Coronavirus Disease Tips 27-30

By Atom Bergstrom

Atom’s Blog

According to Australian journalist John Pilger …

“A pandemic has been declared, but not for the 24,600 who die every day from unnecessary starvation, and not for 3,000 children who die every day from preventable malaria, and not for the 10,000 people who die every day because they are denied publicly-funded healthcare, and not for the hundreds of Venezuelans and Iranians who die every day because America’s blockade denies them life-saving medicines, and not for the hundreds of mostly children bombed or starved to death every day in Yemen, in a war supplied and kept going, profitably, by America and Britain. Before you panic, consider them.”


Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Tip #27 — What about fish oil or flax oil during the pandemic? What about DHA and EPA? What about omega 3 fatty acids? They won’t harm you in the short run. It takes at least between one month and six weeks for the adrenal pushback to manifest. Yellow Fat Disease (progressive lipofuscinosis) is a chronic disease; only acute in rare instances. It’s progressive and cumulative. “It’s not what you occasionally do that matters. It’s what you do habitually.” (Did you think I was gonna blame COVID-19 on fish oil? Or flax oil? Or krill oil? Or algae oil?)


Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Tip #28 — Both high-blood pressure and high-blood pressure medications (angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors and angiotensin II receptor blockers) are counterproductive. According to SeegerWeiss LLP, “A new study published in The BMJ (British Medical Journal) may indicate that long-term use of ACE inhibitors may increase the risk of lung cancer. The study was not a well-controlled study but was [an] observational study which examined medical records of over 900,000 adults in the UK who had been treated for high blood pressure. After allowing for a number of variances such as smoking, ACE inhibitor use was associated with a 14% greater lung cancer risk than people who were taking ARB medications for blood pressure.” According to Levy Konigsberg LLP, “Angiotensin II Receptor Blockers, commonly known as Valsartan, Losartan, and Irbesartan, are used to treat high blood pressure and heart failure. These medications have been subject to voluntary recalls following the detection of various impurities known as N-nitrosodimethylamine (NDMA), N-Nitroso-N-methyl-4-aminobutyric acid (NMBA) and N-nitrosodiethylamine (NDEA) in the recalled medications. NDMA, NMBA and NDEA are known as probable human carcinogens.”


Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Tip #29 — Red light assists wound healing. According to Col. Dinshah Ghadiali (Spectro-chrome Metry Encyclopaedia, 1933), the color red is a Liver Energizer and Hemoglobin Builder. According to Ray Peat, “Subnormal temperatures cause a shift from phagocytosis to inflammation. Light, especially the red light which penetrates easily into tissues, activates the formation of new cells as well as their differentiation. It affects energy production, increasing the formation of mitochondria, and the activity of the DNA methyltransferase enzymes. Red light accelerates wound healing, and improves the quality of the scar, reducing the amount of fibrosis.” According to the Merck Manual, “Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF), the most common form of idiopathic interstitial pneumonia, causes progressive pulmonary fibrosis. Symptoms and signs develop over months to years and include exertional dyspnea, cough, and fine (Velcro) crackles.” Incandescent red light photo-rejuvenation works better than red laser or LED lights for wound and burn healing, skin rejuvenation, mitochondrial and collagen stimulation, acne, rosacea, poison remediation, etc. Broad spectrum red light therapy is the highest choice (570-1300 nanometers) — a 250-watt incandescent red brooder heat lamp bulb. Vibrant Gal and I prefer the GE bulb over the Philips bulb because the red paint melted off the latter. (Be sure your lamp socket is metal and can handle 250 watts.)


Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Tip #30 — Do N95 masks protect against COVID-19? Yes, No, Maybe. They do when fitted correctly and not over three years old. An initial “fit test” is necessary to find the right model and size, and a “user seal check” should be done every time it’s worn. But partial protection is better than no protection at all, so it might be nice if the U.S. government lets loose of the 1.5 million expired N95 masks it’s stockpiling. Beware of counterfeit N95 masks. According to Fox News (Mar, 20, 2020), “Amid coronavirus pandemic, N95 mask listings on Amazon flooded with fake reviews.” According to Business Insider (Feb. 26, 2020), “China confiscated over 31 million counterfeit face masks.”


