in past lives, karma, blah blah… But after that – no. I saw two lives connected with this one, but it seemed to me like I said a lie or a fantasy story.
Then I started to think what would it look like if I was incarnated from future to this dimension of past. Maybe to change it, if I have a free will. Then I thought maybe there is no past or present, why would the time be linear? Kala Bhairava. Maybe we invented time… And so on… (I won’t bother you with this :) ).
Shiva as multiversum axis has no beginning or no end (micro and macro plane)- ok, that can be understood.
The real question could be why the game started at all?
Atom, I just remembered Carlos Castaneda. I read his books as a high school girl and his final idea was not to die as all other people, but to fly in formation near Eagle (God) with his shamans friends… If I remember correctly.
Maybe to fly from THE GOD to become small God. But small and big are all relative.
However, Castaneda died…
October 23, 2012 @ 1:54 pm atomb
Carlos Castaneda’s writings have been dissed for their lack of authenticity … BUT I personally think they’re psycho-spiritual masterpieces.
I’ll have more to say about your perceptive comments later, Vera, as I’m about to go on another Road Trip for a few days to a week.