Adano Ley (Swami Nitty-Gritty) said …
“Adam is reason, the inductive nature of yourself, the rational damming up of forces to use flow. It can become combustible. Eve is emotion and combustion. What good is static electricity if you can’t USE it? Creating is sex release.”
“Hormones are like volcanoes after being shut down too long.”
“Nude dancers make good sexual partners because their hormones are overstimulated. However, they don’t make good wives because the agitated hormones leave them susceptible to boredom, and it’s hard for them to stay in only one relationship.”
“Belly dancers gain weight because they overstimulate L-5.”
(Note: The fifth lumbar vertebra contributes to orgasm, ejaculation, and erectile functionality via the hypogastric plexus.)
“Cephalic is the opposite of phallic. Cephalic is non-sexual. Cephalic raises energy to the brain. Work the cephalic extremity in the ear.”
“It is not abstinence. It it not cell-negate, it’s cell-abate. Celibacy is control.”
“The best bedroom colors are pink and orange. Or use pink and violet, and a little white or gold or blue.”
“The violet range is the authoritative and recipient function of a hormone. You have now been nominated to receive this authority.”
“Hypnosis is more intimate than sex. The hypnotist takes on the karma of the hypnotized.”
“Toxic action, trauma, or sexual involvement that leaves you pregnant are the causes of menstrual irregularity.”
“Calcium is in an orange. The orange is orange, which is a decision conflict regarding ex, so the bones don’t hold up.”
“99 percent of all arthritis problems are problems with a sex partner.”
“Arthritis is a centrifugal disease – trying to hold on against centrifugal forces.”
“Sexual trauma retains copper, causing too much electrical conduction, which, in turn, causes stroke. Also, phosphorus stays too dry.”
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Most of the above information – and LOTS more – can be found in Butterflies Need No Taxidermist.
'Adano Ley (Swami Nitty-Gritty) on Sexual Hormones' has 1 comment
July 15, 2012 @ 8:13 pm atomb
“I invoke thee, O Kamadeva! thee the sportive; thee, the wanton one, who dwellest in the hearts of all created beings.”