Dr. Emanuel Revici

by Atom Bergstrom

Atom’s Blog

Emanuel Revici, M.D. (1896-1998) saved many lives … but admitted some were too far gone or beyond his technology.

I haven’t “interpreted” his technology, just read his textbook over and over … and over … and over … and over … and over … and other books and papers by and about him (including those at M.D. Anderson Cancer Center).


According to M.D. Anderson Cancer Center’s “Reviews of Therapies” website (in the 1990s)

“Dr. Revici’s complex theories focused on lipids, elements, the organization of matter, and the forces that create and affect matter. Some of his theories such as those concerning the bioactivity of leukotrienes as regulators of inflammatory and allergic reactions, the development of a safe and effective means of lipid transport, the use of selenium to treat cancer and the value of omega-3 fatty acids derived from marine fish oil were later validated by conventional researchers in chemistry and biology.”


Marine fish oil?

Revici was an original promoter of the therapeutic use of fish oil … but M.D. Anderson and other mainstream sources TURNED A BLIND EYE TO HIS DIRE WARNINGS ABOUT THE DARK SIDE OF LONG CHAIN FATTY ACIDS (LCFA).


I studied interpretations of Dr. Revici for hours every day before I had access to his 772-page textbook.

It also frustrated me beyond the beyond because the source I first discovered misinterpreted him.

Over the years I’ve found half a dozen other well-meaning misinterpretations of Revici.

Even some of the people involved in that Manhattan lab I mentioned in a previous correspondence didn’t grasp some of Revici’s simpler concepts.

Basically, if you stop looking at the trees blocking your view of the forest, you’ll have better luck understanding his concepts.

Read Chapter 1 of his textbook (“Basic Concepts of Organization”) over and over and over and over and over again.


My major Revici-related e-book is CANCEL—Not Cancer.

Acidify Or Die also presents some of his most relevant concepts.


'Dr. Emanuel Revici' have 2 comments

  1. February 18, 2022 @ 9:28 pm John

    Hello Atom! Until the universe provides you shortly with the means to build your lab for proper mineral testing, what would you think about the idea of people taking Revici-style lipid-bound minerals like Selenium and Zinc at amounts near the US RDA?

    Does their lipid-bound state mean these forms of Selenium and Zinc would be stored in different areas of the body / cells than when they are consumed via fruits and vegetables, and possibly mean a lower daily requirement than traditionally recommended?


    • September 1, 2022 @ 11:23 am Atom

      It’s OK if you have an illness you’re correcting via acid-alkaline balancing.

      Otherwise, it’s like playing Russian roulette with a two-chambered revolver.


      Annaelize (History of Medicine) wrote …

      “By observing the quantum or energetic properties of lipids in health and disease, Dr. Revici discovered non-toxic lipid chemotherapy that effectively treats pain and cancer, as well as many other symptoms and diseases.”


      Long story short, if you’re planning to do Guided Chemotherapy, go for it.


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