Helen Flanders Dunbar

By Atom Bergstrom

Atom’s Blog

Helen Flanders Dunbar (The Pocket Minerva) was the Mother of Holistic Medicine, and virtually erased from history by mainstream media.

I studied her books at the Gibson D. Lewis Health Science Library in Fort Worth.


Re: What can you tell us about her?

She was the greatest collector of cases of “physical” diseases being caused and cured by the MIND.

Her extensive bibliography alone was awesome.


Helen Flanders Dunbar was The Mother of Psychosomatic Medicine.

Actually, MIND MEDICINE had been going on for centuries before her birth, but she did much to propagate it … so the prime movers of the Medical Police State realized SHE HAD TO BE STOPPED.


Re: Never heard of her before.

She’s been virtually erased from history … as are all innovators who challenge Medical Nemesis.


Robert M. Kaplan (“Helen Flanders Dunbar: The Mother of Psychosomatic Medicine,” Psychiatric Times, Mar. 8, 2021) wrote …

“American psychosomatic medicine started in the 1930s. According to this school of thought, illnesses arose from the physiological effects of emotional stimuli. It was thought that certain psychodynamic patterns created typical illnesses, known as organ specificity. Repressed (and forgotten) emotions emerged from the unconscious to target certain organs, producing psychosomatic disorders. Somatic dysfunctions thus arose from the patients’ emotional problems, which led practitioners of psychosomatic medicine to search for psychological profiles characteristic of specific syndromes. This expanded further to the belief that many diseases were psychogenic in origin and stressors, albeit undefined. Dunbar believed that having accidents was similar to the process by which other patients transformed psychological conflicts into somatic symptoms. Their personality styles and neuroses translated into accident proneness.”


Anyone who can Mind Hack knows ORGAN SPECIFICITY is an actual thing … and commonplace.

The same goes for ACCIDENT PRONENESS.


According to Jerry Burkes …

“An accident is a very well planned event. ‘Acci’ refers to the stars and the effect they have on our lives.”


According to Merriam-Webster (May 19, 2022) …

“The two earliest senses of disaster began at almost the same exact time (our earliest record of each comes from the middle of the 16th century); the sense of ‘a great and sudden misfortune’ appears to have come slightly after the sense relating to a star. Disaster (which has the Latin word for ‘star’, astro, in its etymology) is not the only word in English to have been formed based on the supposed influence of stars: the flu is a shortening of influenza, which comes from the Medieval Latin word for ‘influence,’ based on the notion that epidemics were influenced by the stars.”


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