
Patrick Timpone


Atom Bergstrom

Time Conscious Eating and Lifestyles for Longevity

A Body & Organ Language specialist and promoter of Time Conscious Eating and Longevity Lifestyles, Gosta Ingvar “ATOM” Bergstrom was raised in New Jersey and the San Fernando Valley of Southern California.

Atom has been teaching workshops and seminars across the U.S.A. since 1977. With over 50 years experience in health and nutrition, Atom has been counseling people with various diseases and ailments since the 70’s. His expertise is on nutrition, chronobiology, reflexology, slit-lamp iridology, meditation, Sufi, and I Ching and other holistic modalities. He graduated from Adano Ley’s Texas Institute of Reflex Sciences in 1979.

Show Highlights:

-How many Californians does it take to change a light bulb?

-Loving our plants and extending the life of vegetables through consciousness

-Patrick asks Atom about his take on parasites

-The benefit of fecal transplants

-How Atom protects himself from parasites

-Forming a cooperative organization in the body

-There’s really no need to trip on drugs; we can get to where we want to be on our own

-Tips for eating almonds in the morning for weight loss

-Atom explains the power of numbers

-Building muscle really depends on your mental attitude; Atom explains

-Using positive thinking to get well

-There’s a place for supplements, but getting what your body needs from food is ideal

-A listener wants to know how best to access nutrients in food-Cooking, freezing, fermentation or raw?

-The benefits of raw foods

-The best time to eat fiddlehead ferns

-Why the body loves peanut butter and pineapple juice at night

-There are many reasons for ringing in the ears; Atom says to enjoy it if it’s in the right ear

-A listener feels an itching in his forehead when he meditates: Atom advises him to just enjoy it, it’s a good thing

-Why would semen be clear sometimes and white other times?

-The limitations of muscle testing

-John calls in with a question about glandulars and the best time to take them

-Stick your tongue out; it’s the doorway to health

-Bamboo as a bone builder

-A listener healed water warts(Molluscum contagiosum)with Lugols iodine

and so much more!


Atom Bergstrom 5

Atom’s Blog

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atom bergstrom, time conscious eating, may 5, 2014, hour one

'Atom Bergstrom – Forming a Cooperative Organization in the Body; Dealing With the Goobies By Transmutation – May 5, 2014' have 3 comments

  1. May 5, 2014 @ 4:54 pm Steve

    At 21:50 Atom mentioned computer programs that change the screen’s color to a more redish hue as the sun sets to avoid affecting your sleep with too much blue light. F.lux is popular and free software for the Mac, Windows, Linux, and iOS that slowly adjusts the screen’s color temperature per the time of day. See a review here ( and download it here (


  2. May 5, 2014 @ 4:56 pm Lyn

    Dear Diane with the angular cheilitis/cheilosis – this is generally indicative of a B vitamin deficiency especially Riboflavin – supplement along with Atom’s recomendations


  3. May 5, 2014 @ 10:45 pm Toby

    Hi Patrick

    I am an avid listener from Australia and love your shows, in particular with Atomb.

    Something very odd has happened to me recently and have spontaneously begun to experience random bouts of Premature Ventricular Contractions (or PVC’s for short).

    I am 42, eat well, healthy and desperately want to be free of this condition. I have stopped all known triggers valid to me (occasional alcohol consumption and daily coffee) and through my own research have begun taking Magnesium supplements which other sufferers have had various success with. Other research points to the Vagus Nerve and stomach.

    Can Atomb advise on any probable holistic cause and/or a solution.

    Medicos just say it is common and to ignore it if you can.

    Thanks in advance.


    Your show is the best out there :) Love it.


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