If the medical mainstream or the holistic mainstream would heed my e-book Not Cancer … CANCEL, millions of lives might be saved.

Those who think an alkaline diet, baking soda, or supplementing with vitamins and minerals will protect them from cancer may one day be in for a rude awakening.

And the situation is exponentially more ominous when a person has crossed the line from pre-cancer to cancer.

Preventing cancer is a quantitative task, whereas reversing cancer is a QUALITATIVE task.

For example, calcium may prevent cancer, but it cannot reverse it.

If the medical and holistic mainstreams combined the data of four cancer researchers, and played it forward, cancer could be relegated mostlyto the past like polio and the bubonic plague …

(1) Emanuel Revici, M.D. (1896-1998), who discovered cancer is an ISOPARASITE;

(2) John Beard, M.D. (1857-1924), who discovered cancer originates from the TROPHOBLAST CELL;

(3) William Coley, M.D. (1862-1936), who discovered cancer is an ENDOCRINE GLAND IN TRAINING; and

(4) Zheng Cui, M.D., Ph.D., who discovered cancer immunity can be transferred from one person to another.

Mainstream cancer researcher Lloyd J. Old, M.D. (1933-2011) put his reputation on the line to champion three of these researchers, Drs. Beard, Coley, and Cui.

Indeed, Dr. Old considered himself a neo-Beardian. (See Wikipedia for a partial list of his impeccable credentials.)

Ultimately, cancer is a MISTIMED trophoblast cell (Dr. Beard)transmuting into an isoparasite (Dr. Revici) and an untamed, untrained, and homeless endocrine gland (Dr. Coley).

Not Cancer … CANCEL is available at …


[email protected]

FB: Atom’s School of Self-Healing at Wellness-Wagon.com




'Cancer Is Immortality Retrograde' have 2 comments

  1. April 4, 2012 @ 1:59 pm atomb

    Think of cancer as a RONIN, a samurai with no lord or master.

  2. April 4, 2012 @ 2:28 pm atomb

    Re: Impressive things coming online if ya can afford em.

    Yes, our medical juggernaut has modeled itself after cancer.

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