Adano Ley (Swami Nitty-Gritty) said …

“The cause of back pain is an abdominal problem, either gas, liquid, or solid. You don’t have acetones in your colon. You have ketones. Acetones disengage from tangling up. Ketones congregate.”

Melted cheese plugs up the large intestine due to the ketones in saliva.

Adano’s therapies for ketone removal include apple cider vinegar, grape wine or vinegar, calamari, and/or a series of 12 colonics …

(1) three colonics the first week,

(2) three the second week,

(3) two the third week,

(4) two the fourth week, and

(5) two the fifth and final week.

Adano advised a liquid diet for at least a day after each colonic to prevent intestinal torsion. The intestines can twist and torque after being refilled unevenly with food.

The entire lunch or dinner meal, salad and all, was mixed in a blender for the benefit of the colonic clients at Adano’s Houston clinic (affectionately called Swami Nitty-Gritty’s Karma Klinic).

Stimulate the orthocolonic, gastrocolonic, and chronocolonic reflexes of the large intestine for High-Level Holiday Wellness.

Arise early in the day, optimally between 3:00-7:00 a.m., to stimulate the gravity-dependent orthocolonic reflex.

Eat early in the day, having “break-the-fast” between 7:00-9:00 a.m., to stimulate the gastrocolonic reflex.

Eat “on time” with Solar Nutrition to stimulate the time-subordinated chronocolonic reflex.

Solar Nutrition is a circadian system of eating to calibrate the human body to the rhythmic planetary “growth patterns” impressed into our cellular structure by billions of sunrises and sunsets on a rotating Earth.

Adano advised …

“An appendix problem is actually an impacted cecum. Apply ice to put in minerals to stabilize constipation, eat almonds, then get a colonic.”

The vermiform appendix is neurolymphatically associated with the quadratus lumborum muscles and the Large Intestine acupuncture meridian.

The quadratus lumborum muscles put the sway in Ms. Lateral Pelvic Sway, being responsible for the sexy wiggle in a woman’s walk.

The articular facet of the twelfth rib on the right side of the thorax will be sore if the appendix is unhealthy, and the extremity of the same rib will also be sensitive.

This soreness can indicate ovarian trouble for a woman instead of an impacted cecum, because the right ovary and the appendix share common lymphatic drainage.

Belly dancing is an excellent way to tone the quadratus lumborum muscles.

Standing side bends are another way to exercise these muscles.

Floor side bends are even a better way.

Dwight L. McKee, M.D. (Emanuel Revici, M.D.: A Review of His Scientific Work, 1985) wrote …

“He [Revici] found a specifically important biological role of the microbes proper to the cecum. The cecum was found to enlarge until occupying half the abdomen in animals free of microbes, indicating the need of the body for these cecum microbes. They were found to be especially rich in fatty acids and showed a marked antiviral action.”

David Bjerklie (“A New Window on the Appendix,” Time, Jul. 19, 2004) wrote …

“Half the 700,000 cases of suspected appendicitis in the U.S. each year lack the usual symptoms of fever and pain in the lower right abdomen, and 15% to 40% of all appendectomies prove unnecessary because the appendix turns out to be normal.”


'Cleaning Your Colon After Eating Holiday Crap' has 1 comment

  1. December 12, 2012 @ 6:34 pm atomb

    Rethink the brain as a glorified catering service.

    The worm evolved into the caterpillar, and the caterpillar contains the blueprint of the butterfly.

    The human intestines are the conjoint evolution of the worm into the small intestine and the caterpillar into the large intestine.

    Adano often proclaimed, “We are here to eat our way to butterflyhood.”

    Butterflies Need No Taxidermist is available at …

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