Adano Ley (Swami Nitty-Gritty) said …

An ectomorph sunburns on the back and shoulders.

An endomorph sunburns on the abdomen.

A mesomorph sunburns on the face and sleeps with an open mouth.

William H. Sheldon identified three basic body types in the 1940s and linked them to personality characteristics.

He called them somatypes, and named them endomorphs, mesomorphs, and ectomorphs.

Sheldon’s somatypes correspond to the earlier pyknic, athletic, and asthenic classification found in Ernst Kretschmer’s Physique & Character, 1936, 1970.

They also correspond to the still earlier Ayurvedic types of Kapha, Pitta, and Vata, with the slow and stable Kapha being the endomorph, the aggressive and willful Pitta being the mesomorph, and the sensitive and restless Vata being the ectomorph.

These three somatypes of ectomorph, endomorph, and mesomorph evolve out of three Growth Zones of light.

Endoplasm and the endomorph relate to Zone Three, corresponding to the bottom of the vertical axis of both plants and animals.

Sexual and excretory organs evolve from endomorphic geotropic geometry.

Mesoplasm and the mesomorph relate to Zone Two, corresponding to the transverse axis of both plants and animals.

Lymph, blood, bone, muscle, connective tissue, and the heart and adrenal cortex evolve from mesomorphic spiral geometry.

Ectoplasm and the ectomorph relate to Zone One, corresponding to the top of the vertical axis of both plants and humans.

Skin, hair, nails, and the brain and adrenal medulla evolve from ectomorphic heliotropic geometry.

This “sacred geometry” of root, foliage, and shoot is fundamental to any understanding of Solar Nutrition.

The three Light Zones and three body types also relate to the first, second, and third trimesters of pregnancy.

Solar Nutrition is not just about the bottom line. It’s also about the top line and the middle line.

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'Endomorph, Mesomorph, & Ectomorph Somatypes' have 6 comments

  1. June 22, 2012 @ 10:14 pm atomb

    Did you know you can determine a lot about nutrition by handwriting analysis?

    Clue: Handwriting analysis divides handwriting into three zones.

  2. June 22, 2012 @ 10:26 pm atomb

    Handwriting analysis can detect cancer in its pre-cancerous and early stages.

    [Name Withheld] Insurance used it on the down-low on life insurance applicants.

    Applicants who didn’t qualify weren’t told why they were being rejected.

  3. June 23, 2012 @ 10:49 am John

    Hi Atom,
    does AM food time begin at 12 midnight ?
    If I wake up at 1pm should I not eat any AM foods for that day ?

    • June 23, 2012 @ 3:11 pm atomb

      12:30 a.m. is the beginning of Zone One.

      Tree foods can be eaten any time between 12:30 a.m. and noon.

      Nature has designed us to eat mostly from trees in our reach for the stars.

      Quoting Casey Kasem, “Keep your feet on the ground [Zone Three] and keep reaching for the stars [Zone One]!”

  4. June 23, 2012 @ 3:46 pm atomb

    Beets are high in natural MSG.

    Beet MSG is healthy for you when eaten at night, esp. at Circulation-Sex Time (7:00-9:00 p.m.).

    This source of MSG was first considered as a gasoline additive.

  5. June 25, 2012 @ 1:00 pm David

    Dear Atom, I (male, 43) have a foot injury from playing tennis on hard courts for a month now.
    It looks like it is Plantar fasciitis, along the sole of my right foot.
    What can I do or eat to heal it quickly ?

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