Cleaning Up Your Act
According to Adano Ley (Swami Nitty-Gritty) …
“Cleanliness is next to Godliness is celestial allergy.”
“Cleanliness is not close to Godliness. Cleanliness IS Godliness.”
“Clogging up is death.”
“The eye of the needle, the camel, and the rich man are the capillary, the red blood cell, and the toxin.”
“Do self-cleansing for self-health. Yogis are constantly cleaning their bodies.”
“If your mind is clean, your fecal matter will be clean.”
“You’re toxic if lightning burns you.”
“Don’t get Rolfed until you clean up the colon.”
“Chicken-tomato soup cleans the large intestine.”
“You don’t have acetones in your colon. You have ketones. Acetones disengage from tangling up. Ketones congregate.”
“The liver receiving too many toxins is what causes hemorrhoids.”
“Chlorine cleans carbon out of the liver – eat onions, garlic, carrots, and ginger. Eating miso with these gives you a stuffy nose.”
“If you have an oven that tends to cake up, put solvents in it to clean it up – coffee, cocoa, and maple syrup at 1:00 a.m., or olive oil, garlic, lemon, and parsley.”
“Clean the heart with tomato juice, molasses, and cayenne.”
“Colostrum is the residual feedback of the mother’s toxins in the body.”
“A-framed toenails mean a person is slowly dying. Toxins cause this condition.”
“The first bite of the day should be almond to set the full strength of hydrochloric acid for all-day protein digestion. When you leave hydrochloric acid in your stomach, the saliva and hydrochloric acid become toxic.”
“The trouble with Pentecostal therapy is that sound waves at the bottom of your feet will cause you to clean out too fast. The sudden quantum leap puts you out on a limb.”
“Health is the adherence to balance or homeostasis. Too much is an imbalance. Too little is an imbalance. The Saint and sinner have the same disease. They play the game between the right and left brain – muck up and clean up.”
“A little of anything is medicine for the system; too much is toxic or abuse. Abuse is wrong use.”
“Carbon dioxide is the teleprinter, oxygen is cellular cleaning.”
“The opportunity for permanency is offered as a reward for cleaning up.”
“Immortality is a conscious allergenic reaction through identification with the timing.”
'Cleaning Up Your Act' have 3 comments
July 11, 2017 @ 5:18 pm Atom
According to Swami Nitty-Gritty …
“Drink cold liquids to gain weight and warm liquids to lose weight.”–e-books.php#The-Heart-Is-Not-a-Pump
July 19, 2017 @ 2:21 pm John
Hello Atom! When you say “The first bite of the day should be almond to set the full strength of hydrochloric acid for all-day protein digestion”, does that mean a few almonds (soaked as you have recommended in past shows) should be eaten about 15-30 minutes before breakfast, to ‘prime’ the stomach acids for the food that will be coming?
And when you say, “When you leave hydrochloric acid in your stomach, the saliva and hydrochloric acid become toxic”, does this mean the hydrochloric acid is being drawn to the mouth by the almonds? Can other foods draw the hydrochloric acid to different parts of the body to create an effect similar to the HCL Therapy pioneered by Dr. Burr Ferguson and Dr. Walter Bryant Guy? What do you think of their work with hydrochloric acid?
July 23, 2017 @ 6:18 pm Atom
Re: When you say “The first bite of the day should be almond to set the full strength of hydrochloric acid for all-day protein digestion”, does that mean a few almonds (soaked as you have recommended in past shows) should be eaten about 15-30 minutes before breakfast, to ‘prime’ the stomach acids for the food that will be coming?
The almonds are best eaten immediately before eating the rest of breakfast, otherwise the stomach gets “confused.”
Re: And when you say, “When you leave hydrochloric acid in your stomach, the saliva and hydrochloric acid become toxic”, does this mean the hydrochloric acid is being drawn to the mouth by the almonds?
No, the almonds fully utilize the hydrochloric acid, leaving no residue.
An excellent way to toxify the stomach is to watch food commercials on TV without putting anything in the stomach.
MIND stimulates hydrochloric acid production just as easily as BODY.
Re: Can other foods draw the hydrochloric acid to different parts of the body to create an effect similar to the HCL Therapy pioneered by Dr. Burr Ferguson and Dr. Walter Bryant Guy? What do you think of their work with hydrochloric acid?
Carbon dioxide works better than hydrochloric acid throughout most of the rest of the body.
Breathing into a paper bag acidifies the body.
So does slow breathing.
Robert Love (The Great Oom: The Improbable Birth of Yoga in America, 2010) wrote …
“Charles [Seeger, father of folk singer Pete Seeger] took to mastering asana and pranayama, which he did quite easily, and could eventually hold his breath for fifteen minutes.”
According to the same source …
“Then on March 28, 1937, after idle chitchat about his inability to hold his [Theos Casimir Hamati Bernard] breath more than a fraction (six minutes) of the time a Tibetan yogi could still his breathing (two hours), he revealed that he had arrived in Gyantze, Tibet, on Sang-Wa-Dubo, the anniversary of the Buddha’s ascension into heaven, and managed to gain permission to enter the forbidden city of Lhasa.”