Zone Three Evening Foods …

Potatoes, pineapple, and senega are aluminum accumulators.

Roots and stems – the “hard” parts of a plant – have a tendency to accumulate colloidal and other forms of aluminum.

Potatoes use aluminum to ward off plant pathogens.

Aluminum enhances dexrinization, and a dextrinized potato is healthier to eat than a boiled or steamed potato.

Dextrinization only occurs at 400 degrees Fahrenheit and higher, and converts starch into pyrodextrin.

Adano Ley (Swami Nitty-Gritty) called PROTEIN COAGULATION “dextrinization.”

Protein coagulates between 200 and 212 degrees Fahrenheit.

Cutting open a baked potato and exposing it to dry heat between 200 and 212 degrees for a minimum of 20 minutes creates the best of both worlds – dextrinization and protein coagulation.

Wet the potato starch – preferably with root vegetable juices – to make sure its protein coagulates.




'Aluminum Enhances Dextrinization' have 6 comments

  1. February 27, 2012 @ 10:21 pm atomb

    Swami Nitty-Gritty advised …

    “Aluminum will bond with tin. Tin is found mostly in herbs. A person with Alzheimer’s disease does not like herb tea. Tin is also found in almonds and citrus food.”

    — from Butterflies Need No Taxidermist, available at


  2. February 27, 2012 @ 10:35 pm atomb

    Egg white is an incomplete protein, but therapeutic for mercury poisoning as well as excess aluminum – the latter being why chefs will advise you not to beat egg whites in an aluminum bowl.

    — from Full-Spectrum Time-Sequenced Food List, available at

    It’s a VERY LONG list. :)


  3. February 28, 2012 @ 6:17 pm atomb

    Re: vertebral pain?

    Are you eating lots of ghee?

    Ghee opposes inflammation. Polyunsaturated oils – especially fish oils – promote inflammation.

    Salmon or whole sardines are mostly neutral due to their high percentage of saturated fats.

    Eggs are anti-inflammatory. So are ginger and turmeric.

    Extra-virgin olive oil – especially Spectrum brand – is anti-inflammatory.

    A fresh unprocessed anti-inflammatory olive oil has a harsh “bite” – the more “bite,” the better.

    Research has shown that X-rays cannot determine the level of pain.

    Strange as it seems, pain and disc degeneration don’t necessarily coincide.

    Find and delete the ENGRAM!!!!!!!!!!


  4. May 3, 2012 @ 12:38 am Kira

    Hi Atom ;-)
    So I finally tried to prepare the Dextrinized Potato – Yam to be exact. I cut it in half and put it on “bake” at 215… Well, four hours later they shrunk (lost water content) but still not ready – not soft at all.
    What am I doing wrong?
    And did I understand you correctly that it would digest better when dextrinised rather than baked?


    • May 4, 2012 @ 3:36 pm atomb

      True dextrinization occurs above 400 degrees Fahrenheit.

      What Swami Nitty-Gritty called “dextrinization” is a different chemical process that also improves digestion and assimilation – maybe even more than dextrinization.

      Bake your yam at 400 degrees, then smush it up on a plate and expose it to 180- to 225-degree heat to get the best of both processes. :)


      • May 5, 2012 @ 2:38 pm atomb

        Re: I actually cut them in halves … and then bake them at 400 degrees.

        Don’t cut them in halves unless you’re heating them at 200-212 degrees.

        The skin of the yam protects the starch from higher heat.

        Dextrinization is a blanket term for half a dozen chemical processes, including refrigeration dextrinization and alcohol dextrinization.

        The important thing to remember is wet heat gelatinizes starch and dry heat “dextrinizes” it.

        Fructose is mostly a morning Zone One sugar, being high in apples and pears, and especially high in dried figs.

        Eating morning fruits out of time – because of both fructose and sorbitol – causes bloating.

        Avoid fructose and sorbitol at Small Intestine Time (1:00-3:00 p.m.) and Liver Time (1:00-3:00 a.m.).

        Fructose is used at midday (Zone Two) and night (Zone Three) for sperm motility.

        It’s high in grapes (Zone Two), agave nectar (Zone Three) and seminal fluid (Zone Two for procreation and Zone Three for recreational libido.


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