Atom’s Blog

Re: What if you’re allergic to nuts?

Nuts are sublime assets to the transmutation from a temporal, corruptible body to a supratemporal, incorruptible one – assets to being free from time and above time and united with timeliness.

The ACORN played a large part in the creation and achievements of ancient Greek civilization.

Ditto the ALMOND for ancient Egypt and Persia.

If you’re allergic to nuts, fortunately, you can “crab into the wind” to achieve the Butterfly Body.

Most people following Time Conscious Eating – even long-time adherents – don’t really believe in a Butterfly Body, anyway, and just want to live a healthier life to avoid the hazardous inconvenience of Obamacare.

They continue to believe in self-realization instead of CELL-REALIZATION.

Either way, until a nut allergy is resolved, avocados can be eaten for breakfast (preferably at Stomach Time).

Frank Lilly told me avocados were Paramahansa Yogananda’s favorite food, and that Yogananda wished to see avocado trees planted for food worldwide wherever they would thrive.

Frank managed the mobile home park where I lived in Carpinteria, California, telling me Yogananda had “sent him” there to watch over everyone who lived in the park.

Frank had even hired himself as park manager.

The park owner had told Frank to drive up from Orange County to Carpinteria for a job interview.

Frank said, “I don’t have to. Consciousness has shown me, I already have the job.”

The owner said, “You don’t understand. I need to see you in person first.”

Frank replied, “I do understand, but I don’t have to see you. Consciousness has shown me I already have the job.”

The owner insisted, “You have to see me in person to get this job!”

Frank persisted, “But consciousness has shown me I already have it.”

The frustrated owner hung up on him.

But a few days later, Frank was notified by mail that he was hired.

Frank had been personally initiated by Yogananda when only 17 years old.

Frank deposited a dozen or so avocados on my front porch, waving at the avocado tree directly across the street from my mobile home, supposedly “off limits” to us residents, and proclaimed …

“See that avocado tree? Every avocado on it has your name on it. Help yourself to however many you want.”

I didn’t tell him I was already climbing up the tree just before dawn and helping myself to as many as I wanted.

Adano Ley (Swami Nitty-Gritty) said …

“Avocado digests quickly. It fools you. Big things go through quickly.”


'Avocados For Breakfast Instead Of Nuts' have 3 comments

  1. February 21, 2014 @ 10:13 pm atomb

    My e-books are available at …


  2. February 21, 2014 @ 11:32 pm Michael Gebhardt

    Ok gonna find a big one fer breakky, as my Kiwin Olympic brother and sister Bruce and Barbara Kendall’s always said, “At least we gave it a go”. and if you run into a Kate Moss of Keri keri, tell her she still owes me a marriage!!! Her pops has a farm up there somewhere…


    • February 22, 2014 @ 3:56 am atomb

      That would disprove that a rolling stone gathers no Moss. ;)


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