Re: Going through some concepts in Butterflies Need No Taxidermist, I noticed that successful living is STRUCTURAL LIVING! […] Can you please explain?

Our structure is like unto the caterpillar and the butterfly.

The worm evolved into the caterpillar, and the caterpillar contains the blueprint of the butterfly.

Adano Ley (Swami Nitty-Gritty) often repeated, “We are here to eat ourselves to butterflyhood.”

The large intestine is our body’s caterpillar.

The butterfly symbol appears in several places …

(1) The thyroid gland is butterfly-shaped.

(2) The sphenoid bone is an extremely complex butterfly-shaped bone sitting behind the eye sockets.

(3) The choroid plexus forms the “butterfly sign” in a healthy fetus between 11 to 14 weeks.

According to Adano …

“The butterfly is an example of the resurrected or nondecomposing quality over quantity. ‘To him that overcometh, I will not send forth a second time. I will make him a pillar in the house of the Lord.’ The ‘house of the Lord’ is creation. ‘To those who overcome their mouth, I will not send forth a second time.'”

“There are 84 million life forms as well as 84 million techniques to resurrect, but eating on time, butterfly technique, is quickest. The phoenix is the bird’s technique – reincarnation.”

“Structural realization is self-realization, or cell-realization, at-one-ment.”

“Cell-realization is to make structural realization a real thing.”

“Only in the carbon-based body do you achieve the final realization with God, its highest integrity of nondecomposition in the human body.”

“If you stick it out, you will be rewarded by the immunity of the structure. Immunity is nonbreakdown.”

“We’re all born winners. If you don’t want to accept that, I can’t help you. Successful living is structural living.”

“Every person is a winner, but does every person accept it? Life abundant is to cope with life moment to moment. Life abundant is not riches. Life abundant is assured in the atomic structure.”

“Success is a process of living, just as failure is a process of thinking. You’re born a winner.”

“The structure was already predetermined by the environment. The environment regulates form. The environment is constantly entering us. We are a product of our environment – what we are really saying is that there is predestination. The environment predetermines the end result of the mechanism. We are bound to the environment. Religion means to be bound back – the cell is bound back to the field, the soul is bound back to God. Religion is the ecology of the environmental field.”

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'Butterfly Technique (Solar Nutrition)' have 3 comments

  1. May 24, 2012 @ 5:28 pm atomb

    Re: How can I detoxify my teeth?

    Swami Nitty-Gritty advised holding Body Toddy in the mouth for fifteen minutes to detoxify the metallic residue of dental fillings.

    Body Toddy is no more, and the same company’s Mineral Toddy is a different formula.

    T.J. Clark Legendary Colloidal Mineral Formula was the source of Body Toddy, Mineral Gold, and Dr. Joel Wallach’s Mineral Toddy.

    T.J. Clark’s colloidal plant minerals are the processed mineral remains of an ancient rain forest that existed 60 million to 127 million years ago in Utah.

  2. May 24, 2012 @ 6:50 pm atomb

    Re: What is Adano’s formula for restoring tooth enamel?

    Adano concocted “a cud to rebuild and plate the teeth,” a “therapy for putting a sheen back on the enamel of the teeth.”

    The “cud” starts with cow cheese; specifically, sharp cheddar, Monterey jack, or Swiss cheese.

    The cheese is combined with a slice of red onion and a clove of garlic, and chewed extensively before being swallowed (or spat out if preferred).

    Adano instructed, “Hold it in your mouth for a long as possible. Don’t eat for at least an hour, then rub your gums with aloe.”

    The cow cheese supplies calcium; the onion, chlorine; and the garlic, fluorine.

    This therapy is done between 6:15-6:30 p.m. on the “descending side” (6:00-7:00 p.m.) of the Kidney Meridian (5:00-7:00 p.m.)

    Carbohydrates are usually cariogenic (especially grains), promoting dental caries, while high protein foods such as nuts, milk, or meat are cariostatic, passively offering limited protection from tooth decay.

    Aged cheddar, Monterey jack, or Swiss cheese are ANTICARIOGENIC, actively preventing tooth decay by stimulating the flow of alkaline saliva (among other things).

    Aged cheddar cheese is the most effective of the three types of cheese.

    Xylitol is also anticariostatic, but it’s toxic. Chewing xylitol gum can cause “chewing gum diarrhea.”

    Xylitol in small amounts in Zone One (morning) cherries, Zone Two (midday) berries, or Zone Three (evening) mushrooms is beneficial, but commercial xylitol comes from corncobs and wood scraps from lumber companies.

    Beti Monk of Kilgore, Texas, complained to Adano about food sticking to her teeth, and Adano told her a person over fifty tends to lose the protective sheen or glaze off the enamel, allowing food to stick to the surface.

    Adano suggested swishing a teaspoon of aloe vera around the mouth thirty minutes after doing the tooth enamel combination of cheese, onion, and garlic.

  3. May 25, 2012 @ 10:28 pm atomb

    Adano said …

    “After eating the cheese, garlic, and onion for calcium, fluorine, and chlorine, take aloe vera juice for bromine to seal the enamel. Use aloe juice for the teeth, and aloe gel for the tongue.”

    And Adano sure did “know his onions” …

    “Eat purple onion with cow cheese for pyorrhea. For bleeding gums with cavities, eat Spanish onion with cow cheese.”

    He told us to eat brown onions for zinc, white onions for chlorine, and purple onions for iron.

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