Albatross Around Her Neck





By Atom Bergstrom

Atom’s Blog

“I feel like I’ve got an albatross around my neck,” Viana (not her real name) said.

A baseball-sized tumor grew on the right side of her neck.

I Body Dowsed her, and said, “You have a problem with your mother.”

“You’re the first person who ever found that. Yes, I hate my mother.”

“Maybe it’s time to forgive her.”

“I’d rather die than forgive her.”

Viana died a month later.


An albatross is a metaphor for a burden that feels like a curse.

Killing an albatross at sea was considered bad luck, e.g., in Samuel Taylor Coleridge’s Rime of the Ancient Mariner …

“Instead of the cross, the Albatross / About my neck was hung.”


“Having a millstone around my neck,” is a similar statement.

It’s in the Bible (Matthew 18:6) …

“But whoso shall offend one of these little ones which believe in me, it were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and that he were drowned in the depth of the sea.”


According to “How a Pain in the Neck Could Be Bad For Your Blood Pressure,” Science Daily, Aug. 2, 2007 …

“A chance discovery in the lab has helped scientists to show how the treatment for a stiff neck could do wonders for your blood pressure. Researchers have examined pathways between the neck and the brain to show how the neck muscles could play a crucial role in controlling blood pressure, heart rate and breathing.”

'Albatross Around Her Neck' have 2 comments

  1. June 27, 2018 @ 4:07 pm Atom

    The entire paradigm of the body “burning” its food is grossly oversimplified — great missiles for “weight control experts” to fire at a gullible public.

    “It must be true! I learnt it in school!”–e-books.php


  2. June 27, 2018 @ 4:13 pm Atom

    Re: what do you mean by watching the clock instead of watching the scale makes a difference?

    For example, 16 times more calcium is lost in urine when taking a nap at midday instead of nighttime. It’s not only how much calcium is ingested, it’s also how much is retained, utilized, and stored.

    All “genetic clock” research concerning circadian rhythms is flawed …

    Ray Peat’s “man of he hour” is also mine — Professor Frank A. Brown Jr.


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