
James Perloff – Taking You Where the Mass Media Won’t – Wide Ranging Conversation From False Flags to Who The Boys Are -June 26, 2019

Tin Foil Hat Wednesday Hair raising topics that’ll make your head explode James Perloff Author of Truth Is a Lonely Warrior: Unmasking the Forces Behind Global Destruction   Taking You Where the Mass Media Won’t   Mr. Perloff suggests that unless one is willing to look deep into the big picture of who these people…

Clearing Toxic Engrams

Clearing Toxic Engrams   By Atom Bergstrom Atom’s Blog The Primary Shock from the Causative Engram must be released.Otherwise, trauma follows the Originating Blueprint without modification. Trauma causes trance states and robotic behavior — Garbage In, Garbage Out, until there’s a conscious intervention.<> Clearing requires a simultaneous physical, emotional, and cognitive release — DELIVERANCE.Talking doesn’t…

Did you know…

Did you know….. ..that the only mammals that can’t make vitamin C in their bodies are primates, guinea pigs, fruit bats and humans. Somehow, during evolution, we lost one of four vital enzymes needed to produce it. This means we have to get vitamin C from elsewhere. Now to Love Vitamin C has a reputation…

Did you know……

Did you know…… …that some scientists now consider it a second brain? Here’s a few facts about your gut.   Mental Floss Gut feelings get all the press, but your gut may be more of a thinker than you know. Some scientists now consider it a second brain. While it won’t necessarily help you study for an…

Did you know….

Did you know…. that sugar, not fat, makes you fat? By Mark Hyman, MD Fat is one of the body’s most basic building blocks. The average person is made up of between 15 and 30 percent fat! Yet for decades, we’ve unfairly demonized dietary fat and diligently followed a low-fat diet that almost always equates into…

Did you know……

Did you know…   The average person has 2.6 million sweat glands in their body.     Here’s a few more interesting facts about sweating: -Sweat glands are most concentrated on the bottom of our feet and least concentrated on our backs. -Yellow underarm stains are caused by your apocrine glands, which contain proteins and…

Did you know…….

Did you know …… …that more people have mobile phones than toilets?   Reprinted from Mommypotamus Yep, it’s weird but true. (source) If you’re like me, you’re probably wondering, “How did that happen? What is EMF? And more importantly, is it safe?” In Overpowered: The Dangers of Electromagnetic Radiation (EMF) and What You Can Do About It,…

Did you know…

Did you know… …that the fingernail of a healthy person takes four to six months to grow out completely? Here are some more fascinating body facts. One in every 1000 babies is born with a tooth. A person will die from lack of sleep sooner than they will from starvation, which usually takes a few weeks. Eighty…

Did you know…..

Did you know…….   …there are five main components of fitness: the body’s ability to use oxygen, muscular strength, endurance, flexibility and body composition.   Here’s a few more fun facts about fitness taken from thegoodbody.com The body has more than 650 muscles. To lose one pound of fat, you need to burn roughly 3,500 calories….

Did you know……

Did you know……. ……..that drinking at least five glasses of water a day can reduce your chances of suffering from a heart attack by 40%?     Here’s a few more fun facts about water taken from thegoodbody.com   Dehydration can have a negative impact on your mood and energy levels. Drink enough water to…

I’m a Wendy’s Man!

I’m a Wendy’s Man!       By Atom Bergstrom Atom’s Blog Fernando “Chris” Cardenosa, William Vance, and I attended Adnan Sarhan’s Sufi workshop in Cheviot Hills, California. There was music, dancing, chanting, and … a Wendy’s commercial. Interrupting the Middle Eastern music Adnan was playing on his cassette player, a voice enthusiastically announced, “I’m…

Body Dowsing Is Cinematic

Body Dowsing Is Cinematic     By Atom Bergstrom Atom’s Blog Continuous monitoring of the twitching or rigidity of a muscle with Body Dowsing is extraordinarily more accurate than measuring a muscle that only “blows out” during a single muscle test. It’s the difference between a movie and a photograph. It’s the difference between a…

Adler & the Will to Power

Adler & the Will to Power By Atom Bergstrom Atom’s Blog According to some people … Pavlov represents the First Wheel. Freud represents the Second Wheel. Adler represents the Third Wheel. Jung represents the Fourth Wheel. Merrell-Wolff represents the Fifth Wheel. <> The Third Wheel has a lot to do with the “will to power.”…

Albatross Around Her Neck

Albatross Around Her Neck         By Atom Bergstrom Atom’s Blog “I feel like I’ve got an albatross around my neck,” Viana (not her real name) said. A baseball-sized tumor grew on the right side of her neck. I Body Dowsed her, and said, “You have a problem with your mother.” “You’re the…

How to Yawn #10

How To Yawn #10       By Atom Bergstrom Atom’s Blog Gas pressure works locally as well as systemically. Take the case of heartburn — Vomiting Lite. <> What happens when we vomit? Gas pressure causes retroperistalsis (the reverse of peristalsis), traveling all the way from the middle of the small intestine into the…

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