Dr. Steve Shiver D.C.


Lifetime character weaknesses to overcome is being more lazy than smart while trying to see “how much I can get away with and still get to ‘heaven/bliss’,” 

all the while knowing “Fate Is The Hunter” 


Steve Shiver D.C. is a 40 yr DC as primary care physician, 1st in Texas and now Arkansas. His primary mentors are Adano Ley swami, George Goodheart applied kinesiology and Alan Beardall clinical kinesiology. Diplomats in Clinical Neurology, Acupuncture, Clinical Nutrition. Training in Europe on German acupuncture/electronic homeopathic diagnosis/therapy by Dr. Voll and Dr. Schimel Vega testing.  He toured China experiencing traditional bare foot village medicine to hospital surgeries with just accup. anesthesia.  A few times over, trained in functional medicine diagnostics with injectables & IV’s and chelation. He took a cancer patient to Dr. Livingston-Wheeler clinic to both successfully cure her pelvic lymphatic CA and learn the protocols.

There is a plethora of information on lengthening the neck with a wide variety of ways to do it:

Why is this important?

Why does the neck get all saggy?

What benefits can be expected with lengthening over time?

Steve introduced Atom to Adano Ley, also known as Swami Nitty Gritty...and Atom Bergstrom’s spiritual guide

Dr. Steve has helped infants with all sorts of maladies by adjusting the upper cervical

He’s a big supporter of Knee Chest Upper Cervical Chiropractic as well as Atlas Orthogonal (We’ve done shows on both..hot links here)

Interesting talk on the upper cervical and the nervous system

Lots more is going on with baby when breast feeding than nutrition

Dr. Shiver focuses in on C-3, C-4 and C-5

He talks a great deal about neck traction devices and wedges to lengthen the neck

He contends get the neck really stretched out, allowing free flow of blood, information and energy through the Atlas, the right minerals and we are good to go.

The best sleep postures and the preferred pillows for structural health

He recommends watching Dr. Petibone videos on You Tube

Some of the many emails:

Can Doctor Steve describe how our heads / necks should be for sleeping?

Would Steve consider making a you tube video to demonstrate these neck stretching hints?

Can Doctor Steve tell us how to increase the density of connective tissue in our brains?

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Dr. Steve Shiver D.C. on his 40 years of experience, what he’s learned on stretching the neck, May 14th, 2019

'Dr. Steve Shivers D.C. – Everything Can Cure Everything – May 13, 2019' have 14 comments

  1. May 15, 2019 @ 8:25 am Jean

    That was the quickest description of Adano Ley I’ve ever heard! I guess after falling off the bike his brain never slowed down again…? ;-)
    Great to hear confirmation about these neck cushions. This spoke to me just a few weeks ago hearing a Dr Peter Martone.
    Thanks so much to Steve for even doing this!
    I think at the end he spoke about Virginia Livingston-Wheeler () who was also into pleomorphism, for one.


  2. May 16, 2019 @ 3:43 pm Atom

    Steve Shiver e-mailed me a PS to this show …

    “Wanted to mention that tugging on ear helix in various directions and lightly held can distinctly relax places in neck/spine d/t reflexes aligning segments for ease w/o audible adjusting to get on with tasks and traction better.”


  3. May 16, 2019 @ 3:55 pm Atom

    Here’s another interesting gem I received from Dr. Shiver …

    “Oh yeah in Europe, learned to take urine in syringe, put filter on then push into muscles, or draw venous blood and muscle inject for immediate great immune system boost. I taught [Dietrich] Klinghardt how to do this better way than trying to suck up through a restrictive filter with only 15 PSI atomsphere pushing up into syringe.”

    (“We live in an atom-sphere, not an atmosphere.” — Swami Nitty-Gritty)


    • May 18, 2019 @ 1:31 pm Dianthus

      Stop with BS bc there are also not Atoms man. Look into Atoms and you find smaller particles and look further and there is a whole world behind Atoms. You are so into SNG but he makes it more difficult to see the simplicity of Life and that is based on three laws and you even do not know these simple laws that can explain everything. Good luck


      • May 18, 2019 @ 7:37 pm Atom

        Law Number 1 —> Yes.

        Law Number 2 —> No.

        Law Number 3 — Maybe.


      • May 20, 2019 @ 1:19 pm Jean

        Dianthus, if you still think there are particles, you are actually a follower of… Atomism :)


  4. May 16, 2019 @ 8:32 pm jonny

    this is a n official invitation to come back ASAP…great guest…. I smell a regular.


