
Patrick Timpone

Atom Bergstrom

The Full Moon is Not Made of Green Cheese and a Plethora of Other Gooey and Wise Ideas

February 6, 2012

It is always a fun and information packed ride on the first Monday of each month. Here’s just a sampling of the dietary and spiritual nuggets presented by Atom on this months’ program.

-What we can learn from our body language

-The Mouth of God and the parental sides of our body

-The Full Moon is not made of green cheese

-Talking to our plants by name

-Advantages of time conscious eating

-Work and play

-We came from the mud and played in the Pine Trees

-Nuts, and the goodness of phytic moderation

-Thyroid do’s and don’ts from Atom

-Dark circles under the eye’s mean what ?

-The sun and beautiful skin.

-Liver detox time is coming up…Liver is a Pisces event

-Getting the carbon out of our liver during a full moon

-Nightly recipe for liver detox

-Why the Indians did not get goiters

-What is the optimum pulse rate for boys?

-Coffee, chocolate magic

-Sex, the brain, the eyes, the heart and love

-Yawning and yoga

atom bergstrom, time conscious eating, feb 6, 2012, hour one

'Atom Bergstrom – The Full Moon is Not Made of Green Cheese and a Plethora of Other Gooey and Wise Ideas – February 6, 2012' has 1 comment

  1. February 7, 2012 @ 11:52 am Saundra

    The volume for your guest are very low – I have my speakers up to the highest volume and still can’t hear the guests. I hope you can fix this. Thank you.


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