New Technologies

Richard Hill – How DNA Testing is Revolutionizing the Search for Family Roots, Ethnic Ancestry, and Genetic Health Information – February 21, 2013

THE MORNING SHOW with Patrick Timpone   Richard Hill Author of Finding Family: My Search for Roots and the Secrets in My DNA Expert, Richard Hill, explains how DNA Testing is Revolutionizing the Search for Family Roots, Ethnic Ancestry, and Genetic Health Information Have you ever wondered about your true relationship to the family that…

Mehran Keshe – The Future is Now with Unlimited, Clean and Safe Energy: How are Governments Responding? – September 24, 2012

Mehran Keshe Nuclear Engineer Mehran Keshe, we believe is telling it straight on what he’s discovered about the simplicity of how the universe works and how just how we can use it for our health and energy. Keshe is not asking for credit or money for this “discovery”, for as you will hear others, such…

Jerry Day – Challenging “Not So Smart” Digital Meter Installation – September 20, 2012

THE MORNING SHOW with Patrick Timpone Jerry Day The Problem with Smart Meters Jerry Day, a television/film producer and personal rights and freedom crusader,joined us from Burbank, CA this morning to contribute to our ongoing discussion of smartmeters. We ask Jerry about any updates with health and freedom issues concerning Smart Meters and got his…

Howard Martin – HeartMath: Every Little Thought We Have Is Affecting Our Physiology – September 13, 2012

THE MORNING SHOW with Patrick Timpone Howard Martin Authority on HeartMath and emWave Technology “We have to think about our emotional diet as well as our food diet”-Howard Martin You’ve heard Dr. Massey talk about the emWave frequently on his monthly shows and we’ve read about it in The Healing Codes. Today we talked with…

Katie Deolloz and Steve and Andrea Hernandez – Would You Like A Yellow Star With That Student ID?: Standing Up and Sayng NO to RFID Spychip Tracking – September 11, 2012

THE MORNING SHOW with Patrick Timpone Weekdays 9-11am CT Tuesday, September 11 Katie Deolloz Member of CASPIAN(Consumers Against Supermarket Privacy Invasion and Numbering) and Colleague of Katherine Albrecht, a Privacy Expert and Award Winning Author “Are we really willing to do this to our children?” Visit Katiejoined us to talk about RFID Spychips and…

Timothy Hickey – Water: Filter, Celebrate and Save It – July 16, 2012

THE MORNING SHOW with Patrick Timpone Timothy Hickey Founder of Friends of Water If you think the oil shortage is a big deal, wait for the water shortage., founded at the beginning of 2006, is a socially-conscious web business, operating under these guiding principals: o Celebrate water in our environment, health, recreation and gardening…

David Sereda – Faster Than Light Communication – June 5, 2012

THE MORNING SHOW with Patrick Timpone David Sereda Faster Than Light Communication June 5, 2012 Today we were blessed with a second visit from David Sereda who spoke more about the hidden power of Crystals and his search for hidden harmonic codes of the universe beyond the Fibonacci Sequence! New breakthroughs in faster than light…

Mehran Keshe, Nuclear Engineer -Energy Without Explosions and Healing the Body in a Highly Evolved Way – May 3, 2012

THE MORNING SHOW with Patrick Timpone Mehran Keshe Nuclear Engineer May 3, 2012 Nuclear engineer Mehran Keshe has been researching the universe, the interconnectedness of it all and taken the model to invent free energy, that doesn’t explode or burn things. He is using these technologies to place the body’s plasma field in a position…

Raymon Grace – Intention Is Everything: Changing the Energy of Water and Most Anything Else – January 23, 2012

THE MORNING SHOW with Patrick Timpone Raymon Grace Dowser-Consultant-Author-Mountain Man January 23, 2012 Waking Up People To Their Potential We had a lot of fun this morning with Raymon Grace, a simple man with some pretty extraordinary ideas. Listen to him talk about using intention to change the world around you. He’s quite a character….

Michael Payne – Repair, Restore, Reconnect: From Bio Feedback to HCG Weight Loss – A Show Not to Miss – September 26, 2011

THE MORNING SHOW with Patrick Timpone Michael Payne Living Well International Michael graduated from Medical College of Virginia with a master of science in rehabilitation counseling. Post graduate studies include board Certified Nutrition Specialist with the American College of Nutrition and AFMCP certification with the Functional Medicine Institute in Gig Harbor, Washington. He is a…

Michael Joyce – Nutrition and Brain Health – Part 2 – September 8, 2011

THE MORNING SHOW with Patrick Timpone Michael Joyce Learn dis association and quiet brain in weeks rather than years Mr. Joyce refuses to use the ADD and ADHD descriptions for he says there is no disease Learn how diet and the gut play a crucial role in brain function and dysfunction Hear success stories of…

Dave Siever- Brain Dysfunction and How to Repair- Part 1 – September 8, 2011

THE MORNING SHOW with Patrick Timpone Dave Siever Co-Inventor of The ALERT Brain Training System cool information about brain dysfunction and proper function. How and why the brain gets wonky Hear a clear explanation of just what the common brain dysfunctions are PART ONE The ALERT is the result of 20 years of research, including…

Thane Heins – Inventor of the Infinity Generator – Just Imagine “No More Energy Exploitation” – September 1, 2011

THE MORNING SHOW with Patrick Timpone Thane Heins The Infinity Generator Just imagine “No More Energy Exploitation” Thane Heins may very well have something that could really change the world and it’s use of energy. He joined us today to explain how his inventive generator works. This was a fascinating, very easy to understand hour…

Dr. Murray Grossan M.D. – Ear, Nose and Throat Specialist – Overcoming Stress To Relieve Allergy Symptoms – July 21, 2011

THE MORNING SHOW with PATRICK TIMPONE Dr. Murray Grossan M.D. Ear, Nose and Throat Specialist Overcoming Stress To Relieve Allergy Symptoms Author of 3 Books -Free Yourself from Sinus and Allergy Problems Permanently -Stressed? Anxiety? Your Cure is in the Mirror -How to be Free of Sinus Disease Show Highlights: -What is the main reason…

Dr. Nick Begich – Angels Don’t Play This HAARP – High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program March 20, 2010

THE MORNING SHOW with Patrick Timpone Dr. Nick Begich Dr. Nick Begich is the eldest son of the late United States Congressman from Alaska, Nick Begich Sr., and political activist Pegge Begich. He is well known in Alaska for his own political activities. He was twice elected President of both the Alaska Federation of Teachers…

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