Swami Nitty-Gritty (Adano Ley) warned, “Many people are ready to know their past lives, but few are prepared for it.”
I asked him, “Is there really such a thing as reincarnation?”
Swami Nitty-Gritty replied, “Each incarnation you only live once. Like the man said, ‘I don’t believe in reincarnation. Last incarnation, I didn’t believe in it either, or the incarnation before.”
Before meeting Swami Nitty-Gritty in 1975, I asked the same question to my Sufi teacher, Adnan Sarhan.
“Experience it,” Adnan replied.
(Bear in mind this is the same Sufi who when asked, “What is the origin of the belly dance?,” replied, “The belly.”)
Swami Nitty-Gritty told me I was the reincarnation of Gutenberg’s assistant, and I had quit working for him following a disagreement.
He said, “When I first met you and saw your printing, I told Margaret [Berry], ‘Ahhh, Gutenberg’s assistant has returned.”
19 years later, I “chanced” upon the name and background of Gutenberg’s assistant.
Author John Man called Peter Schoffer “Gutenberg’s most trusted assistant.”
Schoffer was a calligrapher, engraver, and designer, who callously and opportunistically stole Gutenberg’s printing business, and went on to eventually become the world’s first international publisher and bookseller.
Schoffer even falsely credited his adopted father with the invention of the printing press after his father foreclosed on Gutenberg and turned the entire business over to Schoffer.
In the words of John Man (Gutenberg: How One Man Remade the World with Words, 2002) …
“People coming across Schoffer in the mid-1400s would have been well advised to admire his talent and watch their back.”
Today’s 21st-Century karmic payback is mestuck withover 20 e-manuscripts and no publisher.
My Austin friend Greg Whiteley of Aquarian Lifestyle Research is fond of saying …
“You either believe in victims or you believe in karma. You can’t believe in both.”
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