Soup’s On Or Soup’s Off?

By Atom Bergstrom

Atom’s Blog

Re: Did you say soup and juice are harder to digest than solid food?

Yes, under most circumstances.

Ma Nature always has exceptions to the rule and exceptions to her exceptions to the rule.


Have you ever seen a lion eat soup or drink juice?

Have you ever fed Fido or Bella a bowl of soup?

Have you ever seen a cow grazing on soup or juice? (If it’s a purple cow, you get extra points.)


William Beaumont, M.D. (Experiments and Observations on the Gastric Juice, and the Physiology of Digestion, 1838 edition) wrote …

“Solid food is sooner disposed of by the stomach than fluid, and its nutritive principles are sooner carried into the circulation. It has been observed, however, that the exhaustion from abstinence is quicker removed by liquid than solid aliment. This is undoubtedly true; and it may be accounted for on the ground of a general sympathy existing between the stomach and all the other parts of the body. It is only necessary, in proof of this fact, to appeal to the experience of almost every physician. The violent spasms, contortions, &c. affecting different and remote parts of the system, that sometimes supervene on the introduction of crude or indigestible food into the stomach, are pretty clear indications of the powerful sympathy that exists between it and other organs or apparatuses.”


This “general sympathy” is called Reflexology, and the stomach is notably represented by the Solar Nutrition Endomorphic Cross …

Stomach, Small Intestine, Circulation-Sex, and Liver meridians.


'Soup’s On Or Soup’s Off?' have 5 comments

  1. October 7, 2022 @ 1:24 pm Atom

    Google is by far the best search engine, but don’t let them take you for a ride.

    Learn to break out of the filter bubbles where Google confines info seekers.

    I call it Cyberspace Aikido.


  2. October 7, 2022 @ 1:25 pm Atom

    Because humans lose from time to time, opioid agonists are a secondary reward (along with serotonin).


  3. October 7, 2022 @ 3:38 pm Atom

    Edward Maynard was setting up what may have been the biggest solar power deal in history.

    Edward and his partners purchased a wind farm (located on the “bones of Exxon”) in Bakersfield, California.

    They planned to convert it to solar power. There were only four suppliers of the solar ingots at the time, and Edward and friends were the fifth (the new kid on the block with a superior product).

    But Master Chen (Yun Xiang Tseng) warned Edward that his main partner was not trustworthy.

    What happened? The guy betrayed Edward and the deal was snookered.


  4. October 7, 2022 @ 3:42 pm Atom

    Re: Why would anyone want to avoid dietary fat?

    Excellent question! We live in a fat-phobic society!


  5. October 7, 2022 @ 3:46 pm Atom

    As a child I gobbled up an entire stick of butter in mere minutes.

    My parents were not happy since it was their entire ration of butter for the entire month during WW2.

    When I turn sideways and stick out my tongue, folks mistake me for a zipper, so, obviously, FAT DOESN’T MAKE YOU FAT.


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