I found this going through my notes tonight.

I have no idea who gave it to me. (?????)

It’s titled, “Bucky’s Question, Adano’s Answer.”

Adano Ley (Swami Nitty-Gritty) wrote …


What can the little individual do?

Mildly American educated

I read, I write, I count on my fingers

not a genius

only me

tinier than a millimicrodot in Universe

a small fraction of the Whole.


So what can I do

to help the whole planet

helping the whole Universe

aiding vast Creation?


My faults flash before the Mind’s eye

no inventions,

no profundities,

expounding helpful hints.


Well, what the hell can I do for others

that they don’t do for themselves?


How many people can you heal,

how many people can you raise from the dead,

how many can you feed,

before it becomes impractical?


Eating, Breathing, Meditating,

this I do on my own.


But, Eating, Breathing, Meditating, ON TIME,

this I can do for them.


'Bucky’s Question, Adano’s Answer' have 11 comments

  1. June 30, 2013 @ 1:09 am atomb

    Check me out at …


    Swami Nitty-Gritty recommended the “nonsleep interference technique” …

    “Staying up for three days breaks the pattern of alpha drift.”

    • June 30, 2013 @ 2:10 am B

      When I was 13, right before they started putting me on “anti-depressants” and “sleep-aids”, I was using the night to read computer programming manuals and enjoy the town without people in it. This was also the time that I decided to be vegetarian and later vegan, “just because”. I also decided that I wasn’t going to sleep for 3 nights. The third and fourth days I didn’t feel awake and I didn’t feel asleep. I remember looking at all the compact discs at Tower Records and chuckling to myself.

      The vegan part was interesting. I am sure it was my form of protest, to be difficult. Of course the “program” that they made me go to didn’t accommodate vegans, so I didn’t eat.

      I got in to a lot of trouble for not buying in to other people’s bullshit. Eventually I faked it long enough to stand on my own two feet. In God We Trust.

      Thank you Atom! I have been revisiting some blogs. I have been noticing for a while that the timing of the written word with direct realization has also been evidence of God. My dog tags once read, “No pref”. I guess I could only stand up for what I believe in so many times before I ditched the tags and let go.

  2. June 30, 2013 @ 2:54 pm atomb

    Thanks, Brendan!

    I learned the meaning of the word “iconoclast” in high school, and quickly decided to be one. :)

  3. July 1, 2013 @ 1:57 am anshu

    Hi Atom. You once mentioned on one of your talks with Patrick that you can grow back your teeth especially around 71 one revolutions around the sun. I got your ebook on transendendal mastication as well but what do you suggest one can do to help regrow the teeth. And is there any literature or info that you can link to me.
    Thanks Anshu

    • July 1, 2013 @ 5:15 pm atomb

      (1) Regrowing Enamel Instructions …

      Combine cow cheese (sharp cheddar, Monterrey jack, or Swiss) with one clove of garlic and a slice of purple onion.

      Chew the cheese, garlic, and onion into a fine paste and hold it in the mouth as long as possible.

      Do this as close to 6:30 p.m. as possible.

      Don’t rinse the mouth or put anything else in it for at least an hour.

      Note: That’s one CLOVE, not one BULB. Someone I know made this mistake, and we could smell her coming a city block away.

      If the garlic burns the mouth, the technique is either being done incorrectly or the garlic is too strong.

      (2) Growing a Third Set of Teeth …

      This will not happen if you have dental fillings, root canals, etc., in the mouth, according to Swami Nitty-Gritty.

      I don’t recommend my strategy – waiting for my fillings to decompose and fall out.

      My physical body is my personal experiment, and I would never recommend this strategy to anyone else.

      Growing a third set of teeth is a rare occurrence, yet there’s adequate documentation in cyberspace and medical libraries.

      Some people have even grown two ROWS of teeth – and even three.

      • July 1, 2013 @ 7:59 pm B

        Hi Atom!

        David Wolfe likes to sell his ionic gold solution and advocates putting it on selected teeth to grow back. I know we have gold in them thar bones, physiologically could this be a catalyst? I know intention and intention/placebo-through-labor-to-money-translation and expenditure can be powerful, but how about them elementals?

        Thank you.

        • July 2, 2013 @ 11:41 pm atomb

          Food provides adequate gold for teeth if you don’t restrict yourself to a specific locality.

          Otherwise, you might get either too little or too much.

          Soluble gold is available in plants, especially in plants containing humic acid and/or cyanogenic glycosides.

          Zone One gold is more important for the teeth. :)

  4. July 1, 2013 @ 6:54 pm John

    How can I whiten my teeth ?

    • July 3, 2013 @ 12:35 am atomb

      Healthy whitening takes a while.

      (1) Don’t use a toothbrush. Use a blotting brush.

      (2) Never use toothpaste.

      (3) Oil pull for about 20 minutes a day.

      (4) Detoxify your liver.

      (5) Keep starch from grains to a minimum.

      Other ways of whitening teeth damage your enamel to a lesser or greater degree.

  5. July 2, 2013 @ 9:44 am BFC

    “My physical body is my personal experiment..”

    As more people will understand the depth of this statement, the field of unlimited potential we are all living in and for will become more apparent and useful to those who choose the expansion of their awareness as their GPS.

    Thank you At-OM! It feels great to understand and be understood, the latter being a rare occurrence for some of us aquarian species :)

    • July 2, 2013 @ 11:43 pm atomb

      Thank you too, fellow Aquarian! :)

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