Agenda 21 & Agenda 2050

By Atom Bergstrom

Atom’s Blog

Agenda 2030 is a distraction.

It’s a short-range goal to destroy America and the world economy by stealth and by increments.

But Agenda 2030 is so incremental that it seems like something unimportant to the average Joe and Jane.


Agenda 21 is the Agenda for the 21st Century.

Agenda 2050 is the Rockefeller Foundation’s take on what the world will look like in the middle of this century.

It’s difficult to find the latter (Agenda 2050) due to several fakes you’ll find in cyberspace.

The Masters of the Universe who plan to enslave humanity are not dumb bunnies.

If you think they are, you’re the dumb bunny.

It’s easy to find the former (Agenda 21) since the dumb bunnies think it’s been replaced by Agenda 2030 instead of being THE BIG PICTURE.

It was created in 1990.


Rosa Koire (Behind the Green Mask: U.N. Agenda 21, 2011) wrote …

“Created in 1990 as a non-governmental organization to implement Agenda 21 locally around the world, ICLEI (pronounced ick-ly) brings the international into your town. According to its international website, iclei dot org, ‘members come from 70 different countries worldwide and represent over 569,885,000 people.’ Surprising that you’ve never heard of it, isn’t it? It is a lobbying and policy consultant designed to influence and change local governmental policies related to all aspects of human life. You’ve noticed that ICLEI was founded before the 1992 Rio Earth Summit where the formal precepts of Agenda 21 were introduced to the world. ICLEI sells trainings to governments, sets up climate adaptation programs, measures and monitors community greenhouse gas emissions and more, for a fee. Recently, ICLEI changed its name so that you wouldn’t notice that it’s an international organization. It’s now called ICLEI — Local Governments for Sustainability.”


ICLEI’s original name was the International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives.

Worldwide ICLEI offices and projects are the stealth tentacles of Agenda 21.

So, where do you think Agenda 21 has made the most progress in the U.S.?

Which state has stolen the most private property rights?

Which state is closest to the goal of you owning nothing and being happy as a clam at high tide?

California? Nope!

According to the Florida Department of Environmental Protection …

“Florida Forever is Florida’s premier conservation and recreation lands acquisition program; a blueprint for conserving Florida’s natural and cultural heritage. View Our Lands. Our Legacy. A Florida Forever Story Map for highlights of the program.

“Florida Forever replaced Preservation 2000 (P2000), the largest public land acquisition program of its kind in the United States. With approximately 10 million acres managed for conservation in Florida, more than 2.6 million acres were purchased through the Florida Forever and P2000 programs.

“Since the inception of the Florida Forever program in July 2001, the state has purchased more than 897,785 acres of land with approximately $3.3 billion.”


According to G. Edward Griffin (excerpt from James Jaeger’s film, Unsustainable) …

“Agenda 21 is kind of a code name for a master plan originated at the United Nations to change the political and economic system of the world to one of total collectivism, and, in order to do that, people must not be allowed to have independence. They must be dependent on the State for everything, otherwise they won’t be easily controlled by the State. That means they can’t have private property, mostly, they cannot have land of their own. They have to live in preferably high rise apartments that are provided to them by the State as a benefit — ‘Oh, good! We got a free apartment!’ But they — these people at the top — want all of humans to be dependent on the largess of the State. That means that they don’t want anyone living out in the boonies.

“Anyone that’s got a couple acres of land and his own water supply and grows his own food and that kind of thing, and has his own sheep and some chickens — these people are a threat to the collectivist society because they aren’t going to go to the politicians and plead, ‘Please feed me; please feed me. Clothe me. Please give me shelter.’ They tend to be independent. That’s the secret behind Agenda 21.

“They want people out of the country. They want corporations out there growing all the food and that kind of thing, but they don’t want anybody living out there because that way they cannot be controlled.”


Smart Cities are already all around us. You may already live in one.

Any time you see the words, “mixed-use development,” alarm bells should go off.

Search for “mixed-use development” in your town or city.

Here’s the first one Dr. Google showed me for Austin …

“The Grove was envisioned as a thriving entertainment destination. Not only a community for personal entertainment, but The Grove is also a mixed-use paradise for creative spirits. Gourmet restaurants and boutiques meet exercise studios and specialty merchants. Relaxing greenspaces and casual corporate offices amidst the beauty of central Texas. A peaceful coexistence. We even built an outdoor living room. The Grove is Austin’s gathering place.”

Here’s the second one Dr. Google gave me …

“Notice cranes in the Austin skyline or fenced-off city blocks with deep holes in the ground? The constant construction is building the Austin of tomorrow, including five major mixed-use developments that span the South shore of Lady Bird Lake to the northeast tech corridor and are due to be completed over the next two decades.”

And so on and so on and so on.

Wake up and pee! The world’s on fire!

Wake up, Sleeping Beauties! The Predator Class is WINNING !!!!!


'Agenda 21 & Agenda 2050' has 1 comment

  1. September 15, 2023 @ 12:07 am Amber

    This ^ part of life as it is on this planet at the moment really flips the head on the the idea that “all is one,” and I say “idea” because as it is now, I’m not in a high-conscious, enlightened being. It makes me angry, and it begs the question what is actually the point? There’s no self to save, all is emanating from consciousness. There’s always going to be good, evil, light, dark – but then where is balance? Sometimes it’s easy to write things off because, I guess, it’s the “creative freedom” but whose? …and what what point is it our own faults that continue to allow it?

    I don’t know.



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