11:00 p.m. to 6:00 a.m is Fasting Time – the optimum seven hours to rebuild your body to put it on line for another day of Longevity Lifestyles.

6:00-7:00 a.m. is the best time to empty your bowels.

It’s prime time for peristalsis in the large intestine.

Peristalsis – in a healthy on-time individual – happens only three times a day.

Segmental propulsion and haustral shuttling are the most you’ll get out of your large intestine at other times of the day or night.

7:00-9:00 a.m. (Stomach Time) is the ideal time for Break the Fast.

Breakfast targets Zone One of your body – from the cerebral cortex in the uppermost brain to the diaphragm muscle at the bottom of the rib cage.

An excellent example of a Solar Nutrition breakfast is the one we ate today at the place I’m visiting in Montecito, California …

(1) soaked almonds (and the water they’re soaked in for extra polyphenol power),

(2) pine nuts (for the pineal gland and skin),

(3) cashews (for dietary trace minerals in the jaw and anacardic acid for the teeth),

(4) pistachios (for vitamin A and visual violet in the eyes),

(5) a walnut (for the cerebral cortex),

(6) a hazel nut (for zinc),

(7) a Brazil nut (for selenium, bromine, and radon),

(8) avocado (for cholesterol regulation),

(9) sun-dried black olives (for sexual potency and additional cholesterol regulation),

(10) soaked prunes (for iron and bowel regularity),

(11) pomegranate seeds (for free radical scavenging and contraception), and

(12) Cobalamin Tonic “hormone-booster rocket” (coffee, cocoa, and Grade B 100% maple syrup for sexual health and longevity).

Incidentally, most of the above items were organically grown by local farmers and sold at the Santa Barbara Farmers Market – one of the best farmers markets in the United States.




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