Aging, Ionic Radiation, & Fatty Acids




By Atom Bergstrom

Atom’s Blog


What do aging, ionic radiation, and the fatty acids in fish oils have in common?

All three drive cholesterol out of the cells and tissues, and into the blood.


Mr. Cholesterol’s house is in the cell and his front yard is in the tissues.

His highway is the bloodstream, but he’s not supposed to live there.


Aging, ionic radiation, and Yellow Fat Disease evict Mr. Cholesterol from his home and property.

Homelessness makes him vengeful.


Emanuel Revici (Research In Physiopathology As Basis Of Guided Chemotherapy—With Special Application To Cancer, 1961) wrote …

“The changes in lipidic balance related to age have been made the object of an extensive study which also sought to determine the role of lipids in aging processes. A general predominance of positive lipids, more manifest in the cellular and tissue levels than in the blood, was seen in youth. This would be expected in view of the special metabolic influence exerted by this group of lipids. The anoxybiotic [life without oxygen] character of metabolism induced by sterols results in the intervention of dehydrogenases which lead to an abundance of hydrogen ions. This, in turn, leads to a predominance of the kind of syntheses which favor anabolism. Growth thus could be related to the predominance of lipids with positive polar groups, especially sterols [including cholesterol].”

“Aging processes, on the contrary, could be related to a predominance of lipids with negative polar groups, especially fatty acids. This predominance could be found especially at the cellular level, as seen in cultures of tetrahymena [ciliate protozoans used in lab research]. In complex organisms or in rats in which an increase in the proportion of fatty acids at the cellular level is present, an opposite change occurs at the systemic and even at the organic level. There is an excess of cholesterol, this time limited to the higher levels, as revealed through analyses of blood, for instance. Changes in the blood vessels are related in part to this excess of sterols at the systemic level. Many manifestations have confirmed such an offbalance with sterol predominance at higher levels. For example, we found the urine surface tension abnormally high in old age. Similarly, skin wheal absorption in old people requires more than 90 minutes for completion as against approximately 20 minutes in middle-aged adults. A predominance of fatty acids at lower levels and of sterols at higher levels would thus characterize the changes in lipidic balance related to old age.”


It’s not well known that …

Acidity fosters youth, and alkalinity fosters age.


It’s even less well known that …

Excess acidity creates excess alkalinity as a defense, and excess alkalinity creates excess acidity as a defense.


Without immunity, the little circles in the teardrop-shaped halves of the Yin-Yang circle don’t function.


True acid-base values involve seven tests …

1) blood cell potassium

2) blood serum potassium

3) total blood potassium

4) urine pH

5) urine specific gravity

6) urine surface tension

7) nasal pH

Testing your saliva and urine with pH strips tells you almost nothing about systemic acid-base status.

'Aging, Ionic Radiation, & Fatty Acids' have 5 comments

  1. February 13, 2017 @ 3:10 am Atom

    Yellow Fat Disease is one of the commonest diseases on Earth, yet very few people have even heard about it.

    Anyone with “age spots” has Yellow Fat Disease throughout their body.

    Durk Pearson & Sandy Shaw (Life Extension: A Practical Scientific Approach, 1982) wrote …

    “When lipofuscin deposits appear in the skin, they are often called ‘age spots’ or ‘liver spots,’ and are yellow-brown or brown spots which are not freckles, birthmarks, or scars. Lipofuscin pigment accumulates in nerve cells (neurons) in the brain too, more in some areas than in others. It is a pigment that can be made to fluoresce yellowish to yellow-green, orange, or yellow-brown under ultraviolet light. Measurement of this fluorescence is how the amount of pigment present is determined. Lipofuscin is found, in addition to neurons, in heart muscle, skeletal muscle, voluntary muscle, liver, adrenals, and other organs and tissues, particularly fatty tissues.”–e-books.php#Yellow-Fat-Disease-III


  2. February 14, 2017 @ 10:21 am Christopher

    Everything is balance. In general, though, do you recommend eating Fatty acids of higher quality like yellow butter, cream, coconut oil,. They seem neutral for PH. OR Do these foods youth a person? They seem to hold off the aging process at a level of the matter at least. Do you have any opinion on these foods related to age.


    • February 15, 2017 @ 5:41 pm Atom

      Thanks, Christopher! It’s mostly only polyunsaturated fatty acids and highly-unsaturated fatty acids that cause over-alkalinity.

      Saturated fats are mostly neutral except during imbalances, e.g., starvation ketosis, dietetic ketosis, diabetic ketoacidosis, alcoholic ketoacidosis, etc.

      Excess palmitic acid is an exception to the rule because it’s capable of provoking an adrenal defense response.

      PUFAs and HUFAs sometimes have therapeutic value for children and those who make it past 60 revolutions around the Sun.

      Middle-aged people often die from being “too old.”

      Children and the elderly tend to die from being “too young.”

      Ever New Joy,
      At-OM the Yes-No-Maybe Guy


  3. February 17, 2017 @ 8:03 am Tony

    Hi Adam What is a good supplement to take for high cholesterol , red yeast rice ?


    • February 18, 2017 @ 8:47 pm Atom

      Great question! It deserved a blog entry, so I posted it today.

      See “Cellular Versus Serum Cholesterol,” Feb. 18, 2017, at Atom’s Blog.


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