How is it possible that all the cancer therapies listed below have numerous “success” stories?
It’s the rule rather than the exception that they contradict each other.
(1) Abalone Hemocyanin
(2) Dr. Albert Abrams’ Dynomizer (Electronic Reactions of Abrams)
(3) Dr. Hariton-Tzannis Alvizatos’ Greek Cancer Cure
(4) Anthrax Lethal Factor (Anthrax LF)
(5) Apricot Kernels
(6) Asparagus
(7) Aspirin
(8) Dr. John Beard’s Enzyme Treatment for Cancer
(9) Bee Pollen
(10) Beta-Carotene and Other Carotenoids
(11) Dr. Siegfried Block’s Live Cell Therapy
(12) Blue-Green Micro-Algae
(13) Bran (Dietary Fiber)
(14) Joanna Brandt’s Mono Diet Grape Cure
(15) Brewer’s Yeast
(16) Dr. Joanna Budwig’s Budwig Protocol
(17) Bella Burkes’ Seasilver
(18) Lawrence Burton’s Immuno-Augmentative Therapy
(19) Dr. Stanislaw Burzynski’s Antineoplastons
(20) Rene M. Caisse’s Essiac Herbal Supplement
(21) Cansema (Black Salve) and Other Escharotics
(22) Carrot Juice
(23) Cesium Chloride High pH Therapy
(24) Hulda Clark’s Cure For All Cancers (Super Zapper Deluxe & Syncrometer)
(25) Coffee Enemas (or Coffee Colonics)
(26) CSCT’ Incorporated’s Zoetron Machine Therapy (Cell Specific Cancer Therapy)
(27) Datura Stramonium Agglutinin (DSA)
(28) James Gary Davidson’s Macrotech Therapy
(29) Dimethyl Formamide (DMF)
(30) Diopterin Folic Acid Antagonist (Antifolate)
(31) Dr. Ruth B. Drown’s Radiotherapeutic Instrument
(32) Steven Durovic’s Krebiozin (Substance X)
(33) Electroacupuncture
(34) Endostatin
(35) Epigallocatechin 3-Gallate (EGCG)
(36) Dr. Donato Perez Garcia’s Insulin Potentiation Therapy (IPT)
(37) Germanium Sesquioxide Therapy
(38) Dr. Max Gerson’s Gerson Therapy
(39) Glycodelin (Placental Protein 14)
(40) Gold Nanoshells
(41) Dr. Joseph Gold’s Hydrazine Sulfate (Sehydrin)
(42) Honokiol (Magnolia Bark Compound)
(43) Harry Hoxsey’s Hoxey Therapy
(44) Hydrogen Peroxide Therapy
(45) Infrasonic Frequency Therapy
(46) Inositol Hexaphosphate (Phytic Acid)
(47) Iodinated Tyrosine
(48) Jacalin (Jackfruit Lectin)
(49) Dr. William Donald Kelley’s (& Dr. Nicholas Gonzales’) Enzyme/Supplement Therapy
(50) D. William F. Koch’s Antitoxins
(51) Ernst T. Krebs’ Laetrile (Vitamin B17)
(52) L-Glutathione
(53) William Lane’s Powdered Shark Cartilage
(54) Limonene and Limonoids
(55) Lithium Gama-Linolenic Acid (Li-GLA)
(56) Dr. Virginia C. Livingston’s Livingston-Wheeler Detoxification Regimen
(57) Lutein
(58) Lycopene
(59) Harold Manner’s Metabolic Therapy
(60) Russell McDaniel’s Indian Herb and Life-Line Catalytic Water
(61) Melatonin
(62) Mistletoe Lectin
(63) Modified Citrus Pectin
(64) Molybdenum Therapy
(65) Gaston Naessens’ 714X (or his GN-24)
(66) Ingrid Naiman’s Botanical Cancer Cures
(67) Nitric Oxide
(68) Nobiletin
(69) George Ohsawa’s (& Michio Kushi’s) Macrobiotic Diet
(70) Ozone Therapy
(71) Pau d’Arco Tea (Lapachol)
(72) Linus Pauling’s High-Dose Vitamin C Protocol
(73) Photodynamic Therapy (With or Without Photomimetic Agents)
(74) Polysaccharide Krestin (PSK)
(75) Psychic Surgery
(76) Dr. Royal Raymond Rife’s Rife Device
(77) Dr. Emanuel Revici’s Guided Chemotherapy
(78) Dr. Steven Rosenberg’s Genetically Modified T Cell Therapy
(79) Rubidium Chloride High pH Therapy
(80) S-Allyl Cysteine
(81) Sal Tree Aromatic Oleoresin Gum
(82) Dr. Gregory Schwartzman’s Endotoxin and Immune Complexes
(83) Selenium Therapy
(84) James V. Sheridan’s CanCell (Entelev)
(85) Dr. Tullio Simoncini’s Baking Soda Protocol
(86) Dr. O. Carl Simonton’s Relaxation and Visualization Techniques
(87) Spirulina Micro-Algae
(88) Spleen Extract
(89) Rudolph Steiner’s Iscador
(90) Tangeretin
(91) Thyroid Extract
(92) Thyroid Hormone
(93) Triopterin Folic Acid Antagonist (Antifolate)
(94) Ultrasonic Frequency Therapy
(95) Vitamin D Megadose Therapy
(96) Vitamin E Megadose Therapy
(97) Wheat Germ Agglutinin
(98) Undenatured Whey Protein
(99) Xanthopterin
Etc., etc. etc, etc. etc.
