Practice the Buteyko Breathing Technique in the evening, not during the day.

Midday is the time for overbreathing – hyperventilation.

An excess carbon dioxide heart attack is a myocardial infarction usually occurring at Heart Time (11:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m.).

Another name for this type of heart attack is “death by seltzer.”

Stimulating the reflex to the pulmonary vein by pressing the center of the chest is a suitable therapy.

Or inhaling oxygen at midday saves heart attack victims.

Midnight is the time for underbreathing – hypoventilation.

An excess oxygen heart attack is a myocardial infarction usually occurring at Gall Bladder Time (11:00 p.m-1:00 a.m.).

Stimulating the reflex to the pulmonary artery on the left side of the chest is a suitable therapy.

Inhaling oxygen at midnight kills heart attack victims – unless carbon dioxide is inhaled first to “prime the pump.”

Breathing into a paper bag will do the trick.

A Buteyko Breathing Method practitioner would go over like a turd in a punchbowl at a Rebirthing-Breathwork seminar.

Rebirthing-Breathwork releases suppressed emotions while doing at least a half hour of sustained deep breathing.

Yet the Ukrainian doctor Konstatin Buteyko (1923-2003) claimed …

“Do you know what is the result of a single deep breath? It disables you for a minimum of five or six minutes, for the time it takes for your body to recover the carbon dioxide it has lost. Just one breath.”

Dr. Buteyko was three miles north of the cheering section when it came to deep breathing exercises.

Adano Ley (Swami Nitty-Gritty) said …

“Lithium is the basis of holy water. It is found in deep springs. It keeps the lungs from breaking down due to carbon dioxide retention. Lithium is needed for the brain and is an antitoxin additive. It is obtained by deep breathing at 3:00 a.m. Pull the tongue back to generate lithium.”

Lithium hydroxide absorbs carbon dioxide from the air to form lithium carbonate. That’s why it’s used to purify the air aboard submarines and spacecraft.

Let’s look at some people who praised the virtues of deep breathing.

(1) WILLIAM BANKIER (1870-1949) was called Apollo, the Scottish Hercules.

Part of his strong man act was harness-lifting an elephant and its rider.

He was also able to support a piano with a six person orchestra and a dancer.

He recommended deep breathing exercises, and wrote (in 1900) …

“I open the window from the bottom and lean out, with my hands on the window-sill, then take a deep inhalation through the nose, holding the breath a few seconds while the lungs are fully inflated. Then slightly pressing the abdomen on the sill, I let the breath slowly leave through the mouth; repeating this movement twenty or thirty times. I also practice this while walking.”

GEORG (GEORGE) HACKENSCHMIDT (1877-1968) was called The Russian Lion.

He recommended breathing through the nose and inhaling deep breaths during intense exercise.

The hack squat is named after him, and he helped popularize the bench press and many other exercises.

Theodore Roosevelt declared, “If I wasn’t president of the United States, I would like to be George Hackenschmidt.”

Dave Yarnell (The Secrets of Age Defying Strength, 2009) wrote …

“While many of the other strength greats of the day mentioned deep breathing practice as a big part of their regimens, George had a bit of a different angle on this idea than most. He suggested running, especially up hills, as being the best deep breathing exercise one could do, and that it was very simple to do this way, as opposed to some of the other trainers of the time’s methods for deep breathing. He suggested that the technique came naturally when running and required little in the way of thought or study,”

(3) GHULUM MOHAMMED (c. 1880-1963) was called The Great Gama, Lion of the Punjab.

He did a lot of his deep breathing while doing 500 Hindu Squats (Tiger Squats) a day.

Each rep of a Hindu Squat starts with a deep breath, filling the lungs while pulling the outstretched arms into the chest and clenching the fists.

The body is lowered by bending the knees and extending the arms downward and behind the back, exhaling on the way down.

More deep breathing was done while doing his 500 Hindu Pushups (Hanuman Pushups) a day.

A Hindu pushup starts in the “Downward Dog” position, swoops down into a “Cobra Pose,” and returns to “Downward Dog.”

The head and hips move in circles instead of up and down.

The Great Gama also taught Joseph L. Greenstein – before he became known as The Mighty Atom – how to wrestle trees, assuring him that if you could win against a tree, a man was easy.

Gama went undefeated in 5,000 wrestling matches in a career that spanned more than fifty years.

To date he is the only wrestler in history who never lost a match in his entire career.

(To Be Continued Sometime Soon)



'Deep & Shallow Time Conscious Breathing' have 5 comments

  1. March 1, 2013 @ 11:26 pm atomb

    My e-books are available at :)

    • March 4, 2013 @ 4:59 pm jwong

      Atom, I got your Butterflies series books. What is the best way to get the most from the Butterflies series, read it alphabetically from A-Z? Is this meant to be read sequentially, or used as a reference?
      Also, do you think Hindu squats and Hindu pushups can be done instead of lifting weights to effectively build strength and muscle? Thanks.

  2. March 5, 2013 @ 1:12 am atomb

    All my e-books are designed to work with the Find function in Edit at the top of your computer screen. (*)

    For example, if you’re looking for info on diabetes, you would type in “diabet,” which would find “diabetes” and associated words like “diabetic” and “antidiabetic.”

    This is especially useful regarding Butterflies Need No Taxidermist and the Full Spectrum Time Sequenced Food List.

    Using the Find function makes the data instantly available.

    For example, if you were reading through the Butterflies books, it would take days — if not weeks — to find all the data on diabetes.

    It takes only a few minutes using the Find function.

    (*) Up in the left-hand corner of most computer screens is written File, Edit, View, History, Bookmarks, Tools, and Help.

    Open up Edit and go to Find … and you’re in business.

    Weights and body-only exercises work muscles in different ways. Combining them is probably the best strategy.

    • March 9, 2013 @ 9:14 am Tommy TIRS


      The “Find” function does not work on the Butterflies Series that you have sent me awhile ago…

      Lookin’ forward to catchin’ up!

      Ever New Joy…Tommy

  3. March 5, 2013 @ 8:18 pm Josephine

    Hi, Atom,
    How would one heal a chocolate trauma?
    Fantastic show on Mon with Patrick. Thanks for all the great information

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