Re: What about Professor Mirko Beljanski’s cancer protocol?
It’s a piece of the puzzle, yet a long way from unraveling the mysteries of cancer.
His research in molecular biology has more to do with unraveling the mysteries of DNA.
What Mirko Beljanski, Ph.D. (1923-1998) called “DNA destabilization” is a symptom of cancer, not a cause.
Most of today’s “alternative” medicine is copycat medicine, applying herbs and partitioned substances (instead of mainstream medicine’s hardcore coal tar-based drugs) based on EXPERIMENTATION without the benefit of a CONCEPTUAL OVERVIEW.
Hence, both mainstream and alternative medicine – I call them Dr. Evil and Mini-Me – have ever-expanding materia medicas.
Back in 1961, Emanuel Revici, M.D. (1897-1998), wrote …
“An unrestrained exaggeration of the role of the experiment, the erroneous view that pure facts represent the aim of research, has led to an entirely unbalanced approach. Not only have almost any data obtained by research been considered intrinsically interesting, but obtaining them has become the sole purpose of much research. In scientific data today, experimental data must be reported as such; any allusion to theoretical meaning is considered undesirable. Generations of scientists have been schooled to believe in the intrinsic value of the experiment. As they have applied this belief to research in biology, and as they have made unlimited use of new methods taken from other disciplines with no ideological requirements for their use, we have had more and more data and fewer ideas.”
Dr. Revici wrote the above 51 years ago.
Things haven’t changed except for the worse.
DNA-centric research will NEVER find the “cure” for cancer.
Scientists have dropped their car keys in the darkness, and are looking for them under a nearby streetlight because there’s more light there to help them find them.
In the words of Dr. Revici …
“Subnuclear and nuclear changes are of relatively little importance as long as there is no progress of disease beyond these levels. Corroboration for this can be found in the great number of cases in which cancer-in-situ cells are noted in an organ, yet clinical cancer does not follow. In our concept, the changes which occur at levels above the nuclear are critical in the evolution of the disease and, as such, are the important pathological factors. On the other hand […] changes at higher levels similar to those encountered in cancer may occur independently of cancer, and without a sequence of changes at lower levels. It is only when changes at higher levels appear in proper sequence, affecting already abnormal entities of the lower levels, that clinical cancer results and the malignancy moves relentlessly from the noninvasive cancer-in-situ to the terminal phase.”
If you grokked the above paragraph, you now know more than 99 percent of all the under-the-streetlight cancer researchers in the world.
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'Cancer Cure Blocked By Cancer Experiments' have 13 comments
May 19, 2012 @ 10:26 pm atomb
Emanuel Revici, M.D., comprehensively investigated cancer in its hierarchical manifestations UPWARD of DNA – from the subnuclear level (gene and chromosome anomalies) to the nuclear level (nuclear anomalies and atypical cellular arrangements) to the cellular level (atypical growth) to the tissular level (local pH changes) to the organic level (organic metabolic changes) to the systemic level (systemic metabolic changes).
Dr. Revici also investigated DOWNWARD of DNA – from “abnormalities in nucleo-proteins or, even lower in the scale, to abnormalities in histones or alkaline amino acids.”
I’m referencing Dr. Revici’s 1961 medical textbook, Research In Physiopathology as Basis of Guided Chemotherapy With Special Application to Cancer.
50,000 copies of this 772-page textbook were printed by D. Van Nostrand Company, Inc.
The American Cancer Society blacklisted the book and the publisher was “forced” (???) to destroy the entire press run.
May 20, 2012 @ 1:38 pm E T Yamamoto
Adano Ley had it right by stating, “Cancer is a disease without cause.” Until I met Ed, Atom, Gosta Bergstrom, I pondered what Adano had stated in Solar I (1984) in Flagstaff, AZ. Cancer has been a mind-twister for all supposedly educated scientists, because of the mindset to find singular treatment or protocol of treatments for each type of cancer, which is the point Adano was trying to convey: singular cause (type), singular treatment(s)–there is no singular cause for cancer. It is true that childhood leukemia has been successfully treated over the last fifty years with increasing success, to the point of ninety percent cure rate, and certainly Atom would agree there are obvious reasons for this upswing in cures of the young person’s cancer. There are some oncologists using Revici’s ideas, and having some success, although what is questionable is their understanding of the underlying theories which Revici brilliantly conveyed in his text, a xeroxed copy of which I was privileged to receive from him through the mail shortly before he left the body, and I have to thank Atom Ed for leading me to work. A theory propounded by homeopathy could be utilized by Revician oncologists, and it states, “It takes a thief to catch a thief,” or to state it better in Atom’s parlance, “Read to blood assays properly, in order to know at what level the carcinoma has attacked, including extra-cellular medium.” It was the first question Revici asked when I called him for a copy of text–he assumed it was a call for his assistance with cancer–and that was, “Did you have your blood tests?” Amen, Dr. Revici. As Atom would remind us, the lab test used by Revici was quite specific in order to detect levels of carcinoma at the moment. What makes Revici unique is his understanding of evolutionary biology, and its interplay with cell biology (today known as molecular biology, unfortunately), within the context of physical chemistry in order to cure carcionomas.