  5. May 18, 2019 @ 1:26 pm Steven Shiver

    Greetings fellow Earthlings. Its been said that behind every great man, there is a strong willed driving woman. So as much as Adano Swami Nitty Gritty gets quoted and discussed, it was his wife Margaret Berry DC that guided me into Chiropractic and whipped Adano into a character presentable in public and to open Life Stress Research Institute that Atom graduated from. Margaret was ionconicTexas ranch gal, the kind that would chase off raiding Indians with a broom! I learned ‘spiritual’ discipline by Margaret’s example rather more than Adano, who like me was generally trying to get away with something Scot Free.
    Jean, I fell or jumped out of tall trees and flimsy tree houses, many fights and sports skull fractures, crashes skiing behind race boats, ultra light plane crash, plus prior dying out of body brain protein coagulating hi fever -expanded 360′ globe aware from all points of view at once in a couple hundred yards diameter, though house structure and power lines, insects to the blue sky and down into Earth, sand crystals, worms, bacteria, water etc. [not associated with dying body point of view as usual OBE report] – then last 20 yrs in Ozarks, putting race cycle on head @ 120 mph, killing deer with helmet 70 mph impact plus numerous killing of large dogs and small goats that did not injur my spine too much but about tore off ankles, knees, hips, shoulders, elbows, hands – to point I could see boot bottom w/o taking it off, lifting leg left lower leg on ground till skin stretch snapped it back in shearing pain, or squatting after limping/dragging home to have remaining hip joint finish fracturing to pop out surprise big lump through pants.
    As long as I kept up neck attention and minerals and temporary HIGH dose proteolytic enzymes, tapped/wrapped joints together with rubber magnets under, I did not suffer much at all nor missed any work. I would over do tromping around for sudden scream as I fell down tearing injury open again, but only short pain spike that eased right up to be wiser on how to gimp around avoiding the weakest loading till out of mind in a few seeks.

    A joint repair experiment was done on rabbits, power drilled big hole all the way thru their knees. One group casted to drag around, another group ace bandage fixed almost stable and 3rd group put in slow clock like joint moving device. The 1st ground had solid bone, no joint left, 2nd group had froozen joint form all the scar and spurs, while last group had perfect complete new joint but a bit bigger tougher than the un-drilled control knee. Joints must be moved and loaded a bit to become a joint or if held still too long, no more joint. Another rabbit & mouse experiment last few years, crushed their paws, ankle or wrists, to see the connective tissue would send out fibers to the bone pieces and pulled them back in alignment to fuse then reformed better than new joints! Same applies to cervical and lumbars.

    Microscopy was my childhood hobby so fascinated by pleomorphism and pleased to see this through Dr. Livingston-Wheel microscopes. See successfully treated a pelvic lymphatic cancer case I traveled with to Calif. Lots of Proteolytic enzymes were one of her big guns too.

    I’m 67 orbits old but have no symptoms or limits to do hard labor as long as needed or be still traveling or study or tedious mechanical turmoils as long as needed w/o notice of body or hunger or fatigue. I needed reading glass at age 50, but the two horrific motorcycle neck/skull/limb mangling, that neck traction also restored clear vision so can read tiny bottle labels in dim light last 15 yr. All my many and severe food or air borne dust/pollen/smoke/fumes have resolved completely too, so can get away with a lot more diet-drinks-desert no no’s at parties or travel. Festive events should be savored, just not major part of life style or ease – UGH.

    Enough of me, check out these 2 video lectures to expand awareness of subtle things that can do us in or assist into bliss state.



    • May 18, 2019 @ 7:57 pm Atom

      When Doc Steve lived, worked, and taught in Houston, we called hm The Wizard.

      I’ve known him since 1975.


    • July 27, 2019 @ 4:27 am John

      Hello Dr Shiver, thank you for your neck exercise (over the edge of the bed) which I am carefully following. Would it be of further benefit to also yawn while in this position ?


      • July 27, 2019 @ 4:29 am John

        Also, are pillows a bad idea when sleeping? Better to use none?, or use a small folded up blanket instead ?


  6. May 19, 2019 @ 9:23 pm Steven Shiver

    Damnit Dianthus your physics points are never enduing and still pester me now. I’m in camp that thinks we’ll never know the full facts and at some limit going deeper we run into limit of human concepts capacity so can only witness in symbols and then best guesses interpreting. In ’73 about 15 stressed students took one the first offerings of solid state physical chemistry, now called condensed matter quantum mechanics. Literally 20 ft tall sliding chalk boards two layers deep in equations we had to plot out in graphics of the De Borglie probability wave/clouds shapes plus the energies involved. Atoms are not solar systems analogy. With electronic feedback and entrancement devices plus ‘shrooms I imaged-in to the nucleus billiards game seeing blurring bobs I assumed were protons/neutrons to sense tiny sparkles in the blobs to focus on, to hit my comprehension limit suddenly seeing classic cartoon characters inter acting and inter changing like looney tunes! I think might of witnessed quark/gluon level but of course will never know for sure.
    I’m tested remote viewer back then via Silva Mind Control so know we can only experience reality via body filters/symbols so please expand on your remarks as may trigger some better connections or questions.
    Above kind of boring repetitious as any temporarily fascinating new kaleidoscope toy. So quit subatomic particle/wave zoo to aim attention at fields and plasmas for suspended heart beat bliss awareness I never wanted to quit. Funny thing happened on the way in/along/through – saw the geometry of space virtual particles splashed both ways to occasional hit another to manifest it.


    • May 22, 2019 @ 6:10 pm Helvig

      Mr Shiver
      please consider, for a limited time with a limited audience, sharing these secrets of the universe! I suppose most of the folks listing here are merely mortal and cannot run into moving objects at high speed and live to tell the tale. This is not my aim necessarily, loosing my glasses, yes… thinking more clearly, yes… thwarting evil, yes…. vast improvement in my life yes yes yes…..yes yes.
      As Dr Will Wong says “be well and God bless”

      PS not so easy to find a Dakota device with out a $300 visit to the chiropractor and lots of begging. Maybe you know the secret.


  7. June 3, 2019 @ 1:31 pm Steve

    Here is a good video where chiropractic doctor Nathalie demonstrates the proper way to use the Dakota wedge – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yN5_vbcODQE


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