These are just a few cancer remedies – off the top of my head – people have used to successfully “cure” cancer.
The truth is …
ACCA (Anything Can Cause Anything) and
ACCA (Anything Can Cure Anything).
Adano Ley (Swami Nitty-Gritty) drank carrot juice all day and took niacin, vitamin A, pancreatic enzymes, and “natural cyanide in the form of apricot pits” to resolve his intestinal cancer.
But I know other people who died doing the same thing.
The bottom line for cancer survival – if the physiological verities are unavailable – is …
a PMA (positive mental attitude) and
a totally focused will to live (a fierce passion for continuance).
My friend Judy Utley was given a short time to live.
She had cancer throughout her body – spine, breasts, lungs, you name it, it was there.
The doctor who diagnosed her was amazed that she was still alive, and told her to “get her affairs in order” immediately.
Judy moved from Fort Worth to San Antonio where two nurses applied a caustic salve that burned a large hole in Judy’s back, leaving a permanent scar.
Doctors couldn’t find a trace of cancer or even precancerous tissue in her body thereafter.
Judy lived eight more years.
She never gave up chain-smoking.
Yet herbalist/acupuncturist Michael Tierra investigated other patients of these two nurses and found no successful “cures.”
Advise anyone diagnosed with “cancer” to acquire an attitude of “I’m not going to take it anymore.”
'Anything Can Cause Or Cure Anything Any Time' have 19 comments
July 4, 2013 @ 7:12 pm atomb
Re: if the physiological verities are unavailable
These “verities” are extremely rare.
Clues to these verities are in my e-books, esp. the ones specifically addressing cancer, available at …
July 4, 2013 @ 7:20 pm atomb
There is a connection between indecisiveness and cancer.
So use clarity when you approach The Crossroads.
Any blues musician will tell you the same thing. ;)
July 5, 2013 @ 2:13 pm Dee
Much gratitude Atom.
July 5, 2013 @ 12:45 am Helen
Dear Amazing AtOM
With 3 people in my life now being visited by cancer (my father – started with prostate and now it’s in the bones, brother in law – 2 brain tumors and a dear female friend – ovarian) I sure need to learn a lot about finding and HEALING the underlying emotional trauma!
I’m color recycling at least once a week with my little one (as he’s open to it and finds it quite funny), what other specific steps can we take (emotionally, that is)?
Many Blessings,
Helen in Sydney Australia
July 6, 2013 @ 4:00 pm atomb
Hi, Helen …
Thanks to One Radio Network, there’s a storehouse of info about emotional trauma, toxic engrams, and “clearing” and resolving the subconscious complexes running our lives.
Examples are …
April 15, 2011
April 17, 2011
April 19, 2011
June 6, 2011
August 16, 2011
April 29, 2012
September 10, 2012
October 18, 2012
April 3, 2013
May 10, 2013
Tao willing and if the cricks don’t rise, I’ll be writing a lot more about the subject in future blog entries. :)
July 8, 2013 @ 7:57 am Helen
Thanks AtOM. I’ll be reading them again as I read most of what you write.
More please, sometimes we need much more for it to sink in.
Many blessings,
July 5, 2013 @ 6:53 am sebs
any thoughts on arsenides and their synergists? i’m doing some periodic table mumbo jumbo with local minerals + more and it’s doing wonders on my arthritis and anemia. it’s been instant libido, horse chronicles, no joke.
July 6, 2013 @ 4:06 pm atomb
Food arsenides – in time and in the proper dose – are heart remedies.
