Contact Mind Reading

By Atom Bergstrom

Atom’s Blog


MHM (Mind Hacking for the Millions) measures subconscious motor movements that are anything but subtle — in plainer words, these movements have nothing in common with dowsing and radionics.


MHM measures a Reflex Ideomotor Response, with the emphasis on Reflex.

The Merriam-Webster definition of ideomotor is “not reflex but motivated by an idea,” but MHM definitely measures movements that are both a reflex and an idea, separating it from woo-woo mentalism and hypnosis.


Our subconscious mind registers MEN on the LEFT side of the body, and WOMEN on the RIGHT side (handedness doesn’t matter).

More specifically, MHM measures TRAUMA with MEN on the LEFT side of the body, and TRAUMA with WOMEN on the RIGHT side.

What’s the practical use of this information?

The TRAUMA that causes DISEASE on the LEFT side of the body always involves a MAN, and the TRAUMA that causes DISEASE on the RIGHT side always involves a WOMAN.

(I’m referring ONLY to motor movements. Left-Right BODY GEOMETRY POLARITY has much in common with motor movements, but the interpretation is not as SIMPLE.)


Imagine a world where preschoolers (3-5 years) are taught MIND HACKING (about as challenging as learning to tie their shoelaces) by either their parents or a child educator.

The world as we know it would be very different.


Our VISION is to open the Pacific Mind Hacking Academy here in Santa Barbara, California, and transmute the technology of “health” and “longevity.”

Mind Hacking For the Millions is an idea whose time has come.




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