Many chronobiologists contend our “natural” circadian cycle is a 25-hour cycle, not a 24-hour one.

People living in caves for extended periods of time tend to follow a 25-hour circadian cycle.

But human beings don’t live in caves (unless you’re a Morlock).

Exposed to continuous darkness or reduced lighting conditions, we frequently switch over to a 25-hour “natural” rhythm.

Exposed to continuous light equivalent to the brightness of sunlight (about 93 lumens per watt of radiant flux), we frequently switch over to a 23-hour “natural” rhythm.

Thus, a 25-hour continuous darkness rhythm is a HYPO (slow) rhythm, and a 23-hour continuous luminosity rhythm is a HYPER (fast) rhythm.

Human beings will eventually be compelled to adjust to the constant light exposure during space travel (or to whatever light cycle we adopt for inside our spaceships).

A 25-hour rhythm activates the parasympathetic nervous system, which is basically sedative.

A 23-hour rhythm activates the sympathetic nervous system, which is basically confrontative.

A 25-hour rhythm is a rhythm of melancholy, and a 23-hour rhythm is a rhythm of mania.

A 25-hour rhythm ultimately leads to coma (excessive acidity), and a 23-hour rhythm ultimately leads to tetany (excessive alkalinity).

A 25-hour rhythm is a spelunker’s rhythm, and a 23-hour rhythm is an astronaut’s rhythm.

The 25-hour rhythm is actually based on the Lunar day — a 24-hour and 50-minute cycle.

The Moon rises 50 minutes later every day.

Contrary to mainstream patriarchal disinformation…

(1) the Sun represents the subconscious and superconscious mind and the feminine principle, and

(2) the Moon represents the conscious “tunnel-vision” mind and the masculine principle.

A human ovum is 85,000 times larger than a human sperm, and 72,000,000 of our Moons could fit inside our Sun.

Go into any book store and you’ll find many more books with the word “Moon” in the title than “Sun.”


'Are We “Timed” For a 24-Hour Day Or a 25-Hour Day?' have 5 comments

  1. December 25, 2012 @ 7:47 pm atomb


    According to “Diet Determines Color and Shape of a Caterpillar,” The New York Times, Feb. 7, 1989 …

    “The food eaten by a caterpillar in the Southwest causes bodily changes allowing the insect to mimic the seasonal appearance of its oak tree home, a researcher [Erick Greene of the University of California at Davis] reports.”

    Seasonal DIET CUES turn the genes of Nemoria arizonaria ON or OFF.

    First comes the Spring brood …

    “Caterpillars hatched in the spring immediately begin feeding on the oak catkin, or flower. Soon, these caterpillars turn yellow with green dots and develop the fuzzy, segmented shape that mimics the oak blossom.”

    Next comes the Autumn brood …

    “Mr. Greene said that by the time the fall brood appears, the oak tree has lost its blossoms and has leaves. The new caterpillars nibble on the leaves and develop a smooth, gray-green body that resembles a twig. Powerful jaws, capable of chewing the leathery leaves, also appear.

    “Oak leaves have a high content of a compound called tannin. Mr. Greene said this compound apparently triggers the genetic response to create the fall shape and color.”

  2. December 26, 2012 @ 8:35 am jean

    Do we know how the organ clock is “compressed” or “stretched” depending on the length of the cycles?

  3. December 27, 2012 @ 7:17 pm atomb

    The Organ Clock is constricted or dilated in four major ways …

    (1) The Way of the Tourist – photon synchrony.

    (2) The Way of the Gourmet – Solar Nutrition.

    (3) The Way of the Meditator – phonon synchrony.

    (4) The Way of the Athlete – kinesis synchrony.

    Folks can compromise their health and spiritual development by uncoupling their physiology from environmental time cues – especially the 24-hour Life Flow (circadian) rhythm and the 7-day Lipid Antibody (cicaseptan) rhythm.

    • December 27, 2012 @ 9:58 pm jean

      Thanks! :-) What dictionaries do you recommend? ;-)

      Is the effect of Earthing upon relieving jet lag included, or is it not related or even a false conclusion on their part?
      (e.g. )

      • December 27, 2012 @ 10:36 pm atomb

        Earthing offers no protection against external electromagnetic fields – the actual determinants of our electromagnetic health.

        This includes geomagnetism (wherever a compass works) and the Schumann resonances (atmospheric phenomena, not grounding).

        Vivaxis is not grounding, and is mistakenly used as a synonym for “Earthing,”

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