Meditation and relaxation are not the same.

Meditation – Mental Energy Directing Individual Thought Activity Towards Intuitive Observation and Oneness with Noumena or Nature – is MINI-HIBERNATION.

Mini-Hibernation Time is from 2:30 a.m. to 6:00 a.m.

It’s not necessary to hibernate from November to April like Arthur E. “Turkey” Gehrke (1883-1942) did for over 25 years.

Turkey said (according to Time magazine) …

“If more folks went to bed all winter, there wouldn’t be so much trouble and confusion in the world.”

Meditation is not about “stillness,” “inner peace,” “mindfulness,” or other subjective notions.

It’s about self-realization and God-realization, and the latter’s byproduct, physical immortality.

Adano Ley (Swami Nitty-Gritty) started the Association of Longevity Lifestyles, saying …

“I’m not a therapist; I’m a Longevity Lifestylist. I’m an associate, not a member, of Longevity Lifestyles. Immortality and resurrection are part of our program.”

Meditation is BEAR MEDICINE.

Hibernating bears transmute their …

(1) bone degradation products into new bone

(2) urinary wastes (urea) back into amino acids to maintain their muscle strength

(3) body fat into water

Hibernating bears aren’t bothered by calcium buildup in the blood.

According to Dr. Stephen J. Marx …

“If humans could not eliminate the excess calcium leaked into their blood, they would quickly die.”

Elisabeth Rosenthal (“Hibernating Bears Emerge With Hints About Human Ills,” The New York Times, April 21, 1992) wrote …

“Hibernating bears are able to defy some basic rules of mammalian physiology, research has shown. Five months of inactivity would lead to disastrous bone thinning in humans, but leaves bear bones unharmed. Although bears do not move their large muscles for more than 100 days, they actually increase their lean body mass in the den. And while bears do not urinate during their months of hibernation, their bodies show no buildup of urea, a toxic waste product of protein metabolism normally eliminated by the kidneys.”

Hibernating bears practice kundalini, the shivering of muscle groups surrounding their vital organs.

Charles Atlas called it Dynamic Tension.

Kundalini is activated by PANDICULATION, a full-body or body-part contraction combined with yawning.

Bears use massive shivering to maintain their temperature at a lowered set point.

You’re hibernating when you drop your heart rate to at least 20 beats per minute.

A hibernating black bear drops its heart rate down from 45-50 beats per minute to 8-10 beats per minute.

Adano elucidated …

“When inhalation meets exhalation, brain power increases. Yogis call it samadhi. The greater the lung power, the greater the brain power. Brain power is increased when breath enters this particular state of neutrality known as samadhi, the breathless state, hibernation, or suspended animation.”


'Bear Medicine In the Wee Willie Hours Of the Morning' has 1 comment

  1. October 24, 2013 @ 9:52 pm atomb

    My e-books are available at …

    Somehow my name has become associated with Adya Clarity promoted by Matt Bakos and Brian Clement.

    I have NEVER had any association with the product or the two gentlemen promoting it.

    My health approach is totally different than their approach, and never the twain shall meet.

    I’m not dissing their product. I’m just saying that I would never use it or endorse it (and never have).

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