Re: But if the saliva is acid then it is dissolving the teeth?

Good question. The answer is Yes No Maybe …

Yes. Excess acidity can erode your enamel. It depends on how acidic the saliva is, what acids make it acidic, WHEN the saliva is acidic, and how long the saliva remains acidic..

No. Excess acidity can’t erode enamel if there’s an adequate supply of salivary tryptophan and immunoglobulins.

Oxalic acid also protects the teeth and gums. (Think chocolate or coffee.)

So does uric acid, tyrosine, and anacardic acid.

Excess zinc can cause dental caries. (Excess zinc is also a major contributor to Alzheimer’s Disease.)

Two different kinds of metal fillings in your mouth create a wet-cell battery that can quickly erode enamel.

For example, if you have one “gold” filling in your mouth containing 75% gold and another containing only 65% gold, you’ve created an oral battery.

And the composition of the other 25% or 35% of a gold alloy makes a difference too.

Maybe. What if being acidic in the morning and alkaline in the evening allowed you to ROTATE your enamel and dentin cells?

And what if you could change the chemistry of your mouth by exposing it to the ultraviolet radiation in sunlight?

And what about the people who grow a third set of teeth? Or a fourth? Or multiple rows of teeth?

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'Does Acidic Saliva Erode Teeth?' have 5 comments

  1. June 17, 2012 @ 3:26 pm atomb

    Zinc precipitates amyloid beta peptide, perhaps making it more of a contributing factor to Alzheimer’s Disease than aluminum.

    Sunbathers who supplement with zinc are at risk (if they don’t know what buffers zinc).

    Iron and its free radicals are also major players in AD.

  2. June 17, 2012 @ 4:13 pm atomb

    It’s time for a People’s War on Drugs – “legal” prescription drugs.

    Drug research is mostly taxpayer-financed – but our government and corporations have stolen the profits from the public domain.

    “Pharmaceutical companies often start with a natural remedy or herb that affects human functions, and isolate its most potent active ingredient. Then they use chemical methods to change the ingredient’s configuration slightly to make it synthetic and therefore patentable. Then they sell the patented, non-natural substance as a drug under patent-protected profits of as much as 600% or even more for 12-20 years. The patented drugs suppress symptoms of disease.” – R.A.S. Hemet

    The Pharmaceutical Colossus is the Cause of the Cause of the financial difficulties with Social Security.

  3. June 17, 2012 @ 6:10 pm atomb

    Re: Is there a vegan alternative for re-mineralizing teeth?

    Some vegans use food-grade monosodium phosphate to rebuild enamel with varied success.

    It’s always a good idea to research side effects.

    I wonder how many vegans are opposed to human breast milk? There’s a thriving and escalating black market.

  4. June 18, 2012 @ 9:33 pm Jim

    How does something as simple as celery be considered a sexual food? And can a hormone truly be odorless?

    • June 19, 2012 @ 4:08 pm atomb

      The androsterone in celery is both a hormone and a pheromone.

      Plants get horny too.

      Androsterone as a pheromone is a female attractant in the infrared range.

      But it also puts out an odor detectable to those with the proper genetic or epigenetic configuration.

      Androsterone is also in salmon.

      An excellent “sex builder” is salmon and celery (the bottom white part) at Circulation-Sex Time (7:00-9:00 p.m.).

      One of these days when Atom’s School of Self Healing finally gets launched in Ojai, I’ll write THE book on Tantric Nutrition. ;)

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