Carbogen Inhalation Therapy

By Atom Bergstrom

Atom’s Blog

Ray Peat was the Leader of the Pack in almost everything he investigated, including carbon dioxide therapy.

If enough Sheep-Bots wake up from their robotic woolly dream, Dr. Peat will be validated.

There are some promising signs of understanding.


Aetna Inc. (founded as Aetna Life Insurance Company in 1853) posted the following information in cyberspace …

Aetna considers carbogen inhalation therapy for the treatment of the following indications experimental and investigational because the effectiveness of this treatment has not been established by the peer-reviewed medical literature (not an all-inclusive list) …

Bladder cancer
Central retinal artery occlusion
Cervical cancer
Head and neck cancers (e.g., laryngeal, lip, mucosal melanoma, nasopharyngeal, oral cavity, paranasal sinuses, and salivary gland cancers)
Optic nerve damage/degeneration
Prostate cancer
Retinal artery occlusion
Sudden hearing loss


Carbogen inhalation therapy has actually been used for at least a few hundred years. It was briefly rediscovered in the early 1930s.


According to “New Gas Used to Save Pneumonia Patients,” Popular Science, Apr. 1932 …

“Enter ‘carbogen’ to save the lives of pneumonia victims. Inhaling this new gas, a mixture of oxygen and carbon dioxide, is reported to have proved effective in cases usually considered hopeless. The photograph above [in the actual magazine] shows the strange apparatus developed by two Yale University medical experts to administer the treatment. Carbogen from the cylinder is led into a tentlike chamber with flexible windows that fits closely over the patient’s head and shoulders as he lies in bed.”


Millions died of oxygen therapy and ventilator therapy during the fake pandemic due to the Medical Police State’s “forgetting” of history.

Was it deliberate Medical Amnesia or was it simply a lapse of memory?


By the way, carbogen inhalation therapy is a defense against nuclear radiation.


'Carbogen Inhalation Therapy' have 2 comments

  1. May 12, 2023 @ 9:57 am Ellen

    Hi Atom,

    Can the same beneficial effects be produced, possibly at a lower level, by simply breathing into a paper bag?

    Thanks for all you do, Ellen


    • May 12, 2023 @ 3:10 pm Atom

      Paper-bag breathing definitely helps.

      10:00 p.m. to 10:00 a.m. is paper-bag breathing time.


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