Atom’s Blog

Spleen-Pancreas Time (9:00-11:00 am) is a crucial part of the Cancer Time Axis because it’s in charge of HIBERNATION and the “breathless state.”

According to Wayne Lynch, Bears: Monarchs of the Northern Wilderness, 1993 …

“Relating to HIT [Hibernation Induction Trigger] again, research on bears and other hibernators may change the course of two other maladies, cancer and viral infections such as the common cold. Time and again, hibernators injected with pathological viruses have not become ill. And deadly tumour cells inoculated into hibernators have consistently failed to grow.”

In India, hibernation is called by 2 names …

(1) sirvikalpa samadhi, the nonmobile state of the delta brain wave.

(2) nirvikalpa samadhi, the mobile state of the delta brain wave.

The spleen and pancreas (“pan Kriyas”) regulate both teleomerase and trophoblastic protein (embryonic secretory protein).

(to be continued)

'Cancer Time Axis #2' have 8 comments

  1. April 10, 2011 @ 4:32 am shellinspector

    Hi Atom,

    Regarding spleen-pancreas time. Would you suggest eating orange with peel on or off, provided of course the orange is organic and not surface treated? There are lots of fragrant oils in the peel and it has strong anti-ceptic qualities. Maybe the peels are detrimental to friendly bacteria?

    I thought lung time was the “breathless” one. Spl.-pancr. is 90 degrees to lung time, so it is a reflex?

    • April 11, 2011 @ 6:47 pm atomb

      Orange peels can form a phytobezoar — a ball of swallowed cellulose that sometimes (rarely) causes intestinal blockage.

      Spleen-Pancreas Time is a 90-degree “shunt” for Lung Time.

      Scientists call this “shunting” angular momentum.

      Astrologers call it “squares.”

  2. April 11, 2011 @ 11:53 am martin

    Hey Atom, enjoyed the last show with Patrick very much!

    a few questions that are on my mind.

    1. what can an individual do that has Obsessive Compulsive Behaviour, especially the aspect of needing to be clean that can affect life in general?

    2. i am 36 now, my energy for most of my life has been quite low with anxiety as well affecting my life, relationships etc..
    my main areas as i get older seem to be my gums which are receeding a bit especially around the front two teeth and also mouth ulcers i get way too much.
    i found yoga and fasting improve my energy and thinking and i feel my immune system is not working with me.
    i grew up in an area in Ireland that has (fluorosilic acid) in water supply,i am still living in the area and i use bottled water but i still have to shower in that stuff!! any suggestions will be GReatly APPreciated and well used:)

    Kind REgards…Martin

  3. April 11, 2011 @ 7:03 pm atomb

    Martin, I’ve found trauma (engrams, for lack of a better word) associated with 99 percent of all health syndromes.

    I’ve developed BaroSomatics (Brain Change Systems) to detect and act as a catalyst for eliminating these traumas.

    No one can eliminate a trauma from another person, but they CAN “show the way.”

    Buy a shower filter to protect your skin from fluorosilic acid’s irritation and your lungs from its vapors.

  4. April 12, 2011 @ 10:34 am martin

    Thanks Atom!!!

    that makes sense to me as i did have a traumatic childhood. also i do feel that i have a tendency to hold on to “engrams” in general and find it hard to release after a specific event where i don’t even know it has imprinted itself until later and it is difficult to move on. how can i go about learning BaroSomatics (Brain Change Systems)to help myself or a next step for me?

    i also found that sticking out the tongues and yawning has helped.


  5. April 13, 2011 @ 1:34 pm atomb

    Stay tuned to “Atom’s Blog” for info about BaroSomatics seminars in your area.

    If you wish to sponsor a seminar, contact my business manager by “snail mail” …

    Kum’ren Ali
    2605 SW 8th Terrace
    Miramar FL 33125

    Include your e-mail address and telephone number.

    Yawning, sticking out the tongue, and “color sequencing” are 3 ways of releasing and (most important) integrating traumatic imprints so the “rehabilitated” imprint can be put in the service of high-level wellness and extreme longevity.

  6. April 15, 2011 @ 12:44 am hetzaad

    “The spleen and pancreas (“pan Kriyas”) regulate both teleomerase and trophoblastic protein (embryonic secretory protein).”
    Does this mean that there are things that we can do between 07:00 and 09:00 to work on immortality?

    Also, [Martin’s question in mind] i’ve been eating brazil nuts in the morning for over a year now but there are a number of things you mention one might eat in 3’s [like pistachio/sunflower seeds/carrots for eyes], to fight mercury poisoning you named
    brazil nuts – 0700 to 0900
    brewer’s yeast – 1300 to 1500
    garlic – 1900 to 2100
    (correct me if i’m wrong pls)
    My question is, are they all 3 necessary and would only taking one of the 3 then possibly actually agravate the problem, perhaps breaking the mercury lose but not getting it out of the body?

    I ask because i recently increased my brazil nut intake and immediately had a headache one day, felt like sleeping all day when i tried it two days later again.

    p.s. where can one get your books?
    p.p.s. Robert Von Sarbacher sells a good shower filter, i believe.

  7. April 15, 2011 @ 7:22 pm atomb

    Yes, Spleen-Pancreas Time is a prime time to “walk the razor’s edge” for the prevention of cancer (Yang) and aging (Yin).

    Brazil nuts are so high in selenium, you can easily overdose in quantity.

    Brazil nuts are also high in bromine, barium, and RADIUM.

    The barium protects the tree and nut against the radium.

    A Brazil nut can contain up to 1,000 times more radium than other nuts and foods.

    One Brazil nut a day at breakfast can be used to develop “inner vision.”

    Nitty-Gritty said, “Take radium to look at barium.”

    Yes No Maybe: Chronobiotic Nutrition is available from my co-author Marcella Vonn Harting at her Website.

    I’ll let you know when I figure out how to market the 20 or so e-manuscripts I’ve written.

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