American Bar Turncoats

By Atom Bergstrom

Atom’s Blog

The American Bar Association has been bought off by the United Nations.

Constitutional Law was replaced in 1992 by Global Governance.

U.S. Citizens are open air prisoners … but that may change soon.

According to the American Bar Association (capital letters are mine) …

“Research and practice of what we call environmental law reveals that it is TOO NARROW in several important respects to add the kind of value to society it can and should offer. First, environmental law too often emphasizes public governance interventions (e.g., laws and regulations) without addressing ADDITIONAL and important pollution reducing opportunities that lay with private environmental governance (e.g., private certifications, for-benefit enterprises, etc.). To be sure, public governance is and always will be critical to limiting pollution and its consequences to human health and the environment. Yet, UNLESS AND UNTIL THE LEGAL PROFESSION and society at large find better ways for individuals and organizations to create, improve, and consistently maintain stronger private standards of performance, reliance on public governance mechanisms alone will likely be INSUFFICIENT to avoid the worst pollution consequences, especially as it relates to mitigating the climate crisis.”


Do you think the “legal profession” is ever going to go after the rich and the powerful flying all over the sky in their private jets?

Helena Horton (“Private jet emissions quadrupled during Davos 2022,” The Guardian, Jan. 13, 2023) wrote …

“Private jet emissions quadrupled as 1,040 planes flew in and out of airports serving Davos during the 2022 World Economic Forum (WEF) meeting.”

According to the same source …

“The Dutch environmental consultancy CE Delft calculated that during the meeting last year, CO2 emissions from private jets were four times greater than in an average week.

“The number of private jet flights to and from airports serving the Swiss ski resort where the conference is held were twice as high during the 2022 meeting compared with a typical week, emitting as much CO2 as 350,000 average cars over that period.”


But the average Lunch Pail Larry is morally chastised if he drives two blocks down the road to score a cup of coffee.

As Michael Jackson sang, “They don’t care about us.”

They really don’t.


'American Bar Turncoats' have 4 comments

  1. April 6, 2023 @ 12:04 am John

    Hi Atom,
    why is it not a good idea to do lymphatic drainage massage ?

    • April 7, 2023 @ 7:35 pm Atom

      As long as lymphatic drainage massage is done with a feather-light touch with no deep pressure, it’s EXCELLENT.

      Dry-brushing and feather-dusting the skin stimulates the Para-Adrenal Autonomic Nervous System.

      • April 8, 2023 @ 12:22 pm John

        What problem does ‘deep pressure’ cause?

        • April 8, 2023 @ 4:50 pm Atom

          Clogged lymphatics and its attendant problems.

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