Dr. Sherry Yafai

Medical Marijuana

For the first time ever, a cannabis reform bill will make it through the Judiciary Committee during Republican control of the Congress. Sponsored by (R-FL) Rep. Matt Gaetz and 40 other bipartisans, the Medical Cannabis Research Act would require the federal government to issue more licenses to grow marijuana to be used in scientific studies.  For many years, the University of Mississippi has been the only legal source of cannabis for research, but scientists and other industry professionals have often complained that it is difficult to obtain product from the facility and that it is often of low-quality marijuana that is grown there.  High Sobriety, a cannabis-inclusive recovery environment based in Los Angeles, is finding success using medical cannabis to aid in addiction recovery, which could shift the landscape of future recovery approaches. High Sobriety’s recovery methods support a spectrum of recovery alternatives for individuals who have been previously unable to stop using alcohol and/or other drugs like opioids after attending traditional abstinence-based settings.  High Sobriety’s Director of Research and Development, Dr. Sherry Yafai M.D., is a classically trained Emergency Medicine Physician, member of the Society of Cannabis Clinicians and lead for projects with the UCLA Cannabis Initiative showing that cannabis protocols will assist patients in maintaining long term sobriety. She works with the recovery home to implement a targeted, goal-directed protocol for each individual resident to provide long term sobriety.

A bit about the history of medical marijuana in California and Colorado

The Dr. explains the difference in CBD, smoking marijuana and edibles

The milligrams of THC in a chocolate is 100 times more than one joint

Medical Marijuana is being used for harm reduction and helping people get off of drugs and alcohol

The CBD Oil market is totally un regulated so there’s a wide variety of quality and strengths that are not being sold properly to consumers

“Epidiolex” is a new pharmaceutical drug that is medical marijuana

There is some serious research going on with medical marijuana in Israel and Spain

There are several types of THC’s and some need heat to activate psychoactive effects

 Various Strains are used for different conditions, such  as insomnia

Some emails: How is Medical Marijuana use for Alcoholics

you mention the metabolism of curcumin through the liver. where can I get more information about cutting edge research on function of the liver or how glutathione is involved in your opinion?

Patrick, can you please as the Doctor What is the best ratio of THC to CBD in an oil tincture to take for sleep? Specifically, for sleep maintenance.. Thnx! Kira (from California)

Do you think that big pharma has kept cannabis suppressed until they could come out with their own patented stuff

Colostrum 740 X 90 Mountains

Dr. Sherry Yafai M.D. on Medical Marijuana for healing and drug/alcohol addiction, October 4, 2018

'Dr. Sherry Yafai – Successful Use of Cannabis in Addiction Recovery and Pain – October 4, 2018' has no comments

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