A polar bear is an example of Cosmic Awareness in a Mobile Manner.
Adano Ley (Swami Nitty-Gritty) said …
“Polar bears don’t hibernate. A polar bear is in the moving state of Delta. The polar bear and the wolf don’t fight. A bull walrus is the polar bear’s most formidable companion.”
The goal of Kriya Yawning is to get “a cool head and a hot ass” – ultimately Cryogenic Cosmic Awareness in a Mobile Manner.
Most folks have “a hot head and a cold ass.”
Kriya Yawning is a remedy for fria de la matriz, Spanish for “cold womb,” frigidity.
Oliver Sacks (“Brilliant Light,” The New Yorker, Dec. 20, 1999) wrote …
“I would sometimes beg my mother to bring out her engagement ring and show me the diamond in it. It flashed like nothing I had ever seen, almost as if it gave out more light than it took in. My mother showed me how easily it scratched glass, and then she told me to put it to my lips. It was strangely, startlingly cold – metals felt cool to the touch, but the diamond was icy. That was because it conducted heat so well, she said – better than any metal – so it drew the body heat away from one’s lips when they touched it. This was a feeling I was never to forget. Another time, she showed me how if one touched a diamond to a cube of ice it would draw heat from one’s hand into the ice and cut it straight through as if it were butter.”
A cool head and a hot ass is a necessary first step in the transmutation of the carbon-based body into the diamond-based one.
Kriya Yoga is a Kundalini Yoga, so it can’t get you there without two other Yoga techniques.
Kriya Yoga is the expendable first stage of a three-stage rocket.
Adano said …
“200 millivolts per cell will make a quiver. Multiply 200 millivolts times 60 trillion cells. Rigor mortis is dilation, cooling. Tension is constriction, heating.”
Warm water is “wetter” than cold water.
Adano said …
“The head is the base of the thermometer. The spinal fluid is the mercurial measurement. The dead man is cold. Everything runs back into the head at death. Pseudo or placebo death is in the solar plexus.”
Not too long after I met Adano, he said something that gave me GOOSEBUMPS …
“You are the sheep.
“I am the crookstick.
“Charan Singh is the shepherd.
“But the crookstick comes in very handy when you get trapped in a ditch.
“The crookstick will pull you out.
“There will come a night when it will be very cold, and you will need me again.
“You will burn the crookstick to keep warm.”
(To Be Continued)
'Delta: The Top Secret of Longevity (Part 4)' have 2 comments
January 22, 2012 @ 11:23 am RadioGuGu
: ) We all need more of Adano.. more than ever. …
January 23, 2012 @ 2:44 am atomb
Thank you! :)