May 20, 2012 @ 3:14 pm atomb
Thanks, Elliott. :)
It means a lot coming from you, the author of When To Eat What.
DNA modifications are involved with childhood leukemia, and, again, these modifications are a symptom – and an indicator – of the disease itself.
The “cause” of childhood leukemia is outside the turf of inert DNA, just as the “cure” for it is.
Infections can “cause” childhood leukemia, and power lines promote it too.
Paternal smoking is a proven factor.
Protein consumption – due to glutathione – reduces the risk of childhood leukemia.
The genome is involved, but so is the proteome (protein modifications of the genome), the glycome (sugar modifications of the proteome), etc., etc., all he way down to N-C-N-C.
It’s turtles all the way down, maybe all the way to the atom and beyond.
May 20, 2012 @ 3:25 pm atomb
Re: The Terrain or Extracellular Matrix, which is where the minerals better be in enough balance or shoves bad juju into cells.
The ionome (the inorganic component of cellular and organismal systems, including the mineral nutrient and trace element composition) isn’t confined to the extracellular matrix.
The RULERS of the extracellular matrix are sodium, magnesium, aluminum, silicon, potassium, sulfur, chlorine, and argon.
May 20, 2012 @ 4:21 pm atomb
Re: but guess where the the cells’ insides come from.
Swami Nitty-Gritty was on the same page with, “The environment came first.”
He also claimed there was only one atom of each of the 144 elements in this entire creation.
In other words, only one atom of calcium, one atom of magnesium, and so on throughout the Periodic Table.
“All the rest is acceleration,” he asserted.
His explanation is light-years out of the box, but it sure would go a long way in explaining how RADIONICS works.
Or long-distance healing.
Or voodoo.
Or the Butterfly Effect.
May 20, 2012 @ 3:48 pm atomb
Re: Some think all the innate cellular processing occurs in the outer membranes, which are the interface with the terrain.
Developmental biologist Bruce Lipton is partially right about that.
His misinterpretation of cytoarchitecture is the latest version of Carlos Castaneda’s misinterpretation of bio-tensegrity.
May 20, 2012 @ 4:48 pm atomb
Hierarchy is only one of the many paradigm-shifting discoveries of “The Tesla of Medicine,” Dr. Emanuel Revici.
Hierarchy applies to developmental biology too … and proves we didn’t originate in the sea.
Dr. Revici wrote (in his 772-page textbook) …
“Sodium is the predominent cation of the metazoic compartment, which consists of the interstitial fluid, lymph and blood. Potassium is the principle cation of the cellular compartment. Ammonium, which corresponds in most of its properties to rubidium, represents the cation at the nuclear level. It could be seen that the development of hierarchic organization has involved elements with progressively smaller atomic weights. Study of constituents in compartments and in the environment ha further permitted us […] to correlate the metazoic compartment with the sea, the cellular compartment with the crust of the earth, and the nuclear and subnuclear compartments with the formations in which their constituents were found in the vicinity of volcanoes.”
On a more esoteric level, it also explains Swami Nitty-Gritty’s “silicon-based beings.”
May 20, 2012 @ 5:15 pm atomb
Another of Dr. Revici’s great contributions to medicine was his systematization of anabolic (quantum) and catabolic (electrostatic) forces.
While today’s researchers are still debating about the Yin and Yang of biological forces, Dr. Revici had thoroughly systematized them fifty or sixty years ago (and worked with them on a day to day basis at his Trafalgar Hospital in Manhattan (Beth David Hospital prior to 1954).
