Dr. Jennifer Daniels
Author of The Lethal Dose: Murder By Medicine is No Accident
Dr. Daniels is a former medical doctor who had her medical license suspended due to not prescribing enough drugs and truly healing her patients. Dr.Daniels is widely considered one of the foremost Alternative Healing Physicians alive today. She graduated from Harvard University with Honors receiving a BA degree. Her education continued at the University of Pennsylvania where she received her Medical Degree (MD) and also attended Wharton where she received her MBA in Health Care Administration. She practiced medicine for 10 years as a Board Certified Family Practice Physician where she saw first hand the power of Natural Methods.
She has been coaching clients to successfully heal naturally since 1985. She is the author of the award winning book, Do You Have the Guts to Be Beautiful?
Show highlights:
Dr. Daniels is 63, but looks 16; what is her secret for fabulous skin?
When did Dr. Daniels realize that what is taught in medical school is all wrong
What Dr. Daniels was taught about vaccines in school
Does Dr. Daniels think we will see a mandatory COVID vaccine? She shares what President Trump said about it and it’s GREAT news; you can’t mandate a vaccine for a disease that has a cure
Dr. Daniels still insists that this virus does not exist
We’re trained now to believe everything we are taught; we need to go back to questioning everything like we did in past generations
The importance of upgrading our data set
The Elite want the right to exterminate you at will
Does ginger cause wrinkles?
How flaxseeds can be used to retain moisture in the body
Dr. Daniels on the air how she takes turpentine with sugar; do not do this until you study the protocol on Dr. Daniels website; she experiences more comfort and flexibility in her body than she did in her 20s
How to learn how to deliver your baby at home
The big problem with blood tests
The healing benefits of eating cow brains
What is causing the high Parkinson’s diagnosis’?
Why Dr. Daniels doesn’t eat a lot of fish
A listener has a little white ball inside their lower lip; what could be the cause?
The problem with Plavix; is there a natural blood thinner?
Taking a look at your strategy for living; it it possible to thrive under any political regime
The idea of “autoimmune” issues is nonsense
Why would an ear keep filling up with fluid?
Healers Home Study Course
Consultation with Dr. Daniels
Candida Cleaner Report:
You can get Dr. Daniel’s free report on using turpentine safely and effectively. Get the
“Candida Cleaner†here.
Dr. Daniel’s August visit, full of vim and vigor and takes a little turpentine on the air, lots of questions answered, August 24, 2020
'Dr. Jennifer Daniels – God Made Mistakes, But the Docs Are Here to Fix Them… Huh?!!!! – August 24, 2020' have 6 comments
August 24, 2020 @ 7:23 pm Nancy
Hope download option will be available soon.
August 26, 2020 @ 2:34 am Howard
If Dr. Daniels does not believe in the covid virus in the first place – then what is it? What is making people sick?
Do viruses even exist as such?
September 3, 2020 @ 10:34 am los
September 3, 2020 @ 4:48 pm Marlon D Glenn
People are making themselves sick and the powers that be are as well. Vaccines, toxins in everything…our bodies MAKE viruses to cleanse out the toxins. The only other way is via injection (vaccines). Covid-19 is a hoax, People have a hard time reconciling the fact they have been lied to so completely.
September 18, 2020 @ 10:56 am Adrienne Miller
dr daniels answers that question thoroughly in her podcast/video entitled covid clarity, its on vimeo and you can find it through her website too in the podcasts. i listened to this interview a few weeks ago, i dont recall exactly how she addressed your question in this video, but I bet she did, you just missed it, because of reasons which are not your fault, weve all been misled in terrible ways we do not recognize easily. i hope you listen to more of her words, also you could look up dr dolores cahill, there are many doctors out there answering your question. blessings to you, it is difficult to accept the lies.
August 27, 2020 @ 10:16 pm Brian Simonis
Having a Cr-_n case is absolutely meaningless. It’s an insult to the scientific method, using surrogate markers (short-cuts) that do not work to prove a non-existent virus, one that has never been isolated or purified.Â
In truth, both “HIV” and CV19″ exists only in the sense that it’s already found on the 6th and 8th chromosome respectively in every human being.
The test PCR is not even looking at a virus–no it’s “looking” at genetic material.
As for symptoms of CV19, they appear to be more like Disseminated intravascular coagulation (aka, pulmonary thrombosis or Disseminated intravascular thrombosis) – Really all the same thing, a clotting issue. Or to put it another way, when iron is separated from hemoglobin. This is very treatable.
This is when blood clots develop throughout the bloodstream, blocking small blood vessels. The increased clotting depletes the platelets and clotting factors needed to control bleeding, causing excessive bleeding.
So if this involves the respiratory system, the last thing anyone would want is to get put on a ventilator, because they will die even faster and it’s already ‘normal’ for the medical cartel’s standard of care to use them to kill off their patients (in other words, they’ve been killing people with these for decades usually between 60 and 90%).
We could all speculate if there is either something in the air (something invisible ala high frequency fifth generation, milometer wavelength known to reduce vitamin D receptors and separate iron from hemoglobin. It can also be conflated CV19 with pneumonia, common cold, seasonal flu and co-morbidities (from existing health complications).
Something in the air could be cyanide (it’s not uncommon in large cities–can cause these symptoms).
Produce toxins (contaminated with botulism toxins) would create these exact symptoms.
Vaccine and/or supply supply contamination.
Ironically, with the locks downs, less people perished from traffic accidents and less people being killed from standard of care and less infants dying from their rounds of toxic shots, however more suicides, depression, drug addiction and divorces.
The message I’ve been trying to get across is anti-inflammatory, intravenous chlorine dioxide and/or hydroxychloroquine + zinc, and/or high-dose melatonin (vitamin D too) are all available to try to address the syndrome (or disease from unknown pathology.)
There’s never been a virus in history to be a proven artifact of disease. It’s all based on a false premise.