If cancer can’t grow in an oxygenated state, why do people take antioxidants to prevent it?

Cancer is kick-started by an antioxidant state but spreads (metastasizes) in an oxidant state.

In other words …

Cancer starts in an acidic state but spreads (metastasizes) in an alkaline state.

Diminished oxidation leads to the incomplete metabolism of oxaloacetic acid and other “half-burned cinders” known to promote the inception of cancer.

So ORAC (oxygen radical absorbance capacity) – even if it wasn’t a bogus test-tube assay – is misinterpreted.

Ditto the following “antioxidant” assays (in alphabetical order) …

FRAP (ferric ion reducing antioxidant power),

HORAC (hydroxyl radical antioxidant capacity),

TOSC (total oxidant scavenging capacity),

TRAP (total peroxyl radical trapping antioxidant parameter),


Scientists have turned health into a bureaucracy.

Other bogus tests include free radical assays and the serum carotenoid tests recommended by Dr. Oz.

There’s no such thing as an antioxidant.

“Antioxidant” is an adjective, not a noun.

An “antioxidant” often acts as an antioxidant in one reaction and as a pro-oxidant in another reaction.

For example, the bromelain in a pineapple is often listed as an “antioxidant,” but it acts so in only one reaction and acts as a pro-oxidant in many other reactions.

A pineapple is a food designed by timing and Great Nature to inhibit immunity in the evening, but that’s another story for another day.

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Facebook: Atom’s School of Self Healing at Wellness-Wagon.com




'“Antioxidant” is an Adjective, Not a Noun' have 13 comments

  1. October 7, 2012 @ 11:25 am atomb

    “Antioxidants” aren’t the only things capable of scavenging free radicals.

    For instance? Positive thinking.

    NEUTRAL thinking – the Delta brain wave state – is even more effective. :)

  2. October 7, 2012 @ 11:49 am atomb

    The respiratory alkalosis pregnant women experience may explain the numerous anecdotes of pregnancy “curing” cancer.

    Jo M. Kendrick, R.N., M.S.N., & Pallas Hammond Powers, R.N. (“Perioperative Care of the Pregnant Surgical Patient,” AORN Journal, Aug. 1994) wrote…

    “Pregnancy increases the woman’s metabolism, thus increasing her body’s oxygen demands. To compensate, the woman’s respiratory rate increases up to 15% greater than normal, and her pulmonary tidal volume increases 30% to 40%. As a result, the pregnant woman lives in a state of chronic, compensated respiratory alkalosis that changes her blood buffering system.”

    The fly in the ointment is alkalosis is only a practical defense against non-metastatic cancers.

  3. October 8, 2012 @ 8:36 am Vera

    Atom, can meridian path be regenerated and how?

    20 years ago I touched the end of vacuum cleaner cable and remaining electricity went in a moment trough one finger of my left hand all the way up my arm and right to my left breast nipple. That is the moment I felt how meridian goes, but I felt terrible pain and like it was burnt.
    I can’t remember any male related trauma at that time. It was long ago and I was with very gentle boyfriend then (long time ago).
    Few years later I had terrible pain in my left breast during breastfeeding and ever since that time I have problems with fibroid left breast.

    Can meridian be restored and how?

    And thank you for all your help.

    • October 8, 2012 @ 11:22 am atomb

      Re: Can a meridian be restored and how?

      It’s hard to “damage” an acupuncture meridian.

      Rather than an electrical conduit, “Atom’s Theory of Acupuncture Meridians” posits meridians work more like the “omni radio” (VHF omnidirectional radio range) used for aircraft navigation.

      Cookbook explanations of your trauma include …

      (1) The left nipple may indicate lack of nurturing from your father or

      (2) worry about a health or financial problem in your boyfriend’s life.

      Breastfeeding is closely connected with money issues.

      Lack of money IS lack of nurturing.

      These are two of many possibilities.

      My Body & Organ Language Analysis and Action Selection Engram Restructuring are 80% tactile and 10% visual, and zero in on SPECIFIC traumatic events.

      So far only two people are adequately trained in my techniques, but they’re not interested in professional practice.

      I’d like to share my technology with the world before my “cosmic vacation.”

      • October 8, 2012 @ 11:32 am atomb

        My other contribution to acupuncture is …

        … the Law of Five Elements is wrong.

        Wood and Metal are reversed in their sequence.

        If the Law of Five Elements is correct, the ancient Chinese Book of Changes (I Ching) is wrong, and my money’s on the latter. :)

      • October 10, 2012 @ 6:33 am Vera

        I can not believe… you are so right. Those years were years of war and poorness. I lived in ex-country Yugoslavia, in Europe, and civil war was all around. Hyperinflation, panic on the streets… And ever since (we are called state of Serbia now) our economy is terrible. It’s not just my father, ex-boyfriend or me, everybody (except criminals) has money problems here.
        …But I’m trying to solve mine :)

        And when I solve those problems I’d like to be your student. Thanks once again :)

        • October 10, 2012 @ 6:41 am Vera

          …And I’ll watch for those wood and metal elements in my living area. Maybe it’ll help me use those energies, until now there wasn’t so much gain from feng shui :)

        • October 10, 2012 @ 12:44 pm atomb

          Good luck, Vera! :)

          Morning foods like black walnut help develop will power (if you can find black walnuts in Serbia).

          • October 10, 2012 @ 12:48 pm atomb

            Are you on Facebook?

            I posted several of my One Radio Network blog entries on the subject of the Five Elements yesterday (Oct. 9).

          • October 11, 2012 @ 8:27 am Vera

            Thanks, I have two walnut trees outside my home :) And I sent you friend request on FB (my full name is Olivera).

            Thanks again, I read all your posts here :)

  4. October 9, 2012 @ 10:48 am martin

    Hi Atom,

    i was interested to hear your opinion on a product called RnA drops. here is a few of things it is supposed to so. it is being sold quite expensively and i felt that the same thing could be achieved using Delta Mediation mp3??

    i post some lingo from the ad and sorry if it is a bit long, i thought my expanation might be even longer:) Thanks…

    #####With Radiation all over the planet, chemtrails, GMO’s, and EMF stress, many people anticipate danger in every corner. Yet what if you could TRANSFORM into something greater? What if that is the divine plan? What if it’s happening now… all over the world, and what if RnA drops could SPEED UP THE ASCENSION PROCESS! We make zero claims about what RnA drops will or will not do — results are left to each person to speak for themselves.
    * Patented new ingredient, never seen before – insulinose. A new cell!
    * Advanced technology from decades of research combined with non-physical help!
    * Indeed the most cutting-edge science involved pertaining to RNA influencing the DNA, which “modern-science” is now just stumbling upon#####

    All The Best,


  5. October 9, 2012 @ 3:52 pm atomb

    You’ll get more RNA from natural, organic foods.

    See today’s (October 9, 2012) blog entry.

    Delta brain waves are RNA- and DNA-free. :)

  6. October 11, 2012 @ 12:37 pm atomb

    I’m connected with you on Facebook now, Vera. :)

    I’m off the grid for five days camping with my brother at Lake Tahoe.

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