
Open Phone Tuesday – Becoming a Hound For Heaven Here and Now – June 27, 2017

               Our scheduled guest, Dr. Jennifer Daniels was not able to be here today, so we launched into an impromptu open phones and immediately Spirit arranged for a delightful conversation with Lynnie in Colorado.  She’s quite interested in spiritual matters Patrick loves to explore in his upcoming book and…

Professor Jerry Jacobson – Biophysicist, Inventor & Discoverer of Jacobson Resonance – June 20, 2017

Professor Jerry Jacobson Biophysicist, Inventor & Discoverer of Jacobson Resonance Recent university-based scientific studies have revealed that matter and space communicate through magnetic resonance.  Extremely low intensity magnetic fields, found naturally in the human body, and predicted by the unified field equation of Jacobson Resonance have been shown to exert profound effects on living systems….

Dr. Scott Kolbaba – Author of Physicians’ Untold Stories: Miraculous experiences doctors are hesitant to share with their patients, or ANYONE! – June 15, 2017

Dr. Scott Kolbaba Author of Physicians’ Untold Stories: Miraculous experiences doctors are hesitant to share with their patients, or ANYONE!   Doctors work in life-and-death situations every day. But what happens when they encounter something even they can’t explain scientifically? Dreams foretelling future events, apparitions, and other miraculous experiences fill this book, as practicing doctors…

Katie Player – Atheist to Enlightened in 90 Days: Featuring the Equilibrium Diet – June 8, 2017

Katie Player The Equilibrium Diet The Equilibrium Diet was gradually created by Katie Player between September 2010 and June 2013. Katie is a Ph.D. economist and professor and in the summer of 2010, her husband, Lance, suddenly became very sick. Katie and Lance were very standard Americans, eating processed foods, refined sugar and wheat, fast…

Susan Apollon – Creating Our Own Miracles to Heal Ourselves Physically and Spiritually – June 6, 2017

Susan Apollon Intuitive Psychologist, Psychotherapist, and Healer Susan Apollon is an intuitive psychologist, psychotherapist, and healer. For more than two decades, she has specialized in treating children and adults who are ill (dealing with cancer and other life-challenging illnesses), grieving, and/or dying. As a master of several healing and energy modalities, a researcher of mind,…

Patrick Timpone – The Mind, Body, & Soul Connection In Healing: Spirit is Moving Through Body, Soul Now – June 30, 2017

Patrick Timpone The Mind, Body, & Soul Connection In Healing:  Moving Spirit Through The Soul   And is testament to our theory that “It takes a long time to get young.”    From time to time our host, Patrick Timpone, enjoys sharing ideas about spirituality, health and how the mind, body,and soul all work together….

Patrick Timpone – The Mind, Body, & Soul Connection in Healing : Getting Sick to Learn Who We Are As Soul – March 23, 2017

Patrick Timpone The Mind, Body, & Soul Connection in Healing : Getting Sick to Learn Who We Are As Soul From time to time our host, Patrick Timpone, enjoys sharing ideas about spirituality, health and how the mind, body,and soul all work together. Join us for an enlightening and spirited hour. Your questions, comments, and…

Peter Ragnar – Health, Spirituality, Pro-Youthing : Bringing It All Back Into Harmony – March 2, 2017

Peter Ragnar The Longevity Sage Peter Ragnar is an internationally recognized author of twenty-nine books, as well as a speaker, qi gong master, and spiritual mentor. Peter has close to sixty years of heart-based experience as a martial artist and an expert in health, fitness, and organic living. His students come from all walks of…

Patrick Timpone – Why We Dream; We are a Law Unto Ourselves Spiritually; There’s No Need for Old Paradigms – The Mind, Body, & Soul Connection in Healing (Part 3) – January 10, 2017

THE MORNING SHOW with Patrick Timpone Patrick Timpone The Mind, Body, & Soul Connection in Healing (Part 3) How we have made our bodies over millions of years What Are Dreams?   Patrickis a happy Soul. He’s happy because he knows what he knows and what hedoesn’t know. He’s quite jazzed to be on Planet…

Stephanie Relfe – UFOs, Nordic Aliens, Reptilians, Reality Shifts, Mind Control, Mars, Earth Changes, Spiritual Warfare, and More!! – July 12, 2016

