DHA Is Due For a Comeuppance


By Atom Bergstrom

Atom’s Blog


I was considered a weirdo back in the early 1980s when I told people that saturated fats and cholesterol prevented heart disease.

I argued, “Just because the cops show up every time there’s a mugging in Central Park doesn’t mean the cops CAUSED the mugging. Having fewer cops on patrol increases the number of muggings. In like manner, having less cholesterol increases the number of heart attacks.”

I’m a weirdo again when it comes to EPA and DHA, but time is on my side.

You can lead a horse away from fish and algae, but you can’t make him stay away.

Ray Peat (“Regeneration and degeneration: Types of inflammation change with aging,” 2006-2016) wrote …

“In a study of prenatal learning (habituation rate), the experimenters found that the relative absence of the supposedly essential fatty acids improved the short term and long term memory of the fetus (Dirix, et al., 2009). The size of the baby was found to be negatively associated with the highly unsaturated fatty acids DHA and AA (Dirix, et al., 2009), showing a general growth-retarding effect of these environmentally derived fats.”

According to the same source …

“As the consumption of PUFA has increased in the US and many other countries, the incidence of birth defects has increased.”

It’s easy to find warnings scattered among all the advertising hype about EPA and DHA being “essential” to human health.

Narayan Bhaskar & K. Miyashita (“Physiological Effects of Eicosapentaenoic Acid (EPA) and Docosahexaenoic Acid (DHA)—A Review,” Anti-Angiogenic Functional and Medicinal Foods, 2007) wrote …

“Less Desirable Effects Attributed to EPA and DHA

“Reduced platelet count and long bleeding times

“Increased production and accumulation of erucic acid (C22:1) that may lead to heart lesions

“Higher vitamin E requirements to counter possible oxidation problems

“Higher intake of vitamin A and D there by manifesting in problems of hypervitaminosis

“Higher chances for consuming oxidation products (peroxides and aldehydes).”

So marine erucic acid is OK even though the FDA banned rapeseed oil erucic acid in 1956?

According to the same source …

“These long-chain n-3 PUFA can alter gene expression by down-regulating proteoglycan degrading enzymes, inflammation inducible cytokines, and fatty acid synthase.”

It’s even worse if you’re crazy enough to eat farmed fish.

Salmon and other fish are being fed very-long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids (VL-PUFAs) manufactured from transgenic algae and/or oilseed crops.

Tara Duggan (“A new way to feed farmed salmon could take pressure off wild fish,” San Francisco Chronicle, May 13, 2016) wrote …

“AlgaPrime DHA replaces that fish oil and fish meal. To make it, TerraVia — a former biofuel company that was previously called Solazyme — has partnered with agribusiness company Bunge Limited to produce microalgae in huge fermentation tanks in Brazil. While other companies have produced algae oil with similar methods, it’s the scale and competitive price of the product that sets it apart.

“Set in the middle of a sugarcane farm and facility, the microalgae are fed sugar and reproduce rapidly, then dried and pressed into oil. ”

According to “TerraVia Announces New Head of Global Food Sales,” BiotechFinances, Apr. 29, 2016 …

“TerraViaâ„¢ (formerly Solazyme, Inc.) (NASDAQ:SZYM), a pioneer in algae innovation, focused on food and nutrition and specialty ingredients, has announced that Charlie Ross, former Vice President of DuPont’s Proteins Business Unit, has joined TerraVia as Vice President of Global Sales.”

Better Living Through DuPont Biotechnology?

Not in my book.

'DHA Is Due For a Comeuppance' have 2 comments

  1. May 27, 2016 @ 8:02 pm Atom

    Re: What about homeopathic fish oil?

    Why not?

    Homeopathic Medicine uses a thief to catch a thief, not a policeman to catch a thief.

    DHA is a defense fatty acid — a defense against the cold.

    Enjoy eating fish, but ditch the DHA, in the same way you enjoy rattlesnake steak without eating its venom.



  2. May 27, 2016 @ 8:03 pm Atom

    The average Joe reads a book about the health benefits of color.

    He reads that red light increases muscle strength.

    But what if Joe has a Red Trauma?

    What if he hasn’t CLEARED the color red in his own mind?

    In that case, the color red actually weakens him, and may or may not lead to health consequences.

    Joe wears red clothes, eats red-pigmented foods, does red “color breathing,” uses red paint to change the color of the walls in his home gym, and works out under red light.

    Joe pulls his calf muscle while working out.

    He may or may not notice his adrenal insufficiency caused by the pulled calf muscle.

    The average Jane reads a book about the health benefits of color.

    She reads that the color green increases her chance of getting pregnant.

    But what if Jane has a Green Trauma?

    What if she hasn’t CLEARED the color green from her own mind?

    In that case, the color green actually weakens her, and may or may not lead to health consequences.

    Jane wears green clothes, eats chlorophyll and drinks green vegetable drinks, surrounds herself with green plants, wears green panties, sleeps under green sheets, paints her bedroom walls green, and exposes herself to green light.

    Jane ends up with a chronic groin pain and weak adductor muscles.

    She may or may not notice her menstrual changes caused by the weak adductor muscles.


    For more info on color, read these former Atom’s Blog entries on One Radio Network (and more on Sun Sync Nutrition dot com) …

    Color: Prism Or Prison? (April 4, 2011)

    High-Level Color Immunity (May 5, 2011)

    Color & Shape-Shifting (May 25, 2011)

    Circadian Rhythms & Pregnancy (June 20, 2011)

    Circaseptan Superimmunity (Divinity) (June 30, 2011)

    Hormone Balancers (Including Colors) (July 17, 2011)

    Trapped In the Color Loop (August 4, 2011)

    Losing Your Aura Is a Good Thing (September 30, 2011)

    Color Is All In Your Head (October 1, 2011)

    Pink for Permanence & Blue for Impermanence (February 19, 2012)

    How to Get Rid Of Your Aura (March 19, 2012)

    Colorless Diamond Body Lifestyles (March 20, 2012)

    Yellow Is the Power Behind Coffee (April 16, 2012)

    Yellow For & Against Cancer (April 18, 2012)

    The Color Orange & the Electronics of Sexuality (July 28, 2012)

    The Scarlet Woman (& Man Too) (November 11, 2012)

    Best Bedroom Colors (Including Green & Magenta) (February 3, 2013)

    How to Convert a Tamasic Bedroom Into a Sattvic One (May 25, 2013)

    Father God (Black) & White Buffalo Woman (White) (June 11, 2013)

    Color For Psychic Defense Is Not Your Highest Choice (September 9, 2013)

    Wearing Colors to Synchronize Yourself to the Biological Week (October 3, 2013)

    Life (Blue) Is the Accelerator & Death (Red) Is the Brakes (December 18, 2013)

    The Color Red & the Changeless Change Of the Change (December 18, 2013)

    Red (Individuality) Is the Loneliest Color (December 23, 3013)




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