Health – Articles

“Killer Germs” Obliterated by Medicinal Smoke (Smudging), Study Reveals

“Killer Germs” Obliterated by Medicinal Smoke (Smudging), Study Reveals   GreenMedInfo The ritualistic use of plant smoke stretches back to prehistoric and is still used, the world over, as a way of ‘cleansing’ the spirit. Now modern scientific research reveals that the practice may actually have life-saving implications by purifying the air of harmful bacteria.  …

How To Get More Cancer Protection From Your Broccoli

How To Get More Cancer Protection From Your Broccoli   Written By: GreenMedInfo Research Group Research has shown repeatedly that cruciferous vegetables fight cancer.  Vegetables such as broccoli, kale, cabbage and cauliflower contain a cancer-protective compound called sulforaphane.  This powerful compound improves the liver’s ability to detoxify carcinogens and other toxins. In fact, broccoli has been…

Facebook “Fact-Checker” Misinforms Users about Vaccine Safety

Facebook “Fact-Checker” Misinforms Users about Vaccine Safety Written by Jeremy Hammond A Facebook “Fact-Checker” feature purports to identify misinformation about vaccines while itself blatantly lying to the public about vaccine safety Facebook has unveiled a new “Fact-Checker” feature­ that’s now being used to supposedly combat misinformation about vaccines, but which is actually being used to…

Why Walnut Resembles the Brain It Nourishes

Why Walnut Resembles the Brain It Nourishes GreenMedInfo Nothing could be more beautiful or poetic than when a healing food actually looks like the organ system it nourishes and heals in the body. While commonly viewed as mere coincidence or an act of extraordinary randomness, it is difficult for me to acknowledge the exquisite design…

Fresh Vegetable and Fruit Juices: What’s missing in your body?

Fresh Vegetable and Fruit Juices: What’s missing in your body?       By Dr. Norman Walker The human body is inextricably dependent on the quality of food and no less its’ compatibility with the needs of the body. People have awakened to this realization, but only in the past two centuries. Gradually, more and…

A Morphological Adaptation?: Smartphones Now Transforming The Human Skeleton

A Morphological Adaptation?: Smartphones Now Transforming The Human Skeleton   Zero Hedge Modern life is transforming the human skeleton. Humans are now developing a bone spike at the back of the head caused by regularly looking down at their smartphones, according to a recent study. The phenomenon is called an external occipital protuberance: a lump on the…

6 Reasons Impossible Burger’s CEO is Wrong About GMO Soy

6 Reasons Impossible Burger’s CEO is Wrong About GMO Soy     GreenMedInfo Impossible Foods, maker of the fake meat patty, is adding another GMO ingredient: genetically engineered soy. And it wants to convince you it’s because it is trying to ‘save the planet.’   Throughout the U.S., major food brands are trying to get rid…

The Problem with Beer Phytoestrogens

The Problem with Beer Phytoestrogens   GreenMedInfo Why do alcoholic men develop so-called man boobs and other feminine traits? We know estrogens produce feminization, and our liver clears estrogens from the body. As such, the original theory was that alcohol-induced liver damage led to the retention of excess estrogens. The problem was that when researchers measured estrogen…

Broccoli Can Stimulate Brain Regeneration, New Research Suggests

Broccoli Can Stimulate Brain Regeneration, New Research Suggests     GreenMedInfo For decades it was believed that brain regeneration was not possible. But an accumulating body of research now reveals that common foods such as broccoli contain compounds capable of stimulating the repair and renewal of nerve tissue. Ever since Santiago Ramón y Cajal, the…

Why Cell Phones & Tablets are Absolutely NOT Safe for Children

Why Cell Phones & Tablets are Absolutely NOT Safe for Children     GreenMedInfo Author’s note: The article below wouldn’t have been possible without the incredible work of several scientists and organizations especially Professor Om Gandhi, Dr. Marc Arazi of the Alert PhoneGate Association and scientific advisors of the Environmental Health Trust.  You can read more about the Phonegate Scandal…

Oregano & Wild Oregano Oil: 10 Reason It Known As Powerful and Natural Versatile Medicine

Oregano & Wild Oregano Oil: 10 Reason It Known As Powerful and Natural Versatile Medicine       NaturalNewsBlogs Oregano (Origanum vulgare) is a perennial herb indigenous to Europe, Asia, and particularly the Mediterranean. It is a member of the mint family and is closely related to marjoram. The primary active medical ingredient in oregano…

Real-Life Data Show that the CDC Vaccine Schedule is Causing Harm

Real-Life Data Show that the CDC Vaccine Schedule is Causing Harm   GreenMedInfo Board-certified pediatrician Paul Thomas, who has a thriving practice in Portland, has just furnished a stunning response to officials’ demand that he “show the proof” that the slower, evidence-based vaccine schedule he recommends is safer than the CDC schedule. After opening up his…

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