David Sherfinski (The Washington Times, Apr. 10, 2020) wrote …

“Dr. Anthony Fauci on Friday said it’s possible that Americans could eventually carry around certificates of immunity to the coronavirus once proper testing is widespread enough.”

According to the same source …

“Sen. Bill Cassidy, Louisiana Republican, has pitched the idea of an immunity registry to document people no longer believed to be at risk of infection.”


According to health care professional and public policy expert Pam Popper (Apr. 21, 2020) …

“The federal government — the state government — is overstepping its bounds, and interested in managing and micromanaging our lives in ways that I think we all should find incredibly frightening. This should just make your blood run cold.”


'Coronavirus Disease Tips 27-30' have 5 comments

  1. May 8, 2020 @ 2:58 am Atom

    In Chapter 32 (“Rama Is Raised From the Dead,”) of Paramahansa Yogananda’s Autobiography of a Yogi, 1946 …
    Sri Yukteswar tells the story of Lahiri Mahasaya’s healing of Yukteswar’s clinically dead friend, Rama, by telling Yukteswar to place seven drops of castor oil in the mouth of Rama’s corpse.
    Rama was immediately revived.
    Lahiri Mahasaya mischievously chided, “Yukteswar, surely henceforth you will not fail to carry with you a bottle of castor oil. Whenever you see a corpse, just administer the oil. Why, seven drops of lamp oil must surely foil the power of Yama [the god of death]!”
    Yukteswar recounted the story to his students at Ranchi, and one child asked, “Sir, why did your guru send castor oil?”
    “Child, giving the oil had no special meaning. Because I had expected something material, Lahiri Mahasaya chose the nearby oil as an objective symbol to awaken my greater faith. The master allowed Rama to die, because I had partially doubted. But the divine guru knew that inasmuch as he had said the disciple would be well, the healing must take place, even though he had to cure Rama of death, a disease usually final!”


  2. May 8, 2020 @ 3:00 am Atom

    Hypnotists used to routinely program folks to spell out messages on their own chests with rashes — even stigmata.


  3. May 8, 2020 @ 3:02 am Atom

    Reverse breathing induces Magnetic Flow (Kundalini), the opposite of Life Flow (the Life is in the Blood). Magnetic Flow is the State of Shock, not the more serious manifestations of Shock and Acute Shock. Mindfulness is Magnetic, and Zen (the zenith of mind) is Barometric. Magnetic Flow is also Mind Flow, and it only ceases when all that flows is Blood.


  4. May 8, 2020 @ 3:03 am Atom

    According to Adano Ley (Swami Nitty-Gritty) …
    “You see, breath-free is not an accomplishment to God because he’s already living in a breath-free state himself.
    “So he needs to make a what? A manifestation.
    “The moment he’s going to make a manifestation, he’s got to give it breath to live.
    “So he doesn’t enjoy breath-free organisms.
    “He’ll enjoy breathing organisms, and he’ll enjoy breathless organisms more.
    “There’s a big difference between breathless and breath-free.
    “Breath-free, you didn’t make it.
    “If you breathe and you master breathless, you’re hanging around for quite a long time.”


  5. May 8, 2020 @ 3:06 am Atom

    As Adano Ley (Swami Nitty-Gritty) and I lunched at a restaurant on the drive from Houston to Dallas, he pointed to a nearby table and asked, “Can you tell which man is from southern Africa and which one is from the northern part of the continent?”

    “You can tell that? How?” I exclaimed in amazement.

    “Easy,” he replied. “Minerals precipitate differently at different latitudes due to the rotation of the Earth. They create different racial geometries from the pressure variances. That’s why their skulls are not shaped alike. This is called the science of ecological anthropology.”

    Adano nodded his head in the direction of our waitress, asking me to guess her heritage.

    Of course, I couldn’t, so he named off a blend of three or four heritages, including Welsh and Irish.

    When the waitress brought our order, Adano inquired, “What is your heritage?”


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