David Weiss (Flat Earth Dave)

Patrick and Flat Earth Dave will discuss a crowd funded documentary film project that Patrick would like to produce which would prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that the Earth is flat

Most of us have spent our lives believing the earth is heliocentric, simply because that’s what we’ve always been taught. However, as more of us begin to question everything we’ve been told, it might be time to revisit that theory.   Despite so many beings awakening to truth in other parts of their lives, many are still hesitant to take Flat Earth theory more seriously. At the core of this reluctance is the question: why does it matter?    Who stands to gain from the myth of a heliocentric system, and how would our lives be impacted if we found out we were being lied to all along?    In this episode, host of the Flat Earth Podcast, David Weiss shares his thoughts on why the heliocentric model affects us more than we realize. 

Flying in a straight line from anywhere on Earth Will land you in the same place your started on a globe or in Antarctica if the Earth is Flat

It is not possible to go all the way to Antarctica as they will not allow you to schedule the flight path

Magnetic North is Solid and anywhere one travels, regardless of the direction is South

Magnetic North is in the center of a flat Earth

The name of the huge Rock is BlackRock.  No kidding.

Polaris, The North Star is the only star that is stationary the other stars constantly circle a flat immovable plane called Earth.

The India moon landing was an obvious hoax

It is not possible get out of Low Earth Orbit

The amount of 666 combinations used in cosmology is, at best, hilarious as 666 is The Mark of The Beast and Satanic

The entire NASA model is built on Freemason Satanic philosophy

Dave, has “Science”, or anyone, to the best of your knowledge ever been able to demonstrate liquid water collecting and forming that which we call a body thereof without requiring containment?

-Why didn’t people with telescopes or high end camera’s film the India lander live when it went to the moon???

'David Weiss (Flat Earth Dave) | Producing a Documentary to Prove the Flat Model of Earth Will Be Tricky, But Possible | September 11, 2023' have 4 comments

  1. September 17, 2023 @ 7:38 pm Eddie

    We need to set up plans on how to prove it once and for all, do them film it all and show it to everyone


    • September 29, 2023 @ 10:37 pm SM

      You could book flights that follows the Tropic of Cancer and then book flights that follow the Tropic of Capricorn. If the earth is flat then the flights that follow the Tropic of Capricorn will take double the time because on a flat earth the Tropic of Capricorn is a far greater distance. If they take the same amount of time then the earth is round.


    • October 9, 2023 @ 9:40 pm Rex

      Its been proven MANY times.go to dean odle or dean odle european youtube or rumble.com and watch dean odle cia documents prove flat earth.
      Also rob skiba dean odle flat earth
      Thetes more guys gatekeepers ate martin LIEDtke,dubey,steere and i heard maby weiss


  2. November 24, 2023 @ 4:25 pm Jeff

    People all around the globe would want to see this!


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