Grapes In the Stomach

By Atom Bergstrom

Atom’s Blog

Grape cure? It can work miracles, but stick to grape juice, not grapes or grape wine … or chew your grapes exceedingly well.

Some of today’s grapes might be more digestible than their wild grape forebears.


William Beaumont, M.D. (Experiments and Observations on the Gastric Juice, and the Physiology of Digestion, 1838) wrote …

“Experiment 48 [in his fourth series of experiments on the the ‘room with a view’ stomach of Alexis St. Martin].

“At 9:00 o’clock, A.M., I put two purple fox grapes, one skinned and the other entire, into six drachms of gastric juice, and kept them in axilla, six hours, with very little alteration in their appearance; the skinned grape, weighing, when first put in, thirty four grains, weighed now, thirty grains, retaining its shape and texture. The whole grape was not affected in the least, either in shape, colour or texture. It weighed fifty four grains when put in, and the same now. Continued in axilla, twelve hours, they remained unaltered, and weighed exactly the same as at last examination. Added one ounce of fresh gastric juice, and continued them in axilla, twenty four hours unaltered. The texture of the skinned grape, was as firm and hard as when first put in; and the fluid was unchanged in its appearance, except a slight fÅ“tor [strong, foul smell, perceptible at the end of three or four days.

“Thus, I think, is a fair specimen of the indigestible nature of this kind of fruit.”


Grapes are so indigestible, Dr. Beaumont didn’t even bother to enter them in his extensive list of food digestion times.


'Grapes In the Stomach' have 5 comments

  1. August 5, 2022 @ 4:38 pm Atom

    MIND HACKING is an idea whose time has come today. Why go to the Assassins In White when you can suss out your own psychological and physiological health? MIND HACKING dissolves the boundary between Mind and Body, between psychology and biology, between thinking and dying. Recent times can usher in the Age of Social Distancing from Doctors, Hospital, Drugs, and Bureaucrats. It’s doubtful due to the Sheep-Bot surplus, but we can always HOPE.–e-books.php#Mind-Hacking


  2. August 5, 2022 @ 4:39 pm Atom

    Mind Hacking’s Cornerstone Technique measures either a “Yes” or a “No.” There’s no narrative. A lie detector test (polygraph) measures either a “Yes” or a “No.” There’s no narrative. The difference between the Cornerstone Technique and a polygraph test? You can beat a polygraph test. You can’t beat the Cornerstone Technique.


  3. August 5, 2022 @ 4:39 pm Atom

    Trance states start early, during the spermal race and in the womb. Mind Hacking can track down a specific Cognitive Trigger Event. Rewriting the program is unlimited. One man’s humor is another man’s humidor.


  4. August 5, 2022 @ 4:40 pm Atom

    All politicians are cabal — left, right, or ambidextrous. If they’re not 100% against the Medical Police State, execrate them.


  5. August 5, 2022 @ 4:42 pm Atom

    The Time “they” steal from us is 100 times worse than the Money “they” steal from us.


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