Dr. Revici wrote (in his 772-page textbook) …
“I showed that substances with a positive polar group are anabolic, those with a negative polar group catabolic. I went farther, and I took the elements and I made a study of the periodic table. I found that all the substances of elements which are in the same series are either anabolic or catabolic. But I found something more interesting: the periods, meaning the horizontal rows, indicate where in the body an elements works; in the level of the subnuclear, in the nucleus, in the cell, or the tissue, or systemic. And I made a new systemization.”
In cancer therapy, the PERIODS (series) allowed Dr. Revici to locate which FLOOR of the building cancer was at, and the GROUPS (families) allowed him to locate the ROOM cancer was in.
Ditto AIDS or any other disease.
May 20, 2012 @ 10:24 pm atomb
Re: wonder how knowing this helped his patients.
It’s explained in minute detail in Dr. Revici’s textbook, Research in Physiopathology as Basis of Guided Chemotherapy: With Special Application to Cancer, 1961.
Many book and Internet sources misinterpret him. :(
Dr. Revici was so far ahead of his time, no one else was even an also-ran.
He earned his first royalties before World War II by inventing Revoil, a crude oil-based lubricant for aircraft engines.
He invented a lipid agent that staunched bleeding within minutes, which, while he was hiding out from German occupational forces in Nice, France, was put to good use by Underground fighters to avoid detection by the Gestapo.
He operated his first hospital in 1942 out of a reconverted 100-room hotel in Mexico City years before he bought Trafalgar Hospital in New York City in 1954.
Why did Dr. Revici lose credence with mainstream medicine? Could it have anything to do with him treating cancer patients FREE OF CHARGE?
May 20, 2012 @ 5:45 pm atomb
Last time I checked, this had been removed from M.D. Anderson Cancer Center’s Website…
“Dr. Revici’s complex theories focused on lipids, elements, the organization of matter, and the forces that create and affect matter. Some of his theories such as those concerning the [1] bioactivity of leukotrienes as regulators of inflammatory and allergic reactions, the [2] development of a safe and effective means of lipid transport, the [3] use of selenium to treat cancer and the [4] value of omega-3 fatty acids derived from marine fish oil were later validated by conventional researchers in chemistry and biology.”
“During his early years, he [Revici] found that some patients reported pain in the morning while others suffered at night. Some patients relieved pain by eating, but for others, pain was intensified by eating. Revici surmised that this could be associated with an underlying physiologic cycling. Using techniques available during the first half of this century, he studied a variety of aspects of blood and urine. He found that healthy individuals had daily rhythmic fluctuations in fundamental physical parameters, such as urinary pH and levels of free potassium in the blood. Cancer patients, in contrast, did not have these normal fluctuations and exhibited patterns of either acidic or alkaline imbalances.”
“Some of his [Revici’s] findings predate ideas that are now widely accepted. According to Professor [Mark] Noble, Revici described leukotrienes and their crucial role in inflammation 20 years or more before they were described in the literature. Typically, he saw these compounds as a small part of a much larger picture. He subsequently described the important role of bioactive lipids in the early stages of cellular and systemic host defense processes, deducing that intervention by lipids at this level might drastically alter outcome.”
Dr. Revici actually described leukotrienes 40 years before they were described in the literature.
Dr. Revici’s discovery of the therapeutic use of omega-3 fatty acids came with a warning of their dangers – another case of Medical Amnesia (not to mention Health Food Store Amnesia).
May 20, 2012 @ 10:43 pm atomb
Michael Lerner (Choices in Healing: Integrating the Best of Conventional and Complementary Approaches to Cancer, 1994) wrote …
“An interesting and little known fact is that Revici gave Lawrence LeShan, the pioneering investigator of psychotherapy for recovery from cancer, the opportunity to conduct his ground-breaking research with Trafalgar Hospital patients after the leading hospitals in New York had uniformly rejected LeShan’s requests for access to patients.”
I took workshops from Lawrence LeShan in the 1980s before I’d ever even heard the name “Revici.”
May 21, 2012 @ 11:14 am suz
Cancer cure is blocked because more people make a living off cancer than die from it. This documentary, “Dying to have Known” demonstrates it well.
May 21, 2012 @ 4:14 pm atomb
The pharmaceutical industry is a direct manifestation of the oil industry.
Number One of the 4-P Industries (Petroleum, Plastics, Pharmaceuticals, & Pesticides) is PETROLEUM.
The petroleum industry and the 4-P Industries are derived from each other in a circular process putting us directly between two mirrors aligned at a zero-degree angle with each other.
PS: See my latest blog entry, “The Ultimate Evil of Medical ‘Progress’.”