Whole Food Kakadu Plum?

By Atom Bergstrom

Atom’s Blog

Re: What about whole food supplements (in capsule form) like Kakadu plum, etc?

The entire plum is a WHOLE food. Are you saying you have a supplement that is the ENTIRE dried plum and not PARTIAL? Nothing is extracted from it?

If so, then it’s OK, but I’ve never found such a commercial product),

Otherwise, chemicals are used to EXTRACT the vitamin C, which is by far NOT the main ingredient.


I’ve never found a food constructed of nothing but vitamin C with no room for protein, fat, enzymes, hormones, minerals, other vitamins, etc.

That would be a rare find, indeed, and I would suspect it was from another planet in another dimension.


If you dry a Kakadu plum, you’ll have a whole food IMPLEMENT.

Or maybe you can buy dried plum powder from someone you trust — a person or business not using additives or excipients.

There are 5,300 milligrams of vitamin C in every 100,000 milligrams of a Kakadu plum (on a good day).

What do you suppose happens to the missing 94,700 milligrams of plum?

If supplement salesmen were car rental salesmen, they might tell you, “Here’s a Cadillac steering wheel. Have a nice drive down to Los Angeles from here in Santa Barbara.”


One of the disadvantages of all that vitamin C is the extremely high level of oxalic acid it transforms into INSIDE the fruit itself … before it even gets transformed into oxalic acid INSIDE your own body.

Oxalic acid is great for your TEETH and oral cavity, but an excess is tough on your kidneys, heart, skin, brain, eyes, nerves, and mucous membranes.

Carnivores may demand an immediate explanation!


'Whole Food Kakadu Plum?' have 9 comments

  1. March 16, 2023 @ 10:27 am John

    Hi Atom, is that just the Kakadu plum (or plums in general?) that the vit C transforms into oxalic acid INSIDE the fruit, and then INSIDE your body?
    If I want oxalic acid for my teeth what are good sources?
    Cooked spinach?
    Cobalamin tonic?


    • March 16, 2023 @ 2:54 pm Atom

      Other plums do not have the overabundance of vitamin C in them like Kakadu plums to transform into excess oxalic acid (unless dipped in oxalic acid to slow ripening).

      Oxalic acid is created in various ways, e.g., molds, carbs plus nitric acid, etc.

      Coffee, cocoa, green tea, spinach, potatoes, etc., contain oxalic acid.


  2. March 16, 2023 @ 3:40 pm Atom

    “Chromium dioxide is needed for a heart transplant. Chromium is in cranberries, dioxide in grapes — drink cranberry nectar.” — Swami Nitty-Gritty


    • March 23, 2023 @ 5:50 am Anne

      What would be the ideal solar time


      • March 23, 2023 @ 11:06 am Atom

        Any time between 3:00-7:00 p.m.


    • March 25, 2023 @ 8:57 am John

      You mix the cranberry juice and grape juice together? It is therapeutic for the heart?


      • March 28, 2023 @ 8:39 am Atom

        It’s therapeutic for the heart when taken at Kidney Time.

        It’s It’s therapeutic for ulcers when taken at Bladder Time.


  3. March 16, 2023 @ 3:41 pm Atom

    “Nitric oxide is increasingly seen as an important factor in nerve degeneration (Doherty, 2011). Nitric oxide activates processes (Obukuro, et al., 2013) that can lead to cell death. Inhibition on the production of nitric oxide protects again various kinds of dementia (Sharma & Sharma, 2013, Sharma & Singh, 2013). Brain trauma cases large increase in nitric oxide formation, and blocking its synthesis improves recovery (Huttenmann, et al., 2008); Gahn, et al., 2006).” — Ray Peat


  4. March 16, 2023 @ 3:43 pm Atom

    Q — How is the Metabolic Theory of Cancer similar or different than Dr. Revici’s work?

    A — Aside from the fact that Travis Christofferson’s Metabolic Theory of Cancer is not quite the same as Otto Warburg’s Metabolic Theory of Cancer, both are very different than the Revici Method.

    Both versions of the Metabolic Theory concentrate on the mitochondria, while the Revici Method factors in the entire body, including all of its “hierarchies” and “oppositions.”

    Incidentally, the Ketogenic Diet is brand-new to humankind. No Blue Zone Diet or other Longevity Diet is ketogenic, and neither is the Inuit Diet, which is alleged to be.


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