Sigmund Freud wrote, “There is at least one spot in every dream at which it is implumbable – a navel, as it were, that is its point of contact with the unknown.”

“Round the umbilicus we rotate. We’re both centripetal and centrifugal,” noted James Bridie, M.D.

Adano Ley (Swami Nitty-Gritty) called the navel the “equibalance center.”

The navel point is neutral, a mini-version of Earth’s intertropical convergence zone.

Adano said, “Astral projection is easier if the navel goes inward.”

He cautioned against meditating in a prone position.

If you “leave” your body through the navel while in a horizontal position at right angle to gravity, you may not be able to “return.”

If you “leave” through the top of your head while sitting or standing in a vertical position in zero-angle alignment with gravity, you’re guaranteed a safe “return.”

The SILVER CORD is the spine and its marrow – the SPERM.

The GOLDEN BOWL is the brain – the OVUM.

There’s actually no such thing as “astral projection.”

Nothing “leaves” or “returns” to your body because time and space are mental constructs.

Adano knew (from personal experience) that we don’t “go” anywhere when we astral project because we already are NOWHERE and EVERYWHERE.

Inhaling, we identify with oxygen (consciousness) inside the body, expanding balloon-like with the ego.

Exhaling, we identify with oxygen outside the body, and can anchor our focus anywhere in creation and out of it.

John Lilly (1915-2001) told us at a lecture at St. Thomas University in Houston …

“When I astral project, I don’t bring my body along. I prefer to astral project as a mathematical point because there is no resistance to my acceleration, allowing me to travel faster than the speed of light. If I travel with my body, I’m limited to a specific speed.”

Dr. Lilly was on the right trackless track. :)

Quantum physics shows us we are nowhere and everywhere simultaneously.

When your photograph is “taken,” how did your image REALLY get inside that camera?

Imagine a limitless number of cameras taking limitless photographs of you from limitless points in space for a limitless time.

That’s why Adano defined us human beings as “image and likeness.”




'Astral Projecting Nowhere & Everywhere' have 5 comments

  1. November 25, 2011 @ 6:42 pm atomb

    Swami Nitty-Gritty said …

    “There is no astral projection. It’s really respiratory disengagement. The one element called breath is separate from the mechanism.”

    Proprioception is the mother of astral projection.

    Proprioceptive awareness can be projected, e.g. feeling the texture of paper with the point of a pencil.

  2. December 7, 2011 @ 3:06 pm RadioGuGu

    Dear Atom : )

    Please, tell us more about “Proprioceptive awareness can be projected”!

    • December 7, 2011 @ 8:01 pm atomb

      The principle of touching someone or something with a pencil is proprioception without direct contact.

      No vacuum exists in the universe, so astral projection is a subtle form of proprioception.

      It’s only a question of degree.

      Giving someone a “hickey” – damaging capillaries UNDER the skin by sucking ON the skin – is the commonest form of psychic surgery.

      Again, it’s only a question of degree. :)

  3. November 7, 2022 @ 7:38 pm Nightmare-Rex

    in my dreams if i look down i see nothing (no legs and arms) if i look in a mirror i see nothing (nothing wired other than that happens)

    • November 11, 2022 @ 5:33 pm Atom

      Dang! When is Zuckerberg gonna put legs on his avatars?!? :-D

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