THE MORNING SHOW with Patrick Timpone Special 2 Hour Show Stephanie Relfe UFOs, Nordic Aliens, Reptilians, Reality Shifts, Mind Control, Mars, Earth Changes, Spiritual Warfare, and More!! “Previous members of the military made a grave mistake when they hid the reality of aliens from the people of earth. That mistake has been continued. That mistake…

David and Crystal Sereda – Mathematical Proof God Is the Architect of the Great Pyramid – July 7, 2016

THE MORNING SHOW with Patrick Timpone   David and Crystal Sereda Co-Authors of God’s Great Pyramid Topic:Mathematical Proof God Is the Architect of the Great Pyramid David Sereda’s first aspiration in life was to become an astronaut. In 1968, David and a friend witnessed a UFO along with hundreds of other witnesses. After this experience,…

Sharon Critchfield – Author of Waking Up to Heal – May 10, 2016

THE MORNING SHOW with Patrick Timpone Sharon Critchfield Author of Waking Up to Heal Is it possible for a traumatic life event to make someone stronger and more compassionate? It is, and author Sharon Critchfield’s new book, “Waking Up to Heal,” helps readers find the blessings hidden beneath the pain. Whether it’s an addiction, depression,…

Richard Sacks – Independent Holistic Health Scientist and Founder of Lost Arts Radio – April 19, 2016

THE MORNING SHOW with Patrick Timpone Richard Sacks Independent Holistic Health Scientist and Founder of Lost Arts Radio Richard Sacks began his work as an independent holistic health scientist in 1965, responding to the motivation of his own personal health issues, made worse by his interaction with modern allopathic medicine. Two of his earliest teachers,…

Rick Sheff, MD – When Science Meets God – February 2, 2016

THE MORNING SHOW with Patrick Timpone Rick Sheff, MD When Science Meets God Rick Sheff, MD, chronicles his 40-year pursuit of the truth about inexplicable spiritual phenomena, healing, and the purpose of our lives in his new book, Joyfully Shattered: A Physician’s Awakeningat the Crossroads of Science and Spirituality Can science prove the existence of…

Gerald O’Donnell – Our State of Consciousness Is Our Creation and Is All That Matters – December 3, 2015

THE MORNING SHOW with Patrick Timpone Gerald O’Donnell Remote Viewer and Cosmic Voyager The Creation of Consciousness Is the Creation of Self Awareness Mr. Gerald O’Donnell holds a B.Sc. in Mathematics, a M.Sc. in computer Science, and an MBA. He is a certified Hypnotherapist. He was, amongst other activities in various fields, once considered one…

Jerry Wills – We All Hold a Key to the Greater Success of the Human Race – November 17, 2015

THE MORNING SHOW with Patrick Timpone Jerry Wills Medical Intuitive, Energy Healer & Teacher The Extraterrestrial Presence on Planet Earth Jerry Wills began his extraordinary life as a baby abandoned near a military base. As he grew, he discovered healing and intuitive abilities that would attract attention from organized religion and otherworldly beings. It took…

Teal Swan – Finding Light in the Emotional Dark Age – July 16, 2015

THE MORNING SHOW with Patrick Timpone Teal Swan Finding Light in the Emotional Dark Age Teacher and ritual and sexual abuse survivor Teal Swan shows people how to heal their hidden wounds and become their authentic selves in her new book, “Shadows Before Dawn: Finding the Light of Self-Love Through Your Darkest Times” Teal Swan…

Peter Ragnar -Nothing More Is Needed Than This Moment – May 5, 2015

THE MORNING SHOW with Patrick Timpone Peter Ragnar The Longevity Sage Peter Ragnar is an internationally recognized author of twenty-nine books, as well as a speaker, qi gong master, and spiritual mentor. Peter has close to sixty years of heart-based experience as a martial artist and an expert in health, fitness, and organic living. His…

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The information on this website and talk shows is solely for informational and entertainment purposes. IT IS NOT INTENDED TO PROVIDE MEDICAL ADVICE. Neither the Editors, producers of One Radio Network, Patrick Timpone, their guests or web masters take responsibility for any possible consequences from any treatment, procedure, exercise, dietary modification, action or application of medication which results from reading or following the information contained on this website in written or audio form, live or podcasts. The publication of this information does not constitute the practice of medicine, and this information does not replace the advice of your physician or other health care provider. Before undertaking any course of treatment, the reader must seek the advice of their physician or other health care provider and take total responsibility for his or her actions at all times. Patrick Joseph of the family of Timpone, a man...All rights reserved, without recourse.