Adano Ley (Swami Nitty-Gritty) said …
“I am physically immortal here and now. I am eating my way to Butterflyhood. I am a winner in time all the time. I make enough money to pay my bills ahead of time with some to spare and some to share. I obtain prosperity through service in motion.”
“I am always looking for a better model. I live the life of the exception to the rule. The positive polarity is, ‘I am a winner.’ The negative polarity is to pay your bills ahead of time with some to spare and some to share. The neutral polarity is physical immortality here and now – no IFS or BUTS or a MAYBE.”
“The Lord is my financier. I shall have no fear of the IRS or bankruptcy. He maketh me to lie down in green one hundred dollar bills. He leadeth me into unending prosperity. He restoreth my bank account. He prepareth a table of unending opportunities before me. Surely blue-chip stocks and T-bills and unexpected lottery winnings will fall on time all the days of my longevity lifestyle.”
“If you make Lord Dollar more important than Lord Health, you’ll lose both Lord Dollar and Lord Health. But if you put Lord Health first, you will also have access to Lord Dollar. Prosperity is a natural outcome of health. A healthy lifestyle gives you prosperity and the longevity to enjoy it.”
“There’s three rules to make money. Henry Ford said, ‘A quick penny is better than a slow dollar.’ So I go for the quick buck, not the big buck. Sears & Roebuck said, ‘Don’t put all your eggs in one basket.’ And Alexander Graham Bell said, ‘If you got something, you better sell it yourself.'”
“Why do you carry your money in two pockets?” Jonathan Dune asked Adano.
Adano patted his bulging pockets and replied, “One to spare, one to share. That’s why ‘pro-spare-ity’ is being a pro about knowing how to spare and share.”
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'Adano Ley on Money & Prosperity' have 10 comments
June 10, 2012 @ 9:22 pm Ryan
Thanks for remembering ATOM!
As always – great stuff!
June 10, 2012 @ 9:28 pm atomb
You’re welcome, Ryan.
It was a fun topic. :)
June 11, 2012 @ 10:41 am Ryan
Any ideas why Master Chen said that 11pm-1am and 5am-7am are the “best” times for meditation?
(I’m 95% sure those are the times that he put out to us back in February at a workshop.)
June 12, 2012 @ 9:52 pm atomb
11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. is Gall Bladder Time.
Swami Nitty-Gritty also said this was a good time to meditate because the brain “changed polarity” at midnight.
The Gall Bladder Meridian has numerous points on the head.
5:00 to 7:00 a.m. is Large Intestine Time.
Nitty-Gritty preferred Lung Time (3:00 a.m. to 5:00 a.m.) and the first half of Large Intestine Time.
Master Chen advised (at a nine-day workshop at Two Creek Ranch) meditating during Lung Time in the summer and during Large Intestine Time in the winter.
June 11, 2012 @ 3:16 pm suz
Excellent quotes, will post them on the fridge to remind myself everyday.
After Ram Dass had his spiritual surgery from John of God to heal pancreatic cancer, to express his gratitude, he walked into town and handed out several thousand dollars worth of paper bills.
June 11, 2012 @ 9:14 pm martin
Hey Atom,
just recently i heard a Dr. on a radio show say that it was scientifically proven that putting your thumb and middle finger together on both hands and then interlocking plus saying an affirmation puts up a shield around us. so simple if true. but i have found things are much more simpler than we think.
anyhow, i have a question on eastern mantras/shiva and your opinion or anybody who cares to post would be most welcomed.
i am focusing particularly on the “om-namah-shiva-ye” mantra. i heard a Swami on the radio mention it helps one go inside to the real self and protects against frequencies etc…could it also trap a person in that frequency and when it comes to eastern gods we really know who we are conecting with?
just catching up with your blogs, facinating stuff and i always feel like what you say is simple yet my mind has problems understanding;)
June 12, 2012 @ 10:43 pm atomb
Re: do we really know who we are connecting with?
Good question, Martin.
Om Namah Shivaya – like any word, holy or not, Namaste or Coca Cola – induces a trance state by thinking or saying it.
“You shalt have no other Gods before me” refers to WORDS (primary trance) and what they engender – IMAGES (secondary trance).
In the beginning of the trance was the Word.
WAS the word.
IS the silence.
The only way to not connect to any “thing” is with SILENCE.
But mantras induce DEVOTION, a freeway to the land of BLANK.
As long as you connect with the “gods” as archetypal symbols, there’s no danger of frequency imprisonment.
No sane American seriously believes in “Father Time,” yet we worship him every New Year’s Eve as a PRINCIPLE.
“Father Time” was known as CHRONOS in ancient Greece, SATURN in ancient Rome, and KAL in modern India.
June 12, 2012 @ 11:11 pm atomb
NAME or LABEL is known in India as Varan Atmak.
You get Varan Atmak by book knowledge.
Dhun Atmak – WHITE NOISE (akin to white light) – is the power behind the drone (Varan Atmak)
You get Dhun Atmak by self-knowledge, or, more precisely, by CELL KNOWLEDGE.
June 12, 2012 @ 11:54 am RadioGuGu
Ha!, sth like this’s going on here with the ‘money’ in cash – has been carried around in two places for some time (for no particular reason) and one of the places has been consistently.. sharing : ) /The bank accounts and cards nowadays change things a bit(!) for spare & share, don’t they!/
Have been meaning to ask if the donations to the School can be made in amounts different from the amount currently set?
Thank you, Atom! : )
June 12, 2012 @ 10:10 pm atomb
Any amount of $$$ is appreciated. :)
“No drop of precious love is ever wasted.”