Swami Nitty-Gritty (Adano Ley) was holding a Satsang in Flagstaff, Arizona, in the 1980s.

I was in a rear side chair in the darker shadows outside the living room where Nitty-Gritty was seated.

“Just how does Adano stay awake all the time?” I brooded, fighting fatigue and sleepiness. “I’ve got to learn how to do it!”

A wave of anger engulfed me, dissipating my drowsiness.

It made me think, “Maybe adrenaline has something to do with it.”

Nitty-Gritty immediately turned to face me, as if his train of thought had been derailed my mine.

He beamed his most comical smile, and chuckled, “Ahh, my brother back there is trying to figure out how I stay awake all the time. Don’t worry, you’ll figure it out.”

Well, it turns out adrenaline (epinephrine) hasLOTS to do with “staying awake all the time.”

Adrenaline and its related “ferments” also play pivotal roles in breathing, digestion, Longevity Lifestyles, and Shape-Shifting 101.

Indeed, a Yogi bypassing his lungs to breathe through his skin takes advantage of the interchangeability of adrenaline and hemoglobin.

Clue: Why does a teenager often get freckles that totally disappear later in life?

And what does this have to do with a CHAMELEON?

'Adrenaline & Shape-Shifting 101' have 2 comments

  1. May 24, 2011 @ 2:26 am shellinspector

    My view on it is that teenagers are more about retention and anabolic state and acid state, which also turns out to be pro-inflamation, sine they are building. The hormones that regulate these processes are of course the key.

    Chameleon, activates his pigmented skin cells by hormonal triggers.

    Conclusion: Learn to control your hormones (by controlling excitement levels?) and 1. You would require less sleep. 2. It will show on you skin, in a good way I guess?

    Problem: Messing up with hormone regulation without knowing what your are doing can mess you up more than it was to begin with:-)

  2. May 24, 2011 @ 3:47 pm atomb

    Inflammation is alkaline, catabolic, and entropic, e.g., leukotrienes, C-reactive proteins, etc.

    The ultimate “hormone balancer” is TIMING – as demonstrated by the tandem-cockroach experiment of chronobiologist Janet E. Harker of Cambridge University.

    She joined the blood circulation of 2 cockroaches to synchronize their hormones.

    A Master’s Darshan is highly contagious. :)

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