Adano Ley (Swami Nitty-Gritty) used the 1980 film Altered States (starring William Hurt) to illustrate the connection between ACTUALITY and TOUCH.

Dr. Edward Jessup (William Hurt) induces PAIN to avoid “drifting off into the electrical field” – the nebulous astral realm.

Adano said (on the subject of pain) …

“The ‘Ouch!’ is in the touch.”

“It requires consciousness to shift momentum. The agony of shifting from one momentum to the next becomes the ecstasy, producing tears of joy and bliss. Bliss exemplifies joyous agony. Pain is an agony to the mechanism. It takes you from an electromagnetic field back to chemical stability, like in the movie, Altered States.”

(Note: Yogis and Tai Chi Masters are NOT talking about electromagnetic grounding when they refer to grounding. Qi is NOT electromagnetic. They’re talking about applied physics and chemistry – “fifteen minutes in the silence of the SOIL.”)

“Any therapy technique is a catalyst for self-evaluation. Pain is an indicator that you’re doing something wrong.”

“Pain is measured in ohms. Life is made to flow, and resistance blocks the flow.”

“Non-toxicity is non-resistance, or conductance, and resistance blocks the flow.”

(Note: Ultimate conductivity – and cosmic health – is superconductivity.)

“Biorecoil is cellular flinching from pain or trauma, a reflex action. The yawn, the groan, the yell, the sigh, release carbon dioxide that should have gone out at the time of the trauma.”

The pain is only bringing to the surface an unfinished memory bank.”

“Energy is bound in storage by painful association. Shock is the real cause of illness. The cell doesn’t know how to de-shock itself. It keeps on printing shock.”

“Congestion is the only illness in the human body. Injury causes a liquid lubricant between tissue to gel or harden. Body fluids are like tektite of the earth, which injury will cause to fuse.”

“Hydraulic stress is increased sensitivity to pain. Fluid control is in the Achilles’ tendon.”

(Note: Calf raises exacerbate hydraulic stress. Shin raises mitigate it.)

“Circumcision is immunization by imposing pain on the mechanism.”

“Intracutaneous pain discharges hydraulically through hair.”

“If a person fails to throw off shock, it’s printed in the DNA. Any symptom lasting longer than seven days is chronic.”

(Note: Adano’s RECYCLING techniques will be a requisite part of the curriculum at Atom’s School of Self Healing. Our doors will open when the cash flow materializes. All donations are greatly appreciated. Book sales help too.)

Our e-books & e-booklets are available at …

[email protected]

Facebook: Atom’s School of Self Healing at




'Adano Ley on Growing Pains' have 4 comments

  1. May 31, 2012 @ 6:36 pm atomb

    Re: What is intracutaneous pain?

    Healing crisis pain.

  2. May 31, 2012 @ 10:29 pm atomb

    The all-time fictional example of pain being used for Conscious Evolution is the adrenaline-fueled depiction of Chev Chelios, played by actor Jason Statham in the Crank movies (Crank, 2006; Crank: High Voltage, 2010).

    Warning: The Crank movies are rough, tough, rude, crude, irreverent, violent, and definitely not for the squeamish.

  3. June 1, 2012 @ 1:23 am John

    Hi Atom,
    Dr Mercola said recently that when you sunbathe the skin makes Vit D as an oil substance on the skin but, if you use soap in the shower within 48 hours you wash it off. I read this years ago too. My question is even if you shower with only water and towel dry are you still wiping it off your skin ? Is it best then to not have anything on your skin for 48 hours ?

    • June 1, 2012 @ 3:36 am atomb

      Vitamin D is produced in the two inner layers of the five layers of the skin.

      Wait two hours (one “acupuncture hour”) before showering or bathing without soap or using an acidic soap, and six hours (one “acupuncture season”) before showering or bathing with regular soap.

      A good deal of vitamin D will be created in your skin even if you don’t wait two hours.

      A note about acidic soap. Many soaps are advertised as acidic but aren’t. Check them with litmus paper to be sure.

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