Think about this before you start that coffee enema …

If you believe in CLEANSING, you’re not practicing alternative health.

Allopathic medicine concocted the idea of “cleansing.”

Detoxifying your body is an allopathic principle, not a homeopathic one.

“Spring cleaning” is an allopathic concept.

So are “nutritional cleansing” and the “removal of harmful toxins” – including mercury and lead.

Colonic irrigation was invented in an allopathic hospital.

What about VITALIZING your body?

Cleansing is supplemental.

Vitalization is IMPLEMENTAL.

Cleansing isn’t even a tenth of the story.

The American Medical Association was founded in 1848, and brainwashed the American public with concepts of chemical exorcism …

(1) cathartic herbs and medicines

(2) diaphoretic herbs and medicines

(3) dissolvent herbs and medicines

(4) diuretic herbs and medicines

(5) emetic herbs and medicines

(6) emmenagogue herbs and medicines

(7) expectorant herbs and medicines

(8) purgative herbs and medicines

(9) sialagogue herbs and medicines

Samuel Hahnemann – the Father of Homeopathy – wrote a long, long time ago …

“I admit that it was more convenient for the weakness of humanity to assume that, in the diseases they were called on to cure, there existed some morbific material of which the mind might form a conception (more particularly as the patients readily lent themselves to such a notion), because in that case a practitioner had nothing further to care about than to procure a good supply of remedies for purifying the blood and humors, exciting diuresis and diaphoresis, promoting expectoration, and scouring out the stomach and bowels. Hence, on all the works of Materia Medica, from Dioscorides down to the latest books on the subject, there is almost nothing about the special peculiar action of individual medicines; but, besides on account of their supposed utility in various nosological names of diseases, it is merely stated whether they are diuretic, diaphoretic, expectorant or emmenagogue, and more particularly whether they produce evacuation of the stomach and bowels upwards or downwards; because all the aspirations and efforts of the practitioner have ever been chiefly directed to cause the expulsion of a material morbific matter, and of sundry (fictitious) acridities, which it was imagined were the cause of diseases.”

… and …

“These were, however, all idle dreams, unfounded assumptions and hypotheses, cunningly devised for the convenience of therapeutics, as it was expected the easiest way of performing a cure would be to remove the material morbific matters (si modo essent!).” [1]

Do you really think Adano Ley (Swami Nitty-Gritty) advised colonic therapy to clean the “morbific matters” out of our colons (even if he said so)?

No. He advised lower bowel evacuations to clean the crap out of our heads.


New Age Medicine teaches us that health and disease are FREQUENCIES.

Frequency is the New Age word for TIMING – “the rate at which something occurs or is repeated over a particular period of time or in a given sample.”

Solar Nutrition provides “knock sensors” to automatically advance or retard the spark. [2]

The sympathetic nervous system is our crankshaft, and the parasympathetic nervous system is our camshaft.

In the words of Swami Nitty-Gritty …

“Solar Nutrition isn’t for everyone.”


[1] Even Hahnemann was temporarily seduced by “morbific matters” when he promoted (and later abandoned) his “coffee theory of disease.”

[2] A recent discovery is that neurotransmitters aren’t involved in all cases of nerve transmission. The “soup” theory supposedly triumphed over the “spark” theory, but it’s now known that spark transmission – although it’s the exception to the rule – truly exists.


'Do You Really Think You Can “Cleanse” Your Liver?' have 11 comments

  1. August 25, 2013 @ 6:48 pm atomb

    We are designed to live outside our bodies, but ENGRAMS “ground” us to our DNA and RNA.

    Swami Nitty-Gritty remarked, “I’m stuck in it too.”

    Rupert Sheldrake and Jaak Panksepp are both “right.”

    Beware of hypnotism. It confines you to two sets of DNA and RNA by way of rapport.

    My e-books are available at …

  2. August 26, 2013 @ 2:46 pm mushroomboy

    Hey Atom I am curious about what you have to say about hypnotism. A previous guest of Patrick’s Gerald Odonnell trains people to get to Delta brain wave. I am not sure but suspect he uses some form of hypnotism to achieve this. Curious of your thoughts on this. Maybe a post specific to hypnotism?

  3. August 26, 2013 @ 3:34 pm atomb

    Establishment Medicine is starting to CATCH UP to Swami Nitty-Gritty …

    Dr. Jack Kruse (Neurosurgeon & Optimum Health Educator) wrote …

    “Many long term readers of my blog will recall that I have always told you that timing matters more than the food you eat. It is one of the core tenets in My Leptin Rx. Many of you may not understand why this fact is foundational for all biology and why it may make understanding metabolic pathways in a biology book worthless when you are trying to get optimal and trying to reverse disease.”

  4. August 26, 2013 @ 5:50 pm Beebs

    Interesting article, but does not fully address health issues and accumulation of toxicities such as from medication adverse reaction leading to multisystemic breakdown, including failing organs!!

    • August 26, 2013 @ 6:18 pm atomb

      I’m not saying there’s no such thing as cleansing and “purification.”

      I’m saying it’s more practical to get off dialysis and TIME the kidney (or whatever other organ is considered toxic).

      Of course, the Big Money is invested in dialysis.

      Including the chemical dialysis of removing cholesterol, etc., etc., etc.

      Why keep mopping up the floor when you can simply turn off the faucet?

      Plus, toxicity can save lives … it’s called HORMESIS.

  5. August 26, 2013 @ 5:55 pm Beebs

    Read that cleansing (detoxing), is an important ritual for spiritual attainment. Cleansing the physical body is just as important as spiritual cleansing in accordance with religious/spiritual beliefs. Ayurvedic medicine, holistic approach to maintaining health is renowned for brutal cleansing such as panchakarma, includes, nutrition/diet, spiritual, mental, emotional, physical well being. Confused!!

    • August 26, 2013 @ 6:31 pm atomb

      Knowing how to detox as an ongoing process is different from detoxification as a goal.

      Ouspensky’s take was that fasting is ego-driven unless there’s to food to eat.

      I’ve done long fasts and purges (up to 15 days) and don’t feel any wiser or more spiritual.

      It’s probably my karma, and, the beauty of LIFE is that there’s Sat-Chit-Ananda here for all of us! :)

      • August 26, 2013 @ 6:48 pm atomb

        Cleansing – Cleaning a house takes a day.

        Renovation – Building a house (including drawing the blueprints) takes much longer.

        There’s many “experts” concentrating on cleansing, but only a few discussing renovation.

        For example, cancer can be used for extreme longevity, but the bulk of alternative health literature is about how to exorcise it.

        No one asks, “Hey, Mr. Cancer, what are you doing in my house?”

        William Coley (1862-1936) asked that question, but it was bad for the corporate cancer business.

  6. August 27, 2013 @ 6:52 pm B

    I can see separating “cleansing” as being silly.

    It’s like in bodybuilding with the cutting (cutting fat) and bulking (building muscle) phases being separated. Months of bulking followed by months of cutting. A sort of bipolar diet frenzy bouncing the tachometer off of weak and grumpy (“I’m so big I need 3600 calories a day to maintain muscle and cut fat but I’m tired all the time”) and obese gorging (“Yeah I gained 20 pounds last month, probably ’bout 12 of that lean”).

    Thanks Atom!
    Silly Willy

    • August 28, 2013 @ 12:24 am atomb


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