Horseradish contains Great Nature’s quantum dot technology. :)
July 5, 2013 @ 7:05 am sebs
any experience with therapeutic uranium? i’ve been strangely drawn to some pitchblende and uranium glass on an auction website lately (literal eye-drool on em gems) until i rediscovered uranus, greek father sky and literally felt this huge weight lifted off my head.
i used to dabble with meteorites which i believe put me in some kind of lucifer mode for a loong time. circulating some other archetypal images dampens the feeling of constantly crashing down on earth a bit. would you suggest positive contact with some aries, uranus and whatever or just going blank again?
do you like gems?
gosh, i feel like a kindergarten kid again.
all due respect, over
July 6, 2013 @ 4:14 pm atomb
Blank is the ultimate spiritual state.
But archetypes are a lot more FUN.
I consider one of my former wives (number five) as a world expert on archetypal lore.
Her name is Layo and she writes “Melted and Blown, Etched and Lit” …
July 5, 2013 @ 8:06 am lydia
Hi Atom
Have been reading Ram Dass The only dance there is, and he talks about mantras. You also mention mantras in your blogs and I wondered what are the best sounds and words to use and what they mean? Is there any websites or books you would recommend.
Many Thanks
July 6, 2013 @ 4:39 pm atomb
I accompanied Adano Ley (Swami Nitty-Gritty) into the Bodhi Tree Metaphysical Book Store in West Hollywood.
A customer in the store asked Adano for a mantra.
He told her, “Jesus Christ, protect me” (or something of the sort, being the same mantra recommended in the 1980s by Ram Dass)
Disappointed, she asked, “Don’t you have an Indian mantra for me to use?”
Adano replied, “Why would you trade the intimacy of your own language for a foreign word you don’t understand?”
Exiting the Bodhi Tree, Adano admonished my tendency to be what he called a “jerkhead,” saying …
“There’s no spirituality in there.”
Any word will do for a mantra as long as you repeat it often and continuously.
Adano told us in the 1970s (at the Texas Institute of Reflex Sciences) …
“You can even use Coca-Cola for a mantra as long as you stick to it.”
A novel way to select a mantra using a telephone directory is described by Lawrence LeShan’s in his 1975 book How to Meditate.
July 5, 2013 @ 11:59 am Lucy
Atom,how can you fair-fight for your rights without getting hurt? If you make a decision and are I little concern of the results,what can you do to go throught it?
Hope I´m not too complicated.
July 7, 2013 @ 6:48 pm atomb
Work with time, and the “timing will balloon you out of the situation” (quoting Swami Nitty-Gritty).
Personal fairness is often at odds with cosmic fairness.
Cosmic fairness is unknowable, or as Maharishi Mahesh Yogi put it …
“The ways of karma are unfathomable.”
Life is an odd process, making it impossible to “get even.”
Parity is a static and causal explanation, whereas life is a dynamic empirical activity.
WHEN we truly live NOW, there’s no residue – no karmic warehousing. :)
July 6, 2013 @ 4:06 am B
Hi Atom!
I have noticed that almond water can lead to a “bonus BM” (second BM after cobalamin tonic) of looser stool. What is this a sign or symptom of and have you any insight as to the significance of this?
Also, I have developed a toilet-asana inspired by those (Vitalis) who encourage squatting over a toilet to evacuate the bowels. No toilet stirrups required (haha)! Simply rest the torso on top of the legs while sitting on the crapper and then while maintaining the bend at the waist, push the shoulders up. This seems to be the quickest way to get everything out, and mimics the squatting position in the torso without actually having to squat. Ok, enjoy the crapper-asana.
July 7, 2013 @ 10:30 pm atomb
Yes, that’s one reason I always (99% of the time) drink the almond water.
Crapper-asana, LOL. :)
A friend told me he does Bowel-Johns instead of Bhajans.
July 6, 2013 @ 7:51 am Dan
Hey Atom,
I have a question about rebounding. You said it gets you into the fourth chakra (breath). What is going on when your vision blurs while rebounding? Is that the breath chakra? It’s not like a drug trance, but a meditative feeling while being totally aware, and the lines of everything seemed blurred. Cool stuff, whatever it is.
July 7, 2013 @ 10:41 pm atomb
Is your vision blurring during your rebounding or is it blurred later?
Blurring during rebounding is normal (or at least average), and its continuance can be normal or otherwise depending how long the blurring lasts and how intense it is.
July 9, 2013 @ 7:44 pm Dan
It’s just during the exercise. It may last a second or two after I get off the trampoline, but I have really clear vision otherwise.