Marie Bailly was dying of tubercular peritonitis.
Her sudden cure at Lourdes on May 28, 1902, was documented by Nobel Prize winner Alexis Carrel (1873-1944).
Dr. Carrel was (and remains) very controversial due to his …
1) Nazi affiliations
2) eugenics research
3) close friendship with John D. Rockefeller
4) chicken heart experiment
To be fair, most U.S. universities and medical research centers had Nazi affiliations throughout the 1930s.
(Dig through the back issues of Time magazine if you doubt it.)
Many U.S. universities and medical research centers are still deeply involved in eugenics research and actively suppressing hypnosis, biofeedback, and “animal magnetism” fieldwork and fact-finding.
Stanford University remains the eugenics juggernaut’s flagship and its essential link to the cyberspace cartels (Amazon, Apple, Facebook, Google, Microsoft, etc.).
Dr. Carrel realized that civilization’s elites were just as much the prisoners of industrial technocracy as civilization’s minions.
He wrote (in Man the Unknown, 1935) …
“Man should be the measure of all. On the contrary, he is a stranger in the world that he has created. He has been incapable of organizing this world for himself, because he did not possess a practical knowledge of his own nature. Thus, the enormous advance gained by the sciences of inanimate matter over those of living things is one of the greatest catastrophes ever suffered by humanity. The environment born of our intelligence and our inventions is adjusted neither to our stature nor to our shape. We are unhappy. We degenerate morally and mentally. The groups and the nations in which industrial civilization has attained its highest development are precisely those which are becoming weaker. And whose return to barbarism is the most rapid. But they do not realize it. They are without protection against the hostile surroundings that science has built about them. In truth, our civilization, like those preceding it, has created certain conditions of existence which, for reasons still obscure, render life itself impossible. The anxiety and the woes of the inhabitants of the modern city arise from their political, economic, and social institutions, but, above all, from their own weakness. We are the victims of the backwardness of the sciences of life over matter over those of matter.”
Ironically, biotech corporations call themselves Life Science companies.
The genuine Life Science synchronizes with the dictates and rhythms of the Sun.
'More About the Doc Behind the Chicken Heart Experiment' have 5 comments
June 11, 2014 @ 8:07 pm atomb
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June 12, 2014 @ 10:07 am John
Hi Atom,
what foods have CoQ10 in them ?
June 12, 2014 @ 5:45 pm atomb
Sun Sync Nutrition Guide to CoQ10 …
Morning (Growth Zone 1) – olive oil, avocado, hazel nut
Midday (Growth Zone 2) – any flesh food containing mitochondria (beef, pork, chicken), soybean oil, corn oil, sesame seed, spinach
Evening (Growth Zone 3) – sardine, mackerel, peanut oil
Healthy individuals tend to have higher levels of plasma CoQ10, probably an indicator of tissue CoQ10.
The interrelationship between CoQ9 and CoQ10 is still being investigated.
PS: Coconut oil, a Growth Zone 1 oil, contains no detectable CoQ10.
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June 20, 2014 @ 8:44 am Jackie Lyon
This is unbelievable (I believe it) fascinating information.
The civilization’s elites are the ones that threaten human existence.
Atom, I was wondering. I have studied secret societies for many years now. Would you have the answer to this question:
Why do they require a blood sacrifice?
I’ve heard it said that a blood sacrifice was and is the reason for wars and battles around the world.
Thank you in advance for your vast knowledge and wisdom.
June 20, 2014 @ 7:00 pm atomb
“The life is in the blood.”
Blood has been a psychological fascination of human beings since prehistoric times.
Fertility is also associated with blood.
In many (if not most) cases, the blood of menstruation was either regarded as “the sacred wound” by matriarchal societies and as an abomination by patriarchal ones.
Sacrifices are associated with both the life and fertility principles.
In addition, red is the first color human beings “saw,” not counting black and white